
My love revealed his beauty, and the time of union has come

حبي انجلى جماله وقد حان وصاله

1. My love revealed his beauty, and the time of union has come
I see his perfection in my mirror, his image

١. حبّي انجلى جماله وقد حان وصاله
أراني كماله بمرآتي مثاله

2. My full moon dawning with a radiant face, clearing the pure dawn
With his cup giving me life, its draft purified

٢. بدري باهي المحيّا يجلو صافي الحميّا
بكاسه لي حيا وقد صفا جرياله

3. Oh you who blame me for my intoxication, wait, for love is my excuse
May you lose your children if you but knew the love of the Majestic Glory

٣. يا لائمي في سكري مهلاً فالهوى عذري
ثكلتك لو تدري هوى جلا جلاله

4. My bliss is with my beloved, though now the sight of him torments me
My heaven with my sought one is a fire flaming within it

٤. نعيمي بمحبوبي غدا عين تعذيبي
جناني بمطلوبي نارٌ بها اشتعاله

5. Reprove my playful critic justly, with no fault to be set right
What can the critic do, when all is His doing?

٥. عذل عذولي عدلُ بلا نقطةٍ تعلو
ما للعذّال فعلُ وكلّها أفعاله

6. His love has filled us, his face is before me, kissed
My foolish critic, misled in his error

٦. هواه لنا ملَّهْ ووجهه لي قبلهْ
عذولي الغبي الأبلهْ قد غرّه ضلاله

7. Oh you who blame me, do not hope, for none will listen
The lover hears nothing, no matter how the critic complains

٧. يا عاذلي لا تطمع فليس من مسمع
فذو الهوى لا يسمع مهما لغت عذّاله

8. How can the enamored listen to a critic who knows nothing
Of the beauty that has enthralled all creation in its allure?

٨. وكيف يصغي المغرمْ لعاذلٍ لا يعلمْ
جمال الّذي تيّمْ كلّ الورى جماله

9. May my Lord bless and salute him, in the Exalted Assembly
At the Lote-Tree of the Limit, his request granted

٩. عليه ربّي صلَّى وسلّم في المجلى
لدى الرفرف الأعلى وقد نما إقباله

10. And upon his Family, pure and noble, and the Companions of merit
As long as the south wind blows, my love revealed his beauty

١٠. وعلى الآل الغرّ والصحب ذوي القدر
ما شدا اليافي البكري حبّي انجلى جماله