1. Mohiuddin Arabi called people in his time
To come to the presence of their Lord whenever he called them.
١. دعا الناس محي الدين عارفُ وقته
به حيث يدعوه لحضرة ربّه
2. Who then refused to follow
The saints of God mentioned in some of his books?
٢. فمن ذا الّذي لم يستجب ثمّ يقتفي
بمفرد أهل الله في بعض كتبه
3. My Lord made him for every realizer of truth
A true truth he called them to come near to.
٣. وصيّره ربّي لكلّ محقّقٍ
حقيقة حقٍّ قد دعاه لقربه
4. Respond to him, O my people, wherever he goes,
As a leader - blessed is he and his party!
٤. أجيبوا له يا قومنا حيث قد غدا
إماماً فيا طوبى له ولحزبه