1. I say I'm weary of it, yet I return, longing,
As if I've never loved, never grown weary.
١. أقولُ مَلِلْتها .. وأَعودُ شوقاً
كأني ما عَشِقْت .. ولا ملِلْتُ
2. But no! As if I've never praised
Its bending boughs, never wished.
٢. بلى وكأنني لم أَثنِ منها
أَماليدَ الغُصون .. ولا أَمَلْت
3. Never let its cups pour freely
Fragrant to the lips, never wished to drink.
٣. ولا سالت بأكؤسها دِهاقاً
معطرةَ الحِفافِ .. ولا أَسَلْت
4. Never bent over sickly lids,
Healed by them, never weakened myself.
٤. ولم أَعكُفْ على مَرْضَى جُفونٍ
ولم أبرأ بِهنّ .. ولا اعتللت
5. Ten years slipped by, and two, independently,
Without asking leave, gaining independence.
٥. مضتْ عشرٌ وعامانِ استقلا
وما استعفيتُهَنَّ .. ولا استقلت
6. Let evil temper fabricate what it will,
I've tested its moods until I grew weary.
٦. تَقَوَّل ما يشاءُ خبيثُ طبعٍ
بَلوتُ طِباعَهُ حتى كَلَلْت
7. If poverty befell me, I have excuses
To offer for not visiting it, excuses ready at hand.
٧. بأَني حُوَّلٌ .. إن أعوزَتْني
على الملات أَعذارٌ .. أحلت
8. I never set out to visit dear friends
Except I slipped away, disappointed.
٨. وأني ما طَلَعتُ على صِحابٍ
أُسَرُّ بقربِهِمْ .. إلا أَفَلْت
9. God forbid! Of refined character I'm made,
Free clay of which I'm molded.
٩. معاذَ اللهِ .. والخُلُقِ المصَفّى
وحُرّةِ طينةٍ منها جُبِلت
10. But I found affection has become a market
Where people traffic, so I've withdrawn.
١٠. ولكني وجدتُ الودَّ سوقاً
يراد بها تجار فاعتزلت
11. In weakness I was accused, though I'm not weak,
Abandoned through cowardice, though I'm no coward.
١١. فمن خَتْلٍ رُمِيتُ وما خَتَلَتُ
وعن جُبْنٍ خُذِلْتُ .. وما خَذَلْتُ
12. I've experienced people and days until
My hands are crippled by all they've grasped.
١٢. خَبَرتُ الناسَ والأيامَ حتى
يداي كليلتانِ بما نَخَلْت
13. My derelictions give them joy, though I don't ask
Their help. They're blind to such derelictions.
١٣. تَسُرُّهُمُ هِناتي لم أُسائِلْ
بهم " عُرَّ الهنات " ولا حَفَلت
14. I never kneaded their dough, so it's enough
Their hairs are caught in it, infiltrating it.
١٤. ولم أَخبِط معاجِنَهم فحسبى
بها الشعراتُ منها قد سلَلَت
15. I never asked to borrow their threads
When my own would suffice, unraveling freely.
١٥. ولم أسألْ مغازِلَهم خيُوطاً
غنىً عنهن بي فيما نَسَلت
16. Just so I was created; I never sold my cheek
For their kisses, never acted the wanton.
١٦. كذاك خُلِقْتُ ما ساوَمْتُ خِدني
على العوراتِ منه .. ولا اهتبلت
17. I was never seduced by glory,
Shouting, entreating for more.
١٧. ولا خُودِعْتُ بالأمجاد يوماً
ولم أهتِفْ بِهِنَّ ولا ابتهلت
18. But by nature, it stays pure,
By spirit pleased, untroubled.
١٨. ولكن بالسَّجيةِ وهي صفوٌ
وبالنفس الرضية وهي صَلْت
19. I found that beauty increases by diminishing,
For were perfection decreed, I'd not have perfected.
١٩. وجدتُ الحسنَ يكمُلُ بانتقاص
فلو قيض الكمال لما كَمَلْتُ
20. Differences disappear without defects,
So were perfection decreed, it too would not perfect.
٢٠. وتنعدمُ الفُروقُ بلا عُيوبٍ
فلو قِيض الكمال لما كَمَلتْ
21. My father, I'm weary, and if I were created
A new being with whom I love – yet I love no one – I'd be equitable.
٢١. أَبِي مَلَلٌ، ولو قُويْضتُ كوناً
بمن أهوى .. وما أهوى .. عَدَلت
22. Their ghosts come suddenly, as if
I'm carried to them again, newly borne.
٢٢. وتفجؤني طُيوفُهم كأني
إليْهِم من جديد قد حُمِلت
23. The pleasures I lived with them, happily
Encamping together or staying in their ruins.
٢٣. لمغنىً عِشتُهُ مَعَهمْ سعيداً
بهمْ.. وخُرَيْبةٍ مَعَهمْ نزلت
24. By God! They never wronged me
Nor burdened me, nor I them.
٢٤. ولا واللهِ ما أُوذيتُ فيهم
ولا ثَقُلوا عليَّ .. ولا ثَقُلْت
25. If I possessed any tendency it would be
To faultfinding, swerving from my nature.
٢٥. ولو بي مَلَةٌ لملِلتُ طَبْعاً
يجشِّمني، وعن شيمي عَدَلت
26. If given the chance, I'd have leapt
Like mercury, quick to transform.
٢٦. ولاستنْهَزْتُ من فُرصٍ وأخرى
ومثلَ الزئبق السَّرعِ انتقلت
27. But I trail my robe confusedly
In a garment I wrapped myself fifty years ago.
٢٧. ولكنِّي أجُرُّ الذيلَ تِيها
بِثوبٍ قبل خمسينَ اشتملت
28. What I lost and what I gained shame me
When facing the reed flute's melody.
٢٨. ويَزْهوني على القَصبِ الموشّى
حصيلةُ ما خَسِرتُ وما حَصَلت
29. Had they burdened me with sin or evil
I'd have borne it as they did, stumbling.
٢٩. ولو حُمِّلتُهُ كذويهِ غِلاّ
لكنت به كما خَمَلوا خَمَلْت
30. But I took heart – so what care I
If my period's long or short life's cup?
٣٠. ولكني شَجُعْتُ .. فما أُبالي
أجَلّى .. أم كبا قدْحٌ أَجلْت
31. I asked endurance, "How can I stay beautiful?"
It said, "That which makes me beautiful makes you so."
٣١. سألتُ الصَبْرَ كيف جَمُلتَ عندي ؟
فقال بما " تُصَبِّرني ّ " جَمُلْتُ
32. The days make me forget myself;
I don't forget grievances or remain heedless.
٣٢. تُنسِّيني بناتُ الدهر نفسي
ولم أَنسَ اللِّداتِ ولا غَفَلت
33. However difficult I become, if the rights
Of a true brother appear to me, I find the road easy.
٣٣. وأوعرُ ما أكون، فإن تراءت
حقوقُ أخٍ صدوقٍ لي.. سَهُلت
34. And I – though humiliation's my ally,
All is lightened by his dignity if I'm disgraced.
٣٤. وإني والمذلةُ من عُداتي
يهون لعزه، أني ذَلَلْت
35. From intimacy with the two cheek dimples.
I have an elite – if they deemed me their superior,
٣٥. وها أنا ما أقالتْنِي الليالي
عن الإلفِ الخدين.. ولا أقلت
36. I'd not prefer paradise gardens to them.
If I were tasked with all harm and evil
٣٦. وعندي صَفْوَةٌ لو فاضلوني
بهم غُرَفَ الجِنانِ لما فَضَلت
37. As ransom from their pain, I'd bear it.
My father, I'm weary, yet I don't cease being faithful
٣٧. ولو حُمِّلْت كلَّ أذىً وسُوء
كِفاءَ الذبِّ عنهم .. لاحتملت
38. To words I've said or deeds I've undertaken,
A café I've favored half a century
٣٨. أبي ملل.. ولم ابرحْ أميناً
لقولٍ قلتُ.. أو فعلٍ فعلت
39. Celebrating its memory and fellowship.
A lifetime of memories of sorrows and cares
٣٩. ومقهىً أصطفيهِ نصفَ قرنٍ
بذكراهُ ورِفقتِه احتفلت
40. I've used to shorten this or that sadness.
Faces look out at me over the years
٤٠. ودنيا ذكرياتٍ عن همومٍ
قَصَرْتُ بهنَّ هماً أو أَطَلْت
41. With which, like the dawn's first light, I've dressed my eyes.
Sigh after sigh I send up
٤١. مدى عُمري تطالِعُني وجوهٌ
بِهنَّ كطلعةِ الفجرِ اكتحلت
42. For those I've lost and those I've wept over.
I say I'm weary of it, as if thereby
٤٢. أُصعِّد آهةً من بعد أخرى
على من قد فقدت ومن ثَكِلت
43. Laying earth down on a dear grave.
Yet I return, longing, to breathe in from it
٤٣. اقول مَلِلْتُها .. وكأنَّ تُرْباً
على قبر عزيز قد أهَلْت
44. The scent of earth where I've rolled.
I wonder, how many smiles have I cheapened,
٤٤. وعن شَغَفٍ أَعودُ أشُمُّ منها
أريجَ ثرىً عليه قد دُللت
45. How many tears heated and debased?
I said to my friend as the cup bent
٤٥. تُرى.. كم بسمةٍ فيه ابتذَلْت
وكم من دمعةٍ حرّى أَذَلْت ؟!
46. My hand, as if steeping it in my blood:
Inspired by her glances, allure overflowing
٤٦. وقلتُ لصاحبي والكأسُ تَثْنِي
يدِي.. وكأنني بِدمي غُللت !
47. Into my cup, filling it with her lips' dew.
She's filled it – leaning over to spill
٤٧. وملهمة بما تُلْقى دلالاً
بكأسي من ثُمالتها ثَمِلْت
48. Onto my shoulder her tresses – and I'm filled.
Echoes of the mingled melody
٤٨. وقد ثمِلتْ .. فمالت وهي تُرخِي
على كَتِفِي ذوائبَها .. فَمِلْت
49. Through which I emptied what I never emptied before,
As if by its echo I climbed stairs
٤٩. وأصداءٌ من النَّغَمِ المزجّى
بهِ خِلتُ الذي ما كنت خِلْت
50. To the sky and never came down.
By your father's life, my words don't burden you,
٥٠. كأني بالمعارج من صداهُ
عَرَجت إلى السماء .. وما نزلت
51. Though many a burdensome word have I said.
Then I said: I see my seventy years as lifetimes
٥١. لعمُر أبيكِ لا يُثْقِلْكِ قولي
وكم من قولة ثَقُلت فقلت:
52. Of clarity, and seven, should I err or stray.
٥٢. أرى السبعين في رشدي دهوراً
وسبعاً إن سدرت .. وإن ضللت