
Not all who pass the nights from love distraught

ما كل من سهر الليالي مغرما

1. Not all who pass the nights from love distraught,
In tears and anguish and consuming flame,

١. ما كلّ من سهر الليالي مغرماً
بمدامعٍ ومواجعٍ ولهيبِ

2. Are like to him whose heart’s desire has brought
More fiercely glowing firebrands of shame:

٢. مثل الّذي نار الغرام بقلبه
يزداد تلهيباً على تلهيب

3. Who parted from his folk in manner haught
And doffed the robe of prudence in disdain,

٣. هجر الكرى ثمّ احتظى بسهاده
وأماط خلع عذاره بنحيب

4. Who left alike both friends and strangers, naught
Recking if those he loved should work him pain.

٤. ترك الأقارب والأباعد جملةً
ورضي من المحبوب بالتعذيب