1. Turn the jar of secrets with melodies, O Saad
And sing for us, for time has been good for your happiness
١. أدر خمرة الأسرار في الحان يا سعدُ
وغنّ لنا فالوقت طاب لك السعدُ
2. And repeat in my hearing the conversations describing him
For in it is the healing of the heart, O Saad, O Saad
٢. وكرّر على سمعي أحاديثَ وصفِها
ففيها شفاء القلب يا سعد يا سعدُ
3. And be active, hum, O son of Waddi, humming
With the mention of the God of the throne, for He is our purpose
٣. وهيّم ودمدم يا ابن ودّي مزمزماً
بذكر إله العرش فهو لنا القصد
4. And leave the foolishness of passion lost in its folly
Evil, distance and expulsion revolve around it
٤. وخلّ عذول الحبِّ في تيه غيّه
عليه يدور السوءُ والبعدُ والطرد
5. For we see the excess of dissolution as a doctrine
And we sip the rose water of nearness, how good is this rose!
٥. فنحن نرى فرط التهتّك مذهباً
ونرشف ورد القرب يا حبّذا الورد
6. And it blooms when the singers sing her name
And we don't pasture away from it, even if we were shrouded
٦. وتزهو إذا غنّى المغنّون باسمها
ولا نرعوي عنها ولو ضمَّنا اللحد
7. May God protect the times of youth, they
Soothed my innermost being, and the heart untouched by harm
٧. رعى الله أوقاتَ الصبابة إنّها
شفَت مهجتي والقلب ما مسّه ضدّ
8. Nights of intimacy in the dwellings of Zainab
And Layla and Su`da and passion has for it firewood
٨. ليالي أنسٍ في معاهد زينبٍ
وليلى وسُعدى والغرام له وقد
9. Strolling at ease in the shade of its tents
Freed, and the singers sing for her
٩. تروّق راحاً في ظلال خيامها
معتّقةً فالمطربون لها تشدو
10. On raised couches and carpets
And the morning breeze strides briskly in its plains
١٠. على سررٍ مرفوعةٍ ونمارقٍ
وريح الصَّبا بالنشر في حيّها تعدو
11. My watcher disappeared, and welcome were the gifts
And my beloved came, and beauty appeared to him
١١. وغاب رقيبي والمواهب جمّةً
ووافى حبيبي والجمال له يبدو
12. There we were delighted, and our souls eased
And we were absent from the universe when ecstasy drew near
١٢. هنالك قد طبنا وطابت نفوسنا
وغبنا عن الأكوان لمّا دنا الوجد
13. Say to the blameworthy people, be gentle
With us - our way is sincerity and affection
١٣. فقل لأناس عاذلين ترفّقوا
بنا إنّنا من دأبنا الصدق والودّ
14. Leave us and whom we love, and be content with your own hatred
For each has an opinion, and each has wisdom
١٤. دعُونا ومن نهوى وكونوا بغيّكم
فكلٌّ له رأيٌ وكلٌّ له رشد
15. Send blessings and greetings, my master, every moment
Upon the Chosen One as long as thunder has pealed
١٥. وصلّ وسلّم سيّدي كلّ لحظةٍ
على المصطفى المختار ما سبّحَ الرعد
16. And his family and companions in their resolute determination
When the people of misguidance opposed him, they were guided
١٦. وآلٍ وأصحابٍ بهمّةِ عزمِهم
لما شاده أهلُ الضلالة قد هدّوا
17. As long as the cosmos remains, his cupbearer will have a singer
Turn the jar of secrets with melodies, O Saad
١٧. مدى الدهر ما صبٌّ لساقيه منشدٌ
أدر خمرةَ الأسرار في الحان يا سعد