
God's decree was fulfilled, and His will

قدرة الله قد قضت والإراده

1. God's decree was fulfilled, and His will
To separate me, which was His intent.

١. قدرة الله قد قضت والإرادهْ
ببعادي وكان هذا مرادهْ

2. Accepting fate's decree is incumbent upon us,
And for the servant, obedience and worship.

٢. والرضا بالقضاء فرضٌ علينا
وهو للعبد طاعةً وعبادهْ

3. Our surrender to God has become
The ladder of ascension to the peak of bliss.

٣. إنّ تسليمنا إلى الله أمسى
سُلَّم الارتِقا لأوج السعاده

4. Except my yearning and longing
And my sighs of passion grow more.

٤. غير أنّي من لوعتي واشتياقي
وزفيري من النوى وزياده

5. Especially since the full moon of Saud
Disappeared from my sight, the son of bliss,

٥. سيما منذ غاب بدر سعودي
من شهودي لوجه نجل سعاده

6. The best companion that pervaded my soul
And stole my heart away.

٦. خير خلٍّ تخلّل الروح منّي
ومن الجسم يسترقّ فؤاده

7. May he, whose remembrance of his Lord continues
In ascension, bliss and supremacy, endure.

٧. دام من ذكر ربّه في شهودٍ
وترقِّي سعادةٍ وسياده

8. His letter came to me like springtime,
Its flowers of loyalty and affection.

٨. قد أتاني كتابه كربيعٍ
زهرُه بالوفاء كان وداده

9. From it blew the fragrance of purity and greetings,
And through it I sensed the spreading of benefit.

٩. فاح منه نفح الصفا والتهاني
وبه قد شممت نشر الإفاده