
Our Lord, we did mention You

ربنا إننا لهجنا بذكرك

1. Our Lord, we did mention You
And stood humble at Your door of kindness

١. رَبَّنا إِنَّنا لَهَجنا بِذِكرِكْ
وَوَقفنا بِالذُلِّ في بابِ بِرِّكْ

2. You said in Your ancient remembrance, remember Me
So we obeyed hearing, willingly following Your command

٢. قُلتَ في ذِكرِكَ القَديمِ اِذكُروني
فَاِمتَثَلنا بِالسَمعِ طَوعاً لِأَمرِك

3. And we remembered You, so remember all of us
With the unveiling of secrets from the secret of Your secrets

٣. وَذَكَرناكَ فَاِذكُر الكُلَّ مِنّا
بِتَجَلّي الأَسرارِ مِن سِرِّ سِرِّك

4. And we came as monotheists with a heart
In which none are present save Your Oneness

٤. وَأَتَينا مُوَحِّدينَ بِقَلبٍ
لَيسَ فيهِ شُهودُ تَوحيدِ غَيرِك

5. And we worshipped You wherever You are worthy
And We praised You as Your gratitude increased

٥. وَعَبَدناكَ حَيثُما أَنتَ أَهلٌ
وَحَمَدناكَ مَع تَزايُدِ شُكرِك

6. From You we hope for success, secretly and openly
For all hearts are chained by Your captivity

٦. مِنكَ نَرجو التَوفيقَ سِرّاً وَجَهراً
فَجَميعُ القُلوبِ في قَيدِ أَسرِك

7. Grant us our request and fulfill our hopes
For the command is Yours, we all are under Your subjugation

٧. أَعطِنا سُؤلَنا وَحَقِّق رَجانا
وَلَكَ الأَمرُ كُلُّنا تَحتَ قَهرِك

8. We have testified to the Oneness of Your Essence, we are not
Like those whose witnessing has association

٨. قَد شَهِدنا بِوَحدَةِ الذاتِ لَسنا
مِثلَ مَن في شُهودِهِ جاءَ مُشرِك

9. Show us, our Lord, the truth as truth
Beyond manifestation of traces of Your ordained destiny

٩. أَرِنا رَبَّنا بِكَ الحَقَّ حَقّاً
عَن تَجَلّي آثارِ أَقدارِ قَدرِك

10. All that exists is truth, and this
Is by all witnessing, manifestation of Your affair

١٠. كُلُّ ما في الوُجودِ حَقٌّ وَهَذا
بِشُهودِ الجَميعِ مَظهَرُ أَمرِك

11. So let us taste the wine of witnessing to unveil
By unveiling, the coverings of Your veil be removed from us

١١. فَأَذِقنا خَمرَ الشُهودِ لِتُجلَى
بِالتَجَلّي لَنا بَراقِعُ سِترِك

12. And quench our thirst in sanctuaries with cups of nearing
By the hand of grace, from the wine of Your remembrance

١٢. وَاِسقِنا في الحِمى كُؤوسَ التَداني
بِيَدِ الفَيضِ مِن مَدامَةِ ذِكرِك

13. By the Beloved who is the door to opening, and whoever attained
From You keys of victory, upon him blessings and peace

١٣. بِالحَبيبِ الَّذي هُوَ البابُ لِلفَت
حِ وَمَن حازَ مِنكَ مِفتاحَ نَصرِك

14. As long as the days continue, wherever Your kindness rains.

١٤. فَعَلَيهِ الصَلاةُ وَالآلِ وَالصَح
بِ مَدى الدَهرِ ما هَمى غَيثُ بِرِّك