
The cupbearer drew near

ساقي الكؤوس ازدلف

1. The cupbearer drew near
With welcome he hailed me

١. ساقي الكؤوس ازدلف
وبالسلاف حيّا

2. Like a bride he bent
With peace he hailed me

٢. مثل العروس انعطف
وبالسلام حيّا

3. The suns of gifts shone forth
From his beauty, O wondrous sight

٣. لاحت شموس التحف
من حسنه فيّا

4. And the souls were united
When he drew near to me

٤. وبالنفوس ائتلف
لمّا دنا إليّا

5. My happiness in his love
Apart from all else, delighted me

٥. صبابتي في هواه
ممّا سواه جُنّه

6. His good pleasure found me
And granted me Paradise

٦. رضوان وصلي لقاه
بوّأني الجنّه

7. My bliss from his approval
In the chambers of bounty

٧. نعمتي من رضاه
في غرف المنّه

8. Yet my heart was aflame
With the fires of passion for him

٨. لكن قلبي كواه
جحيم جواه كيّا

9. I endured from his allure
The morning breeze for me

٩. تحمّلت من شذاه
لي نسمة الأسحار

10. As though I, from his protection
Was in a garden of flowers

١٠. كأنّني من حماه
في روضة الأزهار

11. How much fragrance from his tending
In the presence of remembrance

١١. كم نفحةٍ من رباه
في حضرة الأذكار

12. When his brilliance shone forth from his idol
The coverings were unveiled

١٢. لمّا انجلت من سناه
ذات البها ريّا

13. Revealing a beautiful face
That shames the full moon

١٣. مليحة الغيب لاحت
تكشف الأستار

14. The veils were lifted from us
In the dark of the dawn

١٤. عن حسن وجه بديع
يخجل الأقمار

15. God, how she revealed herself
Exaltedly upon me

١٥. أزاحت الحجب عنّا
في دجا الأسحار

16. We were veiled from the eyes
In her unveiling of the essence

١٦. لله ما قد تجلّت
في العلا عليّا

17. Witnessing the Real's truth
Not through a sense of where

١٧. غبنا عن العين منّا
في تجلّي العين

18. Our unity of existence
Vanished the veil of duality

١٨. شهود حقّ تعالى
لا بكيف الأين

19. So O seeker of flowers
From our roses gather ye

١٩. توحيدنا للوجود
ماح حجاب الرين

٢٠. فيا مريد الورود
من وردنا هيّا