
If only when she bid farewell

ليتها إذ قاسمتك العناقا

1. If only when she bid farewell
She had taught you endurance, not yearning,

١. ليتها إذ قاسَمَتْكَ العِناقا
علّمَتْكَ الصبرَ لا الاشتياقا

2. Let us blame our wrists, for we
Have not spoken since we knew parting.

٢. لِنُسائلْ مِعْصَمَيْنا فإِنَّا
ما نطقنا مذ عرفنا الفراقا

3. How often round a cheek and waist
I would turn a necklace, and at other times, a sash,

٣. كم على جيدٍ وخصرٍ أُدِيرَا
مَرَّةً عِقْداً وأُخرى نِطاقا

4. As if beauty were musical instruments
Projecting from the chests pieces joined together.

٤. وكأَنَّ الحُسْنَ آلاتُ خَرْطٍ
أَبرَزَتْ في الصَّدْرِ منها حِقَاقا

5. She traveled from a full moon. When
She was brought together, the veil was the unifier.

٥. سَفَرَتْ عن بدرِ تِمٍ فلما
نُبِّبَتْ كان النّقابُ المِحَاقا

6. And down the moon-like cheek of hers
Ran a teardrop; it was as if it split it.

٦. وجرت في قمرِ الخدِّ منها
عبرةٌ كانت عليهِ انشقاقا

7. A ruler who showed justice to us
However much it agreed with a sound mind.

٧. حاكمٌ أظهرَ للعَدْل فينا
كلَّ ما لاقَ بعقلٍ وراقا

8. Wisdom - if the vicissitudes of fate denied it to us
It would lack the wisdom of Luqman the Sage.

٨. حكمةٌ لو عاقنا الدهرُ عنها
كان عن حكمةِ لقانَ عاقا

9. He scattered interpretation liberally like pearls
But dived into oceans of profound knowledge.

٩. نثرَ التأويلَ دُرّاً ولكن
غاصَ من علمٍ بحاراً دقاقا

10. His hand was violently prone to money;
Whenever he associated, he desired separation.

١٠. يَدُهُ للمال إلفٌ غَضُوبٌ
كلما واصَل شاء افتراقا

11. Wealth escapes from his comfort
Dew taught it evasion.

١١. تأْبِقُ الأموالُ عن راحتيهِ
بندىً عَلَّمَهُنَّ الإباقا