
With my remembrance of You, O Allah, I hope for grace

بذكري لك اللهم أرجو تفضلا

1. With my remembrance of You, O Allah, I hope for grace
For Your servant, remembrance from You in the abode of sublimity

١. بِذِكري لَكَ اللَهُمَّ أَرجو تَفَضُّلا
لِعَبدِكَ منك الذِكرُ في حَضرَةِ العُلا

2. And Your promise, my Lord, in "Remember Me and I will remember you" is fulfilled
With Your word "Remember Me and I will remember you," a revealed scripture

٢. وَوَعدُكَ رَبّي في اِذكُروني مُحَقَّقٌ
بِقَولِكَ أَذكُركُم كِتاباً مُنَزَّلا

3. And Your promise is true, carried out, not unfulfilled
For the one remembering You, the Remembered, in Your presence on high

٣. وَوَعدُكَ صِدقٌ مُنجَزٌ غَيرَ مُخلَفٍ
لِذاكِرِكَ المَذكورِ عِندَكَ في المَلا

4. My God, for the light of Truth, illuminate my inner sight
With kohl of remembrance from the darkness of heedlessness

٤. إِلَهي لِنورِ الحَقِّ نَوِّر بَصيرَتي
بِمِروَدِ كحلِ الذِكرِ مِن إِثمدِ الجَلا

5. My God, make it for my heart a protection
That I may be safe from seeing evil, for it is ruin

٥. إِلَهِيَ فَاِجعَلهُ لِقَلبي وِقايَةً
لآمَنَ مِن مَرأى السوى إِذ هُوَ البَلا

6. My God, through it remove the echo of caprice so my heart can see
The epiphany of the beauty of the Face reflected within

٦. إِلَهي بِهِ فَاِجلُ صَدا القَلبِ كَي يَرى
تَجلي جَمالِ الوَجهِ في القَلبِ يُجتَلى

7. And it may witness the secret of Your being, my Master
Manifest, though transcendent - indeed, exalted above that

٧. وَيَشهَدُ مِنّي سِرَّ كَونِكَ سَيِّدي
جَلِيّاً مَعَ التَنزيهِ بَل عَنهُ قَد عَلا

8. My God, by the people of remembrance in the assemblage wherein
In Your proximate presence the veil of caprice is lifted

٨. إِلَهي بِأَهلِ الذِكرِ في المَشهَدِ الَّذي
بِحَضرَتِكَ الزُلفى حِجابُ السوى جَلا

9. My God, by what they tasted of the drink which
Is the purest spring, its source but grace

٩. إِلَهي بِما ذاقوا مِنَ المَشرَبِ الَّذي
هُوَ المَنهَلُ الأَصفى وَمَورِدُهُ حَلا

10. Give me to drink the draught of remembrance in the presence of purity
In a cup sealed first with felicity

١٠. أَذِقني شَرابَ الذِكرِ في حَضرَةِ الصَفا
بِمَختومِ كَأسٍ بِالسَعادَةِ أَوّلا