
By Muhammad, his daughter and her husband,

بمحمد وببنته وببعلها

1. By Muhammad, his daughter and her husband,
The people of virtues, dignities and freshness,

١. بمحمّدٍ وببنتِه وببعلها
أهل الفضائل والمكارم والندى

2. Seated on thrones of majesty,
And their two grandsons, the guides,

٢. المستوين على عروش جلالة
وابنيهما السبطين أعلام الهدى

3. And the people of Badr, and all the companions,
Who fought against you, the clan and the enemies,

٣. وبأهل بدرٍ والصحابة كلّهم
من قاتلوا فيك العشيرة والعدا

4. And the rest of the parties, the people of ascent,
And the followers, and their followers forever,

٤. وبسائر الأحزاب أهل الارتقا
والتابعين وتابعيهم سرمدا

5. And Your servant Al-Nu'man, then Malik,
Who established the Shariah and guidance,

٥. وبعبدك النعمان ثمّ بمالكٍ
من للشريعة والهداية شيّدا

6. And every jurist, and everyone preceding,
Al-Shafi'i, the pole of existence, and Ahmad,

٦. وبكلّ مجتهدٍ وكلّ مقدّمٍ
والشافعي قطب الوجود وأحمدا

7. Relieve the distressed of his anguish,
And join him with the guided people,

٧. فرّج عن المكروب واكشف غمّه
وأنله جمعاً بين أهل الاهتدا

8. And open for him to attain every wish,
O best One who stretches His hand to people.

٨. وافتح له لينال كلّ مطالبٍ
يا خير من بسط الأنامُ له يدا