
By your life, justice is a word whose practice


1. By your life, justice is a word whose practice
Is simple, yet its essence is difficult.

١. لعمرُك إنَّ العدلَ لفظٌ اداؤُهُ
بسيطٌ ولكن كنهُه متعسِّرُ

2. An active mind imagined it
As evidence for people who stumbled in life.

٢. تخيَّلَه عقلٌ نشيطٌ أرادَه
دليلاً لقومٍ في الحياة تعثَّروا

3. The defeated interpret it as something contrary
To what the victor interprets and explains.

٣. يفسِّرُهُ المغلوبُ أمراً مناقضاً
لما يرتأيهِ غالبٌ ويفسِّر

4. And when the rulers saw it as a projectile
That would shake their whims and destroy them,

٤. ولما رآه الحاكمون قذيفةً
تُضعضِعُ من أهوائهم وتدمِّر

5. And found no escape from accepting it
To satisfy those deceived by justice, they fooled,

٥. ولم يجدوا مَندوحةً عن قَبوله
لإرضاءِ مخدوعينَ بالعدل غَّرروا

6. They corrupted it with their interpretations,
Laws in the name of justice that forbid and command.

٦. أتَوه بتاؤيلاتِهم يُفسدونه
قوانينَ باسم العدل تَنهى وتأمُر

7. Indeed, the keen heart of the hungry poor
Was more deserving of prosperity and wealth.

٧. لقد كانَ أولى بالرفاهِ وبالغِنى
ذكيُ فؤادٍ جائع يتضوَّر

8. And the foolish arrogant one was more deserving
Of deprivation, nakedness, and hunger.

٨. وقد كان أولى بالحفاءِ وبالعَرى
وبالجوعِ هذا الأبلهُ المتبختِر