1. I turned to you, my foolishness exposing me,
And mocking my youth and greying hair.
ูก. ุฏููุชู ุฅูููู ููุถุญููู ููุบููุจู
ููุณุฎุฑู ู
ู ุดุจุงุจูู ูุงูู
2. It drags the oil from my lamp,
And chokes what fire I knew.
ูข. ูุฌุฑุฑู ุจุงูุฐููุจุงูุฉู ู
ู ุณูุฑุงุฌู
ููุฎููู ู
ุง ุนูุฏุชู ู
ู ุงููููุจ
3. I offered you fruit and a spring,
Yet I do not eat nor drink.
ูฃ. ูุนูุฌุชู ุนูููู ูุงููุฉู ููุจุนุงู
ุง ุฃูุง ุจุงูุฃููู ูุจุงูุดูุฑูุจ
4. Because of my excessive love for you
Damascus embraces me and is merciful to me.
ูค. ูุจู ู
ู ููุฑูุท ุญูุจูููู ู
ุง ููุนูููู
ุดูู ุชุญุถูููููู ูุขุฑููู ุจู
5. And I, though strangeness is my nature,
Am infatuated with the strange and wondrous.
ูฅ. ูุฅููุ ูุงูุบุฑุงุจุฉู ูููู ุทุจุนูุ
ููููุนู ุจุงูุบุฑูุจ ูุจุงูุนุฌูุจ
6. When I am passionate for you in sorrow,
Some of that sorrow is the nature of passion.
ูฆ. ุฃูุฒุงุฏ ุฅุฐุง ุทุฑุจุชู ุฅูููู ุญุฒูุงู
ูุจุนุถู ุงูุญุฒู ู
ู ุดูู
7. It makes a teardrop dance a true promise,
Then turns it to a false one.
ูง. ููุฑูุต ุฏู
ุนู ูุนุฏ ุญููู
ููุนุทููู ุฅูู ูุนุฏู ุญุฑูุจ
8. It brings the night alive expecting morning from it,
Yet it has only a false dawn.
ูจ. ูููุญู ุงูููู ูุฑููุจ ู
ูู ุตุจุญุงู
ูููุณ ูู ุณูู ูุฌุฑู ูุฐูุจ
9. And I have not seen in troubles one opposite
Lead to an opposing, different opposite.
ูฉ. ููู
ุฃุฑ ูู ุงูุถุฑุงุฆุจ ู
ุซูู ุถุฏู
ุฅูู ุถุฏู ูููุถู ู
ู ุถุฑูุจ
10. I despaired over wavering visions
That descended on me in a barren wasteland.
ูกู . ุฃุณูุชู ุนูู ุงูุฑุคู ู
ุญุทุทู ุนููู ูู ููุฑู ุฌุฏูุจ
11. And the echo returning from my memories
Like lightningโs flutter in thick clouds.
ูกูก. ูู
ุฑุชุฌูุนู ุงูุตุฏู ู
ู ุฐูุฑูุงุช
ูุฎูู ุงูุจุฑู ูู ุฏูุฌูู ุถุจูุจ
12. One remains, however many times
The days of life miss their mark.
ูกูข. ูุธูููู ุงูู
ุฑุกู ู
ุง ุฃุฎุทุฃุชู
ูุฏู ุงูุฃูุงู
ุทูุนู ูุฏ ุงูู
13. As if life trickles from a vessel
With a deep abyss and porous holes.
ูกูฃ. ูุฃู ุงูุนู
ุฑู ููุถุญ ู
ู ุฅูุงุกู
ุจุนูุฏ ุงูุบูุฑ ุดูุงูู ุงูุซููููุจ
14. How beautiful life would be if its playgrounds
Rested from strange, odd falsities,
ูกูค. ูู
ุง ุฃุญูู ุงูุญูุงุฉู ูู ุงุณุชุฑุงุญุช
ูุงุนุจูุง ู
ู ุงูุฒูููุฑ ุงูุบุฑูุจ
15. From sure perdition
Where evil is despised in ruinous ways.
ูกูฅ. ู
ู ุงููููููู ุงูุฐู ูุง ุฑูุจู ููู
ููุงู ุงูุดุฑูู ูู ูููู ู
16. How I yearn for the rising sun,
With the night stars hiding from it when it sets.
ูกูฆ. ูู
ุง ุฃุดูู ุญุถูุฑู ุงูุดู
ุณู ูุงุจุช
ู ุงูููู ุนููุง ูู ุงูู
17. How miserable is the gazelle that does not frolic,
Fearing the days for their piercing stabs.
ูกูง. ูู
ุง ุฃุดูู ุงูุบุฒุงูุฉู ููุณ ุชุฃูู
ุชุฎุงูู ุงูุฏูุฑ ู
ู ูุซุจุงุช ุฐูุจ
18. My loved ones in whom worries of the soul
Are relieved in time of hardship.
ูกูจ. ุฃุญุจุชููู ุงูุฐูู ุจูู
ู ุงูููุณ ูู ุงูุจูุฑูุญู ุงูุนุตูุจ
19. Godโs peace be upon you, branches
That flutter over fertile meadows.
ูกูฉ. ุณูุงู
ู ุงููู ู
ุง ุฎููุช ุบูุตูู
ุฑูุฑูุฉู ุนูู ุงูู
ุฑูุฌู ุงูุฎุตูุจ
20. And over houses trails of youthโs morning
With scented robes have flowed from you.
ูขู . ูู
ุง ุฌุฑูุช ุนูู ุงูุฐููุงุช ู
ุฐููู ุตุจุง ู
ุนุทุฑุฉ ุงูุฌููุจ
21. And doves roused by you then sang
On an evening, benign and pouring.
ูขูก. ูู
ุง ุงูุชูุถ ุงูุญู
ู ุจูุง ูุบููู
ุนุดูุฉู ุฏูู
ุฉู ุณู
ุญู ุณูููุจ
22. For the elite of boon companions, your cheers
With sweet memories and answering voice.
ูขูข. ุนูู ูุฎูุจ ุงููููุฏุงู
ู ู
ู ูุชูู
ุจูุญููู ุงูุฐูุฑูุงุช ูู
ู ู
23. And caring ones, as the hand of a doctor
Tenderly touches the pulse of an ailing patient.
ูขูฃ. ูู
ู ู
ุชุฑูููู ูู
ุง ุชูุงุฏุช
ุนูู ูุจูุถู ุงูุนููู ูุฏู ุงูุทุจูุจ
24. You have breathed in me a new spirit,
And unveiled my gloomy face.
ูขูค. ุฃุดุนุชูู
ู ููู ุฑูุญุงู ู
ู ุฌุฏูุฏ
ุนู ุงููุฌู ุงููุฆูุจ
25. And I have returned by your grace, my ardour
Cooled for the embers of my fervent youth.
ูขูฅ. ูุนูุฏุชู ุจูู
ููุฏ ุจุฑุฏุช ุดุฐุงุชู
ุฅูู ุฌูุฐูุงุช ุฎุงูููู ุงูุดููุจูุจ
26. And I come with thanks, though the hand that rewards
Has been forestalled by the hand that gives favour.
ูขูฆ. ูููุคูุชู ุจุดูุฑูู
ููุฏ ุงุณุชุบูุช
ุจูุบูู ูุฏ ุงูู
ูุซุงุจ ูุฏู ุงูู
27. I deterred my soul from drowning in its passions
And drowning in blaming and accusation.
ูขูง. ููููููุชู ุงูููุณู ุชูุบุฑูู ูู ููุงูุง
ูุชุบูุฑูู ูู ุงูุดูููุงุฉ ููู ุงููุฌูุจ
28. And tempted by fleeting joys which are death,
As the moth is tempted by the flame.
ูขูจ. ูุชูุบุฑู ุจุงูุตุจุงุจุฉ ููู ุญุชูู
ุง ุชุบุฑู ุงููุฑุงุดุฉู ุจุงููููุจ
29. And I said: Your warning is that nothing remains
Of the scars on your heart from past wounds.
ูขูฉ. ูููุช ููุง: ูุฐูุฑูู ู
ุง ุชุจูู
ุนูู ุดุนูุงุชู ููุจู ู
ู ููุฏูุจ
30. It is enough, from what I have endured, for you to refrain
From slow death, and repent.
ูฃู . ูุญุณุจูู ู
ุง ูููุชู ุจุฃู ุชููููู
ุนูู ุงูู
ูุช ุงูุจุทูุก ูุฃู ุชุชูุจู
31. It said: I will not repent, for in Damascus
Is a love for whom I pray and who warms me.
ูฃูก. ููุงูุช: ูู ุฃุชูุจู ููู ุฏู
ููู ุฃูุตูู ุนููู ููุตุทูู ุจู
32. Grant me the repentance from the dalliances of days
When the meadow of my youth was fresh.
ูฃูข. ููุจูู ุชูุจุชู ุนู ุตูุจููุงุช ุนูุฏ
ูุฑู ุจู
ูุนุจ ุงูุฑุดุฃ ุงูุฑุจูุจ
33. How can I repent the burning embers of a passion
For you as you walk proud in your grey hair?
ูฃูฃ. ูููู ุฃุชูุจู ุนู ุฌู
ุฑุงุช ูุฌุฏู
ูุฏููู ูุฃูุช ุชุฑููู ูู ุงูู
34. And dark-eyed, slender youths who appeared
With the pride of youth on their brows.
ูฃูค. ูุณู
ูุงุฑู ุบูุณุงุณูููุฉู ุชุฌูู
ุจุบุฑู ุฌุจุงูููู
ุณูุฏู ุงูุฎุทูุจ
35. Repent? When you have paved my path
And I have lost the crossroads.
ูฃูฅ. ุฃุชูุจ ุ .. ูุฃูุช ูุฏ ุนุจูุฏุช ุฏุฑุจู
ูุถุงุน ุนููู ู
ูุชุฑูู ุงูุฏููุฑูุจ
36. And for what is in me of lapses and sins
Your sweet poem intercedes as advocate.
ูฃูฆ. ูุนูุฏู ุจุงูุฐู ุขุชู ุดููุนู
ุนูู ู
ุง ููู ู
ู ุฒููู ูุญููุจ
37. Poetry absolves sins
And erases faults.
ูฃูง. ููุฌุจู ูุตูุฏูู ุงูุญููู ุงูุฎุทุงูุง
ููุงู ุงูุดุนุฑู ุฌุจูุงุจู ุงูุฐููููุจ
38. Send me a breath of Damascusโ breeze,
Pour in my cup and bowl.
ูฃูจ. ูุณูู
ู ุตุจุง ุฏู
ุดูู ุฃุณูู ูุฏูุง
ู ุงูุฑููุดูุงุช ูู ูุฃุณู ูููุจู
39. Blow over me gently, ascending
The sighs of the soul heralding its storm.
ูฃูฉ. ูููุจูู ุนูููู ู
ุฑุชููุงู ุชุตุนุฏ
ุงูููุณ ุชุคุฐูู ุจุงููุจูุจ
40. Leave softly murmuring words flowing
Over my lips like the creeping of ants.
ูคู . ูุฏุน ุนูุฐูุจุงู ู
ู ุงููู
ุณุงุช ุชุฌุฑู
ุนูู ุดูุชู ูู
ุณุชุฑู ุงูุฏุจูุจ
41. Untie the knot binding my tongue
Though I am neither steadfast nor serene.
ูคูก. ูุฃุทูู ุนููุฉู ุดุจูุช ูุณุงูู
ุง ุฃูุง ุจุงูุนููู ููุง ุงูููููุจ
42. Grant me the perfume of your gentle breath,
Worthy of Andalusiaโs fresh branch.
ูคูข. ููุจููู ู
ู ุดุฐุงู ุฐููู ููุญู
ููููู ุจุบุตู ุฃูุฏูุณ ุงูุฑุทูุจ
43. My lady Nujah, to you I dedicate success,
Greetings from the writer to the writer.
ูคูฃ. ุฃุณูุฏุชู ูุฌุงุญู ุฅูููู ุฃููุฏู
ุชุญูุงุช ุงูุฃุฏูุจ ุฅูู ุงูุฃุฏูุจ
44. To the refined flower of literature
Who flourishes in the fertile garden of the mind.
ูคูค. ุฅูู ุฑูุญุงูุฉ ุงูุฃุฏุจ ุงูู
ุชูุฑูู ุจูุงุญุฉู ุงูุฐูู ุงูุฎุตูุจ
45. My lady Nujah, and you know
What makes hearts open to hearts.
ูคูฅ. ุฃุณูุฏุชู ูุฌุงุญู ูุฃูุชู ุฃุฏุฑู
ุง ุชููุจู ุงููููุจ ุนู ุงููููุจ
46. I recognized your great virtue from afar
And sensed your noble generosity up close.
ูคูฆ. ุนูุฑูููุชู ุนู
ู ูุถููู ู
ู ุจุนูุฏ
ูุฑูุฒุช ูุฑูู
ูุจูู ู
ู ูุฑูุจ
47. I matched hearing with seeing
And joined awe with reverence.
ูคูง. ูุทุงุจูุช ุงูุณููู
ุงุนู ุนูู ุนููุงู
ูุฌุงูุณุชู ุงูุฃูุงุจุฉู ุจุงูู
48. So you became where virtues conjoin,
Refined yet solemn and revered.
ูคูจ. ูููุชู ุจุญูุซู ุชูุชุญู
ู ุงูุณุฌุงูุง
ูุฐุจุฉู ุจู
ู ู
49. My lady, each proper person is content
With whatever fate apportions.
ูคูฉ. ุฃุณูุฏุชู ููู ุฃุฎู ูุตุงุจ
ู ุงูุฏููุง ุณูููุน ุจุงููุตูุจ
50. And each one whose brother parts from him,
And every shining star heads toward setting.
ูฅู . ููู ุฃุฎู ู
ูุงุฑููููู ุฃุฎูู
ููู ู
ูุดูุนูุดูุน ูุฅูู ุบุฑูุจ
51. To you I fled, and you drove me away
To the edge of a precipice, frightening and alarmed.
ูฅูก. ุฅูููู ูุฒูุนุช ู
ูู ููุฏ ุฑู
ูุฏุงู ุนูู ุดูุง ุฌูุฑูู ุฑููุจ
52. You have been excessive in kindness
As if wanting me to escape.
ูฅูข. ููุฏ ุจุงูุบุชู ูู ุงูุฃูุทุงู ุญุชู
ูุฃูู ุชุญุฑูุตูู ุนูู ูุฑูุจู
53. And I hope to return, though fearful
Of what state you will be in when you return.
ูฅูฃ. ูุฃุทู
ุนู ุฃู ุฃุซูุจู ููููู ุฎููู
ุนูู ู
ุง ุฃูุชู ููู ุฃู ุชุซูุจู
54. You have remained, never ceasing to be a beacon of glory,
A pillar of guidance, pride of the righteous.
ูฅูค. ุณูู
ุชู ููุง ุจุฑูุญุชู ู
ูุงุฑู ู
ูุจุฑุฌู ูุฏูุ ูู
ูุฎุฑุฉู ุงูุญูููุจ