
The beautiful maidens are the key to attaining desires,

هوى الحسان الكواعب

1. The beautiful maidens are the key to attaining desires,
And love is the noblest path,

١. هوى الحسان الكواعب
مفتاح كنز المطالب

2. To reach the highest stations.
And to obtain every wish-

٢. والحب أسنى المذاهب
إلى عليِّ المراتب

3. Those who have not tasted the sweetness of affection's wine,
Remain veiled from the beauty of the lovely gazelles.

٣. ونيل كل المآرب
من لم يذق بالتصابي

4. We who have drank the pure wine of passion-
Are enraptured by the scene wherein we became intoxicated,

٤. لذيذ كأس الشراب
فهو الّذي في حجاب

5. While the beloved of love was absent,
And the star of the universe was setting.

٥. عن حسن غيد الربائب
الكاعبات الترائب

6. Salma and Labana say in words alluding to meaning-
Our eyes have become accustomed to beauty,

٦. نحن الّذي شربنا
صافي الهوى فطربنا

7. Adorned but with an eyebrow.
From it we saw wonders,

٧. بمشهدٍ فيه غبنا
وشاهد الحبّ غائب

8. So roam with it and then sing,
And narrate to the youth about me.

٨. وكوكب الكون غارب
تقول سلمى ولبنى

9. The path of love has made me an artist,
My mind has been lost through it,

٩. لفظاً يشير لمعنى
أمسى إلى الحسن عينا

10. And the heart's duty has been neglected.
Gifts are only from the one who drew near and humbled himself

١٠. زينت ولكن بحاجب
منه رأينا العجائب

11. To his Master, prayers be upon him,
And the best of pure lineages,

١١. فاشطح به ثمّ غنِّي
وارو الصبابة عنّي

12. And the companions, people of virtues.

١٢. فمذهب الحبّ فنّي
عقلي بها بات ذاهب

١٣. وواجب القلب سالب
وما المواهب إلّا

١٤. ممّن دنا فتدلّى
عليه مولاه صلّى

١٥. مع خير آلٍ أطايب
والصحب أهل المناقب