
O Prophet, may your Master bless you

يا نبيا عليك مولاك صلى

1. O Prophet, may your Master bless you
And we are commanded that we pray upon you

١. يا نَبِيّاً عَلَيكَ مَولاكَ صَلّى
وَأُمِرنا أَنّا نُصَلّي عَلَيكا

2. All that we present of your prayers, so the traveler
From us has delivered them to you

٢. كُلُّ ما نُهدي مِن صَلاتِكَ فَالأَم
لاكُ مِنّا قَد بَلَّغَتها إِلَيكا

3. So you return the greeting as a favor upon us
And it suffices us that we were mentioned before you

٣. فَتَرُدُّ السَلامَ فَضلاً عَلَينا
وَكَفانا أَنّا ذُكِرنا لَدَيكا

4. Except that the prayer in the luminous night
Is privileged to be heard by your ears

٤. غَيرَ أَنَّ الصَلاةَ في اللَيلَةِ الزَه
راءِ تَحظى بِالسَمعِ مِن أُذُنَيكا

5. So upon you is the prayer from us accompanied
By a greeting kissing your heels

٥. فَعَلَيكَ الصَلاةُ مِنّا تَواخَت
بِسَلامٍ مُقَبِّلٍ أَخمَصَيكا

6. And the regards in spirit went to you
Hoping to kiss the noble of your hands

٦. وَالتَحايا بِالروحِ نَحوَكَ راحَت
تَرتَجي اللَثمَ مِن شَريفِ يَدَيكا

7. From servants who always gift you prayer
As long as the dawn breeze touched any of you

٧. مِن عُبَيدٍ يَهديكَ دَوماً صَلاةً
ما نَسيمُ الأَسحارِ صافَحَ أَيكا