1. Alas, say to someone who has transgressed
Against me by slandering me in my absence
١. ألا قولوا لشخصٍ قد تعدّى
عليّ برجمه غيباً بغيبهْ
2. And watched me loudly with evil intention
To harm me and he fears no supervisor
٢. وراقبني بجهر السوء بغياً
على ضري ولا يخشى رقيبهْ
3. I have hidden arrows for him in the nights
So fate has not allotted him any portion of them
٣. خبّأت له سهاماً في الليالي
فلا قطع القضا منها نصيبهْ
4. Its arrow surpasses the bow of manifestation
And I hope they will strike him
٤. يفوّق سهمها قوس التجلّي
وأرجو أن تكون له مصيبهْ