1. After I send good greetings,
there appears like the full moon with light and beauty,
١. بعد ما أهدي سلاماً حسنا
لاح كالبدر بنورٍ وسنا
2. a beloved whom I have not stopped seeing
in my heart, awake or asleep.
٢. لحبيبٍ لم أزل أبصره
في فؤادي يقظةً أو وسنا
3. Absent from me yet present with me
far yet close he has come to me.
٣. غائبٌ عنّي وعندي حاضرٌ
وبعيدٌ وهو منِّي قد دنا
4. My heart has not stopped seeing him beautifully,
as beautifully as the believers saw him.
٤. لم يزل قلبي يراه حسناً
ما رآه المؤمنون حسنا
5. The rose of love where we quenched our thirst blossomed in it as a meadow,
so we drank from its cup directly.
٥. طاب وِردُ الحبِّ فيه منهلاً
فشربنا بالتصافي كأسنا
6. And there came from it a pure book,
which denied with affection our troubles.
٦. وأتى منه كتابٌ قد صفا
ونفى بالودِّ عنّا بأسنا
7. The garden of remembrance in which we were raised,
where the Lord nurtured our sapling.
٧. روضة الذكر بها نشأتنا
حيث ربّى الربُّ فيها غرسنا
8. From it intimate fruits drew near me,
manifesting our bliss and love.
٨. نجتني منها قطوفاً قد دنت
بالهنا والحبّ يبدي أنسنا
9. And we have an intimate other than the mention
of the one whose beauty in holiness appears and clarifies our wedding.
٩. ولنا أنسٌ سوى ذكر الّذي
بجمالٍ لاح يجلو عرسنا
10. Exalted in the presence of holiness that manifests
with attributes that sanctified our holiness.
١٠. جلّ في حضرة قدسٍ تنجلي
بصفاتٍ أشهدتنا قدسنا