
She walked with a slender waist that entices admirers,

ماست بدعص نقا يجاذب أهيفا

1. She walked with a slender waist that entices admirers,
As if the robe wrapped around was a cloak.

١. ماسَتْ بدعصِ نَقاً يجاذبُ أَهْيَفَا
ولوتْ عليه الخزرانةَ مِعْطفا

2. Her cheeks took the redness of wine and her hands its purity,
And the scarf embraced delicate features.

٢. خودٌ حَوَتْ مُقَلَ الماة وجيدَها
وحَوَى الوشاحُ لها هضيماً مُخْطَفَا

3. A white beauty promenades the sand dune arrogantly,
With a brighter full moon and twinkling stars.

٣. بيضاءُ ترفُلُ بالكثيب مُهَيَّلاً
والبدرِ أَنْوَرَ والقضيبِ مهفهفا

4. Parting showed its cost through tears shed,
As hearts bled drops of blood profoundly.

٤. أبدى الوداعُ لنا برَخْصِ بنانها
عَنَماً ببعضِ دمِ القلوبِ مُطَرَّفا

5. Why does she who stabbed me resort to arrows?
While she is protected in fortresses and shields.

٥. ما للتي طَعَنَتْ وتَّتخذُ القنا
والبيضَ سَجْفاً بالكماةِ مسجَّفا

6. She passed the bosom of loyalty between us,
Like the passing of Ishmael in the roads of keeping a promise.

٦. مَرَّتْ على صدِّ الوفاء بِبَيْنها
كمرورِ إسماعيلَ في طُرُقِ الوَفا