1. Pour the cup of music for us, so we are delighted,
And pass around the wine with goblets, server.
١. صفا كأس السماع لنا فطبنا
وساقي الراح بالأقداح دائرْ
2. We became immersed in passion until we understood
From instruments, signs of the months.
٢. فهِمنا في الهوى حتّى فهمنا
من الآلات آيات الأشائرْ
3. Love's radiance shone clearly in a beloved
Of beauty, when he lifted the veils.
٣. ولاح الحبّ يُجلى في محيّاً
جماليٍّ وقد رفع الستائر
4. Being present at the revelation was sweet for us,
And with his charm, those who were there vanished.
٤. فطاب لنا الشهود لدى التجلّي
وغاب بأنسه من كان حاضر