
As the wine cup swayed tipsily towards us,

أما وحميا الكأس هزت لنا عطفا

1. As the wine cup swayed tipsily towards us,
Carried by a full moon whose beauty sought nothing but good company,

١. أما وحميَّا الكأسِ هَزَّتْ لنا عِطْفا
وبدرِ تمامِ الحسنِ يسعى بها صِرْفا

2. On legs that drunkenness almost toppled over -
Yet somehow kept their balance in that revelry,

٢. وساقٍ يكادُ السكرُ يُسْقِطُ نِصْفَهُ
مزاحاً ويُبْقي في مآزره النصْفا

3. Having kissed her red lips and sipped the wine from her mouth,
I chased after pleasure, from pleasure derived,

٣. ومخضوبةٍ قبَّلْتُها ولثمتُهُ
فأتبعتُ ثغرَ الراحِ من ثغرهِ رَشْفا

4. Of a beauty rivaling the wine cup, and abundance
That mingled the spirits of us revelers in kindness,

٤. وخَلْقٍ له مثل الحميَّا وَوَفْرَةٍ
تمازجُ أرواح النَّدامى بهِ لُطْفا

5. As if the green pastures were goblets
Brimming with cool, sparkling wine that kept overflowing,

٥. كأن اليراعَ النَّضْرَ أوراقهُ قَناً
له العَذَبُ الخفَّاق يستأنفُ الرَّجْفا

6. As if the water's expanse was a pool
That armed itself with waves and ranks of foam,

٦. كأنَّ خليج الماء أوجَسَ طَعْنةً
فدرَّعَ أجناداً وجدَّ لها صَفَّا

7. As if the willow's embrace of the cloud was a union
Of a weeping lover's farewell mingled with tears,

٧. كأن اعتناقَ القُضْب والغيمُ دالجٌ
وَداعُ خليطٍ ذَرّ من دمعه وَكْفَا

8. As if the green banks laughing brooks
Parted the darkness at dawn with their fluttering wings,

٨. كأن اخضرارَ الدوح والنهرُ ضاحكٌ
غياهبُ شقَّ الفجرُ من جُنْحها سَجْفا

9. As if the meadows were a generous host
Laying out his beauty for us on a day of light rain.

٩. كأن رياضَ النهر مَدْحِيَ باسطٌ
له الحَسَنُ الوَهَّابُ يومَ النَّدَى كَفَّا