
The guide of the caravan hastened in secrecy and urged on his mount

حادي الركب سر وحث المطيه

1. The guide of the caravan hastened in secrecy and urged on his mount
Towards the land of generosity, to the monastery of the generous one

١. حاديَ الركبِ سر وحثّ المطيّهْ
لديار العطا بدير العطيّهْ

2. In those meadows you find the spring of intimacy whose fragrant flowers have bloomed
A paradise adorned in its pasture with fruits of splendor like pearls

٢. فبتلك الربوع تلقى ربيع ال
أنس فاحت أزهارُها العبهريّه

3. Waters flow beneath it as if extending a cordial welcome to newcomers
And the maidens of the waters dance when the breeze stirs up passion in them

٣. جنّةٌ قد تزخرفت في رباها
بثمارٍ من البهاء جنيّه

4. The branches of the gardens sway distractedly where enchanting breezes sang
How excellent, how excellent the meanings of songs are for welcoming the intimate places

٤. تجري من تحتها المياه بأنها
ر التهاني للواردين مريّه

5. And through it the full moons shine with a radiance of beautiful light
What wonderful dwellings in which a perfect full moon rose with a brilliant ascension

٥. وجواري المياه ترقص لمّا
شبّب الريح يشجي منها الشجيّه

6. Its refined venerable elder from whom gleaming signs of brightness emerged
A sea of generosity in a land of righteousness appeared and astonished this matter

٦. وغصون الرياض تهتزّ تيهاً
حيث غنّت نسائمٌ سحريّه

7. With a nature like a garden in bloom when rained upon by hands of generosity
And hands whose touch revives you and even brings forth the growth of faithful gifts

٧. حبّذا حبّذا معاني الأغاني
لتهاني المعالم الأنسيّه

8. A refuge for the destitute which has been sweetened with roses
And we have quenched our thirst at the noble spring

٨. وبها للبها لوامع نورٍ
بضياءٍ من الجمال بهيّه

9. His palms copied in the world the verse of generosity from a Hatim-like hand
High ambitions that rose to the summit of glory, transcending and towering

٩. يا لها من منازل لاح فيها
بدرُ تمٍّ بطلعة أنوريّه

10. They brought me delight with a palace at a lofty riverbank with an Asafi-like resolve
A perfect full moon shone in a night of anxiety dispelling the darkness of gloomy sorrows

١٠. شيخها الكامل المهذّب فيها
منه لاحت لوامعٌ ألمعيّه

11. O sea! We came to you thirsty to gather the pearl jewels
From which we string necklaces in you, adorning the neck of the generous among mankind

١١. بحر جودٍ في برِّ برٍّ تراه
قد تبدّى فاعجب لهذي القضيّه

12. Remain for people a sea of righteousness for pilgrims in a protected plain
The ardour of lovers does not wane when the guide hastens and urges his mount

١٢. ذو طباعٍ كالروض أزهر لمّا
أمطرته سحب الأيادي النديّه