
With what words should my mouth praise the Prophet's family?

بمدح آل النبي ماذا يفوه فمي

1. With what words should my mouth praise the Prophet's family?
Or how can my pen flow with what they were distinguished by?

١. بمدح آل النبي ماذا يفوه فمي
أو كيف يجري بما اختصّوا به قلمي

2. For God praised them in the Book, so it is a must
That Gabriel had been their grandfather's servant.

٢. فالله أثنى عليهم في الكتاب وجب
رائيل قد كان خدّاماً لجدّهمِ

3. Blessed are they, masters who ruled the land, so
The light of prophethood was shining on their faces.

٣. طوبى لهم سادة سادوا الورى فلذا
نور النبوّة بادٍ في وجوههم

4. So I hope to attain my goals through them, and whoever
Does not belong to their nobility is in darkness.

٤. فالله أرجو بهم نيل المرام ومن
لا ينتمي لعلاهم فهو في ظلم

5. They are suns rising on the horizon of the universe.
Whoever does not see that is blind to the paths of guidance.

٥. فهم شموسٌ بأفق الكون طالعةٌ
من لا يرى ذاك عن سبل الرشاد عمي