1. The zeal of the close companions, ask
Whom the messengers extol
١. حمى حيّ التداني سَلُوا
بمن تسمو به الرسلُ
2. He is the door through which
All the messengers have entered
٢. هو الباب الذي منه
جميع الرسل قد دخلوا
3. So they are truly his representatives
In what they have said and conveyed
٣. فهم نوّابُه حقّاً
بما قالوا وما نقلوا
4. And were it not for him they would not have been sent
Nor would they have reached the truth
٤. ولولاه لما بعثوا
ولا للحقّ قد وصلوا
5. The most preferred in perception, truly
With no peer or parallel
٥. أجلّ مفضّلٍ في الحس
ن حقّاً ما له مَثَل
6. Not Salma, nor Labana
Neither Layla nor Jamal
٦. فما سلمى وما لبنى
وما ليلى وما جُمل
7. What a full moon
By which moons gain their completion
٧. فيا لله من بدر
به الأقمار تكتمل
8. What a light
By which sights gain their kohl
٨. ويا لله من نور
به الأبصار تكتحل
9. They were blind to the light of his sunrise
And the light of his beauty they ignored
٩. عمُوا عن نور طلعته
ونورَ جماله جهلوا
10. He is the ocean from which
The people of merit have drawn
١٠. هو البحر الّذي منه
رجال الفضل قد نهلوا
11. I died of love and passion for him
Leave the words of blame and fault
١١. فمت في حبّه وجداً
ودع قول الألى عذلوا
12. Increase in yearning and passion
With a heart preoccupied by him
١٢. فهم شوقاً وزد عشقاً
بقلب فيه يشتغل
13. And say, O best of Allah's creation
I supplicate you
١٣. وقل يا خير خلق الل
ه إنّي فيك مبتهل
14. For you are the door to request
And the goal and the hope
١٤. فأنت الباب للطلّا
بِ والمقصود والأمل