
The cheeks have become radiant from the crescents and the suns,

أمن الأهلة والشموس خدود

1. The cheeks have become radiant from the crescents and the suns,
And from the branches and twigs are necklaces.

١. أَمِنَ الأَهِلَّةِ والشموسِ خدودُ
ومن الذوابل والغصونِ قُدُودُ

2. On the mantles of every gentle gazelle,
Are the likes of what spring has woven as carpets.

٢. وعلى معاطفِ كلِّ أَهْيَفَ ناعمٍ
من مثل ما نَسَجَ الربيعُ بُرُود

3. The branches of blossoming trees do not sway with the breeze,
And my breath passes through them, so they sway.

٣. أغصانُ بانٍ ما تميدُ بها الصَّبَا
وتمرُّ أَنفاسي بها فتميد

4. Eyes that shine from the eyelids as if they are
The whites of polished swords and the eyelids, scabbards.

٤. مُقَلٌ يُضِئْنَ من الجفون كأنها
بيضُ الصوارمِ والجفونُ غُمودُ

5. Their blue eyes are shimmering blue,
On the day of struggle, and their blackness is pitch black.

٥. أحداقُهُنَّ الزُرْقُ زُرْقٌ لُمَّعٌ
يومَ الكفاح وسودُهُنُّ أُسُود

6. If it were not for the blood of lovers they shed,
The rose would not have reddened in their cheeks.

٦. لولا دماءُ العاشقين شَفَحْنَها
ما احمرَّ في وَجَناتها التَّوْريد

7. I did not know before her lips and pores,
That anemones were their stuffing.

٧. لم أَدْرِ قبلَ شفاهها وثغورِها
أَنَّ الشقائقَ حَشْوُهُنَّ عقود

8. And sweat of shyness dripped from her cheeks,
So she wore the pearls from it as a necklace.

٨. وارْفَضَّ من عَرَق الحياءِ جُمانُهُ
فتقلَّدَ الدُّرَّيْنِ منها الجيدُ

9. The knots of her mantle loosened, as if
Those mantles have no stiffening in them.

٩. رقَّتْ معاقدُ أزْرِه فكأنَّما
تلكَ المعاطفُ ما بها تَجْسِيد

10. Alluring eyes that injure our hearts with their glances,
For it is the bleeding, and their look, the blades.

١٠. نشوانُ تجرحُ مقلتاه قلوبَنَا
فهو النزيفُ وَلَحْظُهُ العِرْبيد

11. If the heights are condemned in the times,
Then the heights are praiseworthy in themselves.

١١. إنْ كان مذمومَ الأَذِمَّةِ في العُلا
زمنٌ فمحمودُ العُلا محمودُ