
Singers who bring pleasure to the lover's ear,

ومغنيين يقربان لذي الهوى

1. Singers who bring pleasure to the lover's ear,
Utter whatever you wish of distant love's refrain.

١. ومُغَنِّيَيْنِ يُقَرِّبَان لذي الهوى
ما شئتَ من مَغْنَى الهَوَى المتباعِدِ

2. They speak to us with charm and harmony,
As though with but a single voice they spoke.

٢. نَطَقَا لنا بلطافةٍ وتوافُقٍ
فكأنما نَطَقَا بصوتٍ واحد