
For whom are the gazelles while they are lively deer?

لمن الآنسات وهي ظباء

1. For whom are the gazelles while they are lively deer?
And their ostrich-like shyness is total modesty.

١. لمن الآنساتُ وهْيَ ظِباءُ
واليعافيرُ حُجْبُها السِّيَرَاءُ

2. And the suns that if they bent twigs,
Would not groan in their pure-white bodies.

٢. والشموسُ التي لويْنَ غصوناً
لَمْ تُرَنِّحْ خصورَها صَهباءُ

3. So secrets disappeared into fragrances and spirit,
And in the cheeks appeared fire and water.

٣. فاختفَى في القُدودِ أَرْيٌ ورَاحٌ
وبدا في الخدود نارٌ وماء

4. It stoops in stature and wounds an eye,
For it belongs to the dark-complexioned.

٤. تنثني قامةً وتَجْرَحُ طَرْفاً
فهْيَ للسَّمْهَرِيَّةِ السَّمْراءُ

5. The stars and the wet dewdrops and the moist clouds
Rained down on it and its necklaces sway.

٥. طَرَقَتْ والكَبَاءُ والمندلُ الرطبُ
عليها وحَلْيها رُقَبَاء

6. And the bracelets of the damsel are white pearls
And an emerald anklet and dark red ear-rings.

٦. ودُوَيْنَ الفتاةِ أبيضُ رقرا
قُ الحواشي ولأْمَةٌ خَضْرَاء

7. And a youth whose brightness shone over a tawny breast
Like a moon in the darkness of its rein.

٧. وفتى لاحَ فوق أدهمَ نهدٍ
قمراً في عنانه ظلماءُ

8. And a censor whose teeth make the branches shine
When her severe face frowns.

٨. وكماةٌ تجلو الأسنَّةَ شُهْباً
ودُجَاهَا العَجَاجَةُ الشَّهْبَاءُ

9. The shy maidens expose their wristbands
As the modesty reddened their cheeks.

٩. تصدُرُ المرهفاتُ عن مورد الها
مِ كما ضرَّجَ الخدودَ حَيَاءُ

10. Oh how I wish Allah would heal the woes
Of a time whose generosity is controlled by the vile!

١٠. يا لحى اللّهُ ريبَ دهرٍ خؤونٍ
سادَ فيه كرامَهُ اللؤماء

11. And a time we love, so it is as though
When its enemies flow freely around us.

١١. وزماناً نحبُّه فكأنا
حِين يَسْطُو بنا له أعداء

12. With glory, the generous are recognized, but
The Glorious Ones were recognized by their supporter.

١٢. بالعلا يُعْرَفُ الكرام ولكنْ
عُرِفَتْ بالمُوَفَّقِ العلياءُ

13. Majid, if the nights have harmed him,
In his view they have healing.

١٣. ماجدٌ لو عَرَا اللّيَاليَ داءٌ
كان في رأيه لهنَّ شفاء

14. A rest not rested from the destruction of generosity
With its castles generosity builds.

١٤. راحةٌ لا تُرَاحُ من هَدْمِ جُودٍ
ببنانٍ لها المعالي بناء

15. So he and time are violent, raging,
Naive, with a rosy spot on their foreheads,

١٥. فهو والدهرُ حِنْدِسيٌّ بهيمٌ
غُرَّة في جبينه زَهْرَاء

16. And if the zephyr had resolve against it,
It would rise with the mountains while they are still at peace.

١٦. ولو ان الصّبَا لها منه عَزْمٌ
نَهضَتْ بالجبال وهْيَ رُخَاء

17. A towering patience the land rested upon
When its lofty summit stuck up.

١٧. طَوْدُ حِلْمٍ رَسَتْ به الأرضُ لمَّا
شمخت منه ذِرْوَة شَمَّاءُ

18. Your mention is the consoling friend and the reminder,
As if the regretful ears heard you.

١٨. ذكرُكَ الراحُ والمُذَكِّرُ ساقٍ
وكأنَّ المسامعَ النُّدَمَاءُ

19. So when your praise is sung distinctly,
Congratulations sway us to you.

١٩. فإذا ما أُديرَ حمدُك صِرْفاً
هزَّ أَعطافنا عليك الثناء