1. Does a lightning adorned with reins on its neck
Bring me near to the abode of her tents?
١. هل يُدْنيَنِّي من جَنَاب خيامها
بَرْقٌ تقلَّد جيدُه بعنانِ
2. A wavy, curling, gushing blade,
From its edges in its morning sheath,
٢. ومهَّندٍ متمّوجٍ متضرِّمٍ
من صفحتيه بغمدهِ فَجْرَانِ
3. A bamboo whose water crackles in its fire -
I wondered how two opposites befriended each other!
٣. عَضْبٌ ترقرقَ ماؤه في نارهِ
فَعَجبْتُ كيف تَأَلَّفَ الضِّدَّانِ
4. It glistens and bleeds at times as though
The hands of Ridwan had touched its dwellings.
٤. يَنْدَى ويَدْمَى تارةً فكأنما
لَمَسَتْ مضاربَهُ يَدَا رِضْوَانِ
5. And it makes the hands of warriors flow softly
Like brooks slipping from treachery.
٥. وتَسُلُّ أيدي الدارعين قَوَاضِباً
مثل الجداول سِلْنَ من غُدْرَانِ