1. The sphere of highness presented a shining star
And it travelled through the mansions with good omen
١. فلك العلا قد زفّ نجماً زاهرا
وغدا بسعدٍ في المنازل سائرا
2. The sun of the East shone from its pole
And the secret of light revolved around it
٢. والشرق لاحت شمسه من قطبه
وعليه سرّ النور أصبح دائرا
3. From the orient of the most high honor and the Lote-tree
The garden of paradise had grown tall
٣. من مشرق الشرف العليّ وسدرة ال
روض الجني من قد تسامى كابرا
4. Al-Murtada the garden of Al-Ridha who had matured
With the determination of Ali, the drawn sword of resolve
٤. المرتضي روض الرضا من قد نضا
بعليِّ عزمٍ سيفَ حزمٍ شاهرا
5. Namely the hero of God and one who became
Looking at us with the glances of gift
٥. أعني فتى باز الإله ومن غدا
فينا بألحاظ الموهب ناظرا
6. So congratulations to our Master, happiness with his son
For he had fascinated elders and youngsters
٦. فليهنَ مولانا الهناء بنجله
فلقد أسرّ أكابراً وأصاغرا
7. None remained absent in that sanctuary
From his grace except one present
٧. لم يبق في ذاك الحمى من غائبٍ
عن فضله إلّا ووافى الحاضرا
8. And the openings of bliss, its conclusion was
Sealed with the musk of praise, fragrant among us
٨. وفواتح السرّاء كان ختام أك
ؤسها بمسك الحمد فينا عاطرا
9. The noble year gives glad tidings to our gathering
Of purity where it saw our immaculate one
٩. والسنة الغرّا تبشّر جمعَنا
بالطهر حيث رأت ختاناً طاهرا
10. O friend, had you attended the feast of supplies
You would have seen the disposal clearly
١٠. يا صاح لو وافيت يوم موائد ال
أمداد أبصرت التصرّف ظاهرا
11. Or you would have solved the riddle of its date
And in his quarter seen an evident mystery
١١. أو قد حللت حماةَ في تاريخه
وبحيّه شاهدت سرّاً باهرا
12. The pillar of the straight religion still stands
And the path of Islam always has its supporter
١٢. لا زال للدين الحنيفي ركنَه
ولسنّة الإسلام دوماً ناصرا
13. What glory first came to praise him
And the end with good concluded blessing them last
١٣. ما الفتح وافى مادحيه أَوَّلاً
والختم بالحسنى حباهم آخِرا