
The cup of wine was sweetened

قد طاب كأس الصفا

1. The cup of wine was sweetened
When the night drew nigh to the companions.

١. قد طاب كأس الصفا
لمّا صفا الدنّ

2. To the boon-companions the night drew nigh sweetened,
And the wine murmurs murmurs, when the night drew nigh.

٢. إلى الندامي صفا والليل قد جنّ
والصبّ دندن لمّا دنا الدنّ

3. The cup murmurs, murmurs
The tale of the boon-companion,

٣. والكأس عنعن
حديث راوي الصفا

4. It is endless,
The pourer of wine, shine forth when you pour for the youth

٤. وهو المسلسل
ساقي المدام انجلى إذ صبّ للصبّ

5. A cup, which when it passes it cheers, and when it settles it sings.
It inspirits and enlivens, and kindles Najd and Jad,

٥. كاساً إذا مرّ حلا وإن قسا حن
فهام وجداً وأمّ نجداً

6. And it flowed gently until it came to the beauty of
Whom I love it reached.

٦. وسار جدّاً حتّى إلى حسن من
يهوى توصّل

7. I am the brother of passion and its child, to it I gave
Birth, nay, I am its very essence, neither from nor against,

٧. أخو الهو وابنه أنا له أبْ
لا بل أنا عينه لا من ولا عن

8. And for me love is an art, so take it from whom
I received it, before his rule

٨. والحبّ لي فن فخذه عن من
له تعيّن من قبل أن حكمه

9. Regarding us came down.
The face of the beloved shone and gleamed with beauty,

٩. فينا تنزّل
وجه الحبيب انجلى ولاح بالحسن

10. After estrangement and fewness, through union abundant.
Yet he unsheathed a sword with which he slew,

١٠. بعد الجفا والقلا بالوصل قد من
لكنّه سن سيفاً به سن

11. Killed excellently, and thus whoever goes to him
In the morning is killed.

١١. قتلى فأحسن وهكذا من غدا
يهوي ليُقتَل

12. I am the slain of passion, martyr at Badr,
Containing life, living, containing security.

١٢. أنا قتيل الهوى شهيد في بدر
على الحياة احتوى حيّ حوى الأمن

13. And he, secure through his beloved, trusted
In him who bestowed and did not go astray in passion,

١٣. وهو بأمنٍ محبوبه امتن
عليه قد من وما غوى في الهوى

14. And was not misguided.
I am the one who in passion is all formation,

١٤. ولم يكن ضل
أنا الّذي في الهوى كلّي تكوّن

15. My heart has become balanced, through it empowered.
It is not distracted by contemplation, and does not

١٥. قلبي غدا مستوي به تمكّن
وما تلّون سلوى ولا من

16. Incline, were it not for Him who,
When bodies appeared to the eyes,

١٦. لولاه قد أن لمّا بدا للعيون
جسمٌ معلّل

17. Was ever flawed.
O you who blame me, you will not find one who listens to blame

١٧. يا عاذلي لا تجد من يسمع العذل
عن الملام اتّئد فالحبّ أثخن

18. About passion, so desist, for love is most wise.
An arrow empowered in the heart that murmured,

١٨. سهماً تمكّن في القلب قد رن
وعاذلي ظن بأن لي مسمعاً

19. And you who blame me, think that to me there is
One who hears what you say.

١٩. لمن تقوّل
مذ لاح بدر الحبيب كلّي غدا عين

20. Since the full moon of the beloved shone, I am wholly eye,
And for me the absent one is appointed by love the eye.

٢٠. ولي بعين المغيب للحبّ عَيّنْ
دعا وأذّن أخفى وأعلن

21. He called and gave the summons, secretly and openly,
For when it became clear that he had appeared,

٢١. لما تبيّن بأنّه قد بدا
آخر وأوّل