1. The one with charm has expressed what was hidden in her beauty
Every charm expressed a melody's meaning that was most pleasing
١. قد أعربت ذات الخبا عمّا بمجلاها اختبى
من كلّ حسنٍ أعربا عن لحن معنى أطربا
2. A sun appeared in the darkness, shaming the horizon's full moon
So many stars in the dusk faded away because of her
٢. شمسٌ بدت في الغسق تخجل بدر الأفق
كم كوكبٌ في الشفق بها غدا محتجبا
3. How many a lad she has seduced with just a glance
It's as if when she glanced away, a branch sighed from the morning breeze
٣. كم من فتى قد فتنت مذ باللحاظ قد رنت
فكأنّها لمّا انثنت غصنٌ يرنّحه الصبا
4. She scented the meadow's flowers and brought out the brilliance of stars
And youth from the days of youth pours in the caravan of Nejd
٤. قد عطرت زهر الربى وأظهرت نضح الكبا
والصبّ من عهد الصبا في ركب نجدٍ قد صبا
5. She appeared in every guise, with a state of hidden affairs
And with each flirtatious glance, she lit the fires of love and called them
٥. ظهرت بكلّ مظهرٍ بحال شأن مضمرٍ
وبكلّ طرف أحورٍ سَنَّ الهوى وندبا
6. She is my wine cup, she is the bride of my intoxication
She sobers me and makes me drunk, how much I have sipped from her
٦. فهي كؤس خمرتي وهي عروس صبوتي
صحوي بها وسكرتي كم ذقت منها مشربا
7. My state with her is like one accustomed to love from long ago
And so he calls to her "Take me, my soul, my all"
٧. حالي به حال الّذي عهد الهوى لم ينبذ
ولذا يناديها خذي يا منيتي روحي جبا