
A house blessed with good fortune a house,

دار عليها السعد دار

1. A house blessed with good fortune a house,
When it became the house of the full moon a house.

١. دارٌ عليها السعد دارْ
لمّا غدت للبدر دارْ

2. And I see the lamps of elevation
Each circling its house and dwelling.

٢. وأرى مصابيح العلا
كلٌّ بدارتها استدار

3. And for every good fortune there is a rising star,
So in its highest part lies its orbit.

٣. ولكلّ سعدٍ طالعٌ
فعلى علاها له المدار

4. As if it were a dome that
The mighty heaven takes pride in.

٤. فكأنّما هي قبّة ال
فلك العليّ الافتخار

5. It was built by the generous one
Who is the pillar of homes.

٥. قد شادها الشهم الّذي
هو في الحمى قطب الديار

6. I mean Muhammad who constructed
Between mankind the cornerstone of pride.

٦. أعني محمّد مَن بنَى
بين الورى ركنَ الفخار

7. One who in his youth
Was a venerable and respected elder.

٧. مَن كان مِن سنّ الصِّبا
شيخاً جليل الاعتبار

8. The sea of bounty flowed from this benevolent one,
And the sea itself became his neighbor.

٨. برٌّ غدا بحر الندى
والبحر بات إليه جار

9. He built it as a Kabba
For those arriving, it is the shrine.

٩. فلقد بناها كعبةً
للواردين هي المزار

10. Glory revolved around its corner,
Zamzam flows in the minaret.

١٠. فالعزّ طاف بركنها
يسعى وزمزم في المنار

11. It was founded on piety
And the abode of settlement for communities.

١١. وعلى التقى قد أسِّست
وإلى القرى دار القرار

12. Whoever enters its courtyard
Finds freshness like the seas.

١٢. من حلّ ساحة سوحها
يجد الندى مثل البحار

13. Rather anyone who enters it
Sees it as the best house, and records the date.

١٣. بل كلّ من قد حلّها
أرّخ يراها خير دار