1. Veiled, were her veil removed, beneath it you would see
Her cheek as bright as if her veil were made of light.
١. ومحجوبةٍ لو أُبْرِزَتْ دون مِرْطها
رأيتَ عليها من سَنَا نورها مِرْطَا
2. She seems a crescent moon, her bracelet but half seen,
Or Jupiter when o'er the Virgin's throat it sinks from sight.
٢. تخالُ هلالَ الأُفْقِ نصفَ سوارها
إذا لاح والجوزاءَ في نَحْرِها سِمْطا
3. She bears a full moon on her forehead, while her cheeks
Are comets, and the Pleiades shine all around her face.
٣. وتحملُ بدرَ التِّمِّ وجهاً وشِنْفَهَا
سِمَاكاً وشُهْبانَ الثريا لها قرطا
4. The red rose-water and the redness of her cheek
Are mingled, and the cup-bearer has mixed narcissus into it.
٤. ويضحى بماء الوَرْدِ ورديُّ خدِّها
لِمَا مَزَجَ الساقي لندْمانه اسْفِنْطَا
5. So from her mouth the hard round pearls
Come scattering, while upon her cheek is set an emerald, pear-shaped and polished.
٥. فينثرُ منه لؤلؤاً عُدَّ جامداً
بصولجِ لامٍ لاحَ بالصُّدْغ مُخْتطَّا