1. The refuge of al-Sayyid al-Bakri is a refuge in which one seeks protection,
And a ladder for whoever desires to climb the ladder of peace.
١. حمى السيّد البكري حمى من به احتمى
وسُلَّمُ من قد رام للسلم سُلّما
2. The most eminent of the sons of al-Siddiq is the jewel of their necklace,
Having become organized on the path of treading the way of mystery.
٢. أجلّ بني الصدّيق درّةُ عقدهم
بسلك سلوك السرّ أمسى منظّما
3. For him is the noble court, for him is the station which
Rose loftily in the particles of approximation, from the sky.
٣. له الحضرة الزلفى له المشهد الّذي
سما في ذرى التقريب من سامك السما
4. For him is the most pure spring, and for God is his pearls,
For his path he has sincerely become prepared.
٤. له المورد الأصفى ولله درّه
لمنهاجه أضحى بصدقٍ ميمّما
5. He is the unique one, rather the helper, so look and you will find for him
Planets of followers whom he guided and grew.
٥. هو الفرد بل والغوث فانظر تجد له
كواكب أتباعٍ هداهم لقد نما
6. For his most high court and the gathering of his remembrance
Saves the heart of the youth from the blindness of ignorance.
٦. فحضرته العليا ومجلس ذكره
يخلّص قلب الصبّ من ربقة العمى
7. So take the initiative to him, and make the heart tender with his rose,
That you may witness the secret of the opening through his overflowing favor.
٧. فبادر له واجل الفؤادَ بورده
لتشهد سرّ الفتح بالفيض قد همى
8. And let your guidance by God make you tread his path of righteousness,
That you may be called rich after you were destitute.
٨. ويمّم هداك الله منهاجَ رشده
لتدعى غنيّاً بعد ما كنت معدما
9. And say with humility: O son of the truthful Ahmad,
Through your grandfather be for me a helper when calamities grow dark.
٩. وقل بانكسارٍ يا ابن صدّيق أحمدٍ
بجدّك كن لي عند ما الخطب أدهما
10. Will you not, O son of the beloved truthful one, be a savior
For a people who hope for the glory of your path?
١٠. ألا يا ابن صدّيق الحبيب إغاثةً
لقومٍ لهم من مجد منهاجك اِنْتِما
11. Whoever walked in it was made happy by the mystery of his secret,
And whoever truly drew near the station of approximation advanced.
١١. فمن سار فيه سُرَّ بالسرّ سرُّهُ
ومن حضرة التقريب حقّاً تقدّما
12. So help, O sons of al-Siddiq, for with us elevated,
Whoever seeks refuge in him attains bliss.
١٢. فجاه بني الصدّيق فينا مرفّعٌ
فمن يحتمي فيه يصادفُ مغنما
13. My God, the sons of al-Siddiq are our covenant and they
Are our leading imams, serving a cup from Zamzam.
١٣. إلهي بنو الصديق عهدتُنا وهم
أئمّتنا الساقون كأساً مزمزَما
14. They are the generous, noble ones, and for them
Are clouds of gifts through mystic knowledge, inscribed.
١٤. هم السادة الغرّ الكرام ومن لهم
سحائب منحٍ بالعوارف سجَّما
15. And their elite with abundant virtue in existence is Mustafa,
The imam of guidance, al-Bakri, the refuge who rose high.
١٥. ونخبتهم ذو الفضل في الكون مصطفى
إمام الهدى البكري الملاذ الّذي سما
16. Upon him be the pleasure of God for as long as the reciter says:
The refuge of al-Sayyid al-Bakri is a refuge in which one seeks protection.
١٦. عليه رضاء الله ما قال منشدٌ
حمى السيّد البكري حمى مَن به احتمى