1. My beloved, since love was in enchantment
Sweet breezes, until the twilight stung it
١. حَبيبَتي منذُ كان الحبُّ في سَحَرٍ
حُلوَ النسائمِ حتى عَقَّهُ الشَّفقُ
2. And since our two wings met over arts
From it to the enchanted world we take off
٢. ومذ تلاقى جَناحانا على فَنَنٍ
منه إلى العالَم المسحورِ ننطلقُ
3. We safeguard the covenant of our two consciences between them
The whispers of the soul steal its murmurs
٣. نَصونُ عهدَ ضميرَيْنا وبينهما
نجوى بها همساتُ الروح تُستَرَق
4. O sweet gathering and the soul is gloomy
And the matter is confused, and the air is suffocated
٤. يا حلوةَ المُجْتَلَى والنفسُ غائمةٌ
والأمرُ متخلِطٌ، والجوُّ مختنق
5. And O smiling of a lip, and the world frowning
And O pure natured, and wishes are frustrated
٥. ويا ضحوكةَ ثغرٍ والدُّنَى عَبَسٌ
ويا صفيّة طبعٍ والمُنى رَنَق
6. And O patient with afflictions, soothing them
Until they return like the daughter of the compassionate crying
٦. ويا صبوراً على البلوى تلطِّفُها
حتى تعودَ كبنتِ الْحانِ تُصْطَفَق
7. From me to you is a greeting that does not stand
The age of the meadow, nor is it strengthened by the paper
٧. مني إليك سلامٌ لا يقومُ له
سِنُّ اليراعِ، ولا يَقوى به الورق
8. It is as if my soul when its loneliness overwhelms it
A person with insight sees his sister drowning
٨. كأن نفسيَ إذ تغشَيْنَ وَحْدَتها
إنسانُ عينٍ بمرأى أختِها غَرِق
9. My beloved, no one has disagreed between us
Except our appointment to our past, we agree
٩. حبيبتي لم تخالِفْ بيننا غِيَرٌ
إلا وعُدْنا لماضينا فنتَّفقُ
10. No side complained of the drought upon it
Except a green side, delicate, complained
١٠. ولا اشتكى جانبٌ فَرْطَ الجفافِ بهِ
إلا ارتمى جانبٌ مخضوضرٌ أنِق
11. We softly bite their gentleness as the gardens awoke
When the heavy rain saturated it
١١. نَهَشُّ لُطْفاً بلُقياهُمْ كما انتفضتْ
غُنُّ الرياض سَقاها الرائحُ الغَدِق
12. My beloved, and love, like people, was created
Bored unless morals change with it
١٢. حبيبتي والهوى، كالناسِ، خِلْقتُهُ
تُمَلُّ ما لم تغايَرْ عنده الخِلَق
13. The pleasure of connection if the estrangement was not flavored with it
And love was not stolen from its safety by separation
١٣. ما لذة الوصل لم يلوِ الصُّدودُ بهِ
والحبِّ لم يختلِسْ من أمنه الفَرَق
14. Miserable is the suspicion of a lute whose strings and body
And miserable is the taste of a life whose color is pale
١٤. بئستْ رتابةُ لحنٍ عودُه وتَرٌ
وبئسَ طعمُ حياة لونُها نَسَقُ
15. Those thirty nine that sneaked in
Squeeze us for a while, then become gentle
١٥. تلك الثلاثون والتسعُ التي دَلَفتْ
تستاقنا عَنَتا طوراً وترتَفِق
16. Until now we are amazed at the panels of its march
From what wisdom and tearing intertwined in it
١٦. للآن نَعْجَبُ من ألواحِ سيرتِها
مما تشابك فيها الحِلْمُ والخرَق
17. We both enjoyed it and we were full, not rich with satiation
Nor tired with saturation that insomnia drags
١٧. جُعنا بها وشبِعنا، لا الغنى بَطَرٌ
ولا الطَّوى بَرَمٌ يجتَرّهُ الأرق
18. It increases our self-confidence when distress
As the darkness increases the beauty of twilight
١٨. تَزيدُنا ثقةً بالنفس ضائقةٌ
كما يزيد جمالَ الضحوةِ الغَسَق
19. Together we rise with ascending souls
Those who suffered, drank our cup and were quenched
١٩. معاُ نُعاطِي بأنفاسٍ مُصعَّدةٍ
معذَّبِينَ تعاطَوا كأسَنا وسُقُوا
20. How bad are people who sang pride, and did not stop
The affliction of people who sang humiliation, and did not speak
٢٠. كم ساء قوماً غُنُوا عِزّا فما سكتوا
مصابُ قومٍ غُنُوا ذُلاّ فما نَطَقوا
21. We pray with two fires that people pray for their heat
Both those deprived of them and those granted them
٢١. نُصلَى بنارَينِ يُصلَى الخَلْقُ حرَّهما
سِيّانِ من حُرِموا منهم ومن رُزِقوا
22. In luxury a fire for the distressed it ignited
Nobleness, and in hardship a fire, hatred ignited it
٢٢. في اليُسْرِ نارٌ لمعسورين أجّجها
نُبْلٌ وفي العسرِ نارٌ شبَّها الحنَق
23. We do not sense it until it makes
Cold the fates of people before us who burned
٢٣. ما إن نُحسّ بها حتى تُصَيِّرَها
بَرْداً مصايرُ قومٍ قبلنا احترقوا
24. What do you think, did we have goodness
In anything other than it? And did we have ways?
٢٤. ماذا تظنينَ هل كانت لنا خِيَرٌ
فيما عداها ؟ وهل كانت لنا طُرُق
25. And partnership, and its tragedies have confidence
In us, and we trust the outcome of its matter
٢٥. وشِركَةٌ ومآسيها لها ثقةٌ
بنا ونحنُ بعُقْبَى أمرِها نثِق
26. My beloved, no swerving has diverted our crawl, seashells
As the crawling of caravans diverts the separated
٢٦. حبيبتي لم تُصَرِّفْ زحفَنا " صدَفٌ "
كما يُصرِّف زحفَ الركب مُفتَرَق
27. Nor did fate choose our imagined trip
We were fate that passes and outstrips
٢٧. ولا اصطفى القَدَرُ المظنونُ رحلتَنا
كنّا لها قَدَراً يَمضي ويَستبق
28. We walked on thorns, wounding us, and we befriend it
And in desolate places it throws us, and we stick together
٢٨. سِرْنا على الشوكِ يُدمينا ونألَفُهُ
وفي مفاوزَ ترمينا ونلتصق
29. We saw the embers subdued and we burn
And the planted foot is mined, and we penetrate
٢٩. كنا نرى الجمرَ مشبوبا ونحترق
ومغرِسَ الرِّجْلِ ملغوماً ونَخْتَرِق
30. Facing paths that humiliated its travelers
Because they paved so much of it and did not tread
٣٠. مُجانفينَ دُروبا ذلَّ سالكُها
من فرط ما عبّدوا منها وما طَرَقوا
31. It is as if what they approved of its pasture was
Harsh, and what they found sweet of its nectar, paved ways
٣١. كأنّ ما استمرأوا منْ رَعيِها حَسَكٌ
فظٌ، وما استعذبوا من وِرْدها طرقُ
32. My beloved, harm touched us in a society
All that above it, in its opposite, shone
٣٢. حبيبتي مَسَّنا ضُرٌّ بمجتمع
كلُّ الذي فوقَهُ في ضدّه شَرِقُ
33. It closes the vacuum of the soul and its loneliness
As deformity closes the slit of ripped
٣٣. تَسُدُّ فيه فراغَ الرّوح وحشَتُها
كما يُشوِّهُ فَتْقَ الرِّيْطةِ الرّتَق
34. It is as if what is crossed of its barriers
Are barriers of death, crossed, so it cracks
٣٤. كأنّ ما يُتَخطّى منْ حواجزِهِ
حواجزُ الموتِ تخطوها فتَنْصعِق
35. We are heated by its rulings one day, and reject them
And one day we long for it, and we are freed
٣٥. نُشْوَى بأحكامِهِ يوماً ونَرفُضُها
ونستَرقُّ له يوماً وننعتِق
36. We make ourselves like a pit that saves it
A pit, and the mocker ridicules us, sly
٣٦. نسوم أنفُسَنا خسفاً يُجنِّبها
خَسْفا ويسخَرُ منّا الناهزُ اللّبِق
37. And considers life what livelihood is sufficient for it
Since for those around us livelihood is foolishness
٣٧. ويحسَبُ العيشَ ما يُغنى الكفافُ به
إذِ الكفافُ لدى مَنْ حولَنا حُمُق
38. And we honor the craft if indignity carries it
And the transgressor plunders its sanctuary
٣٨. ونُكْرِمُ الحرفَ أن يُودِي الهوانُ به
ويستبيحَ حِماهُ الواغل المذق
39. And we were not safe from the contagion chasing us
For with us are clothes that slits were opened in them
٣٩. وما سَلِمْنا منَ العَدْوى تلاحقنا
فعندنا من ثيابٍ نُفِّضَتْ شِقق
40. And it has poured upon us from its monstrosities
What sighs caressed its touch, and burning
٤٠. وقد أفاض علينا من جرائرِهِ
ما ساورت مسحَهُ الآهاتُ والحُرَق
41. And miserable is that consolation, but a hand
That struggles with the wave may be saved from drowning
٤١. وبئسَ ذاك عزاءً، غير أنّ يداً
تكافحُ الموجَ قد يُوقَى بها الغَرَق
42. My beloved, time will recount our story
Until some people believe it, even if they were truthful
٤٢. حبيبتي سيقُصُّ الدهرُ قِصّتنا
حتى لَيُكْذَبُ أقوامٌ وإن صدقوا
43. And how not, and the secrets of its matter are wondrous
With it, victims of its mystery were locked
٤٣. وكيف لا وخفايا أمرِها عجَبٌ
به علينا ضحايا سرِّهِ غَلَق
44. What did we face? Do I reveal the distortion of its creation?
Or will people and morals be cursed in it?
٤٤. ماذا لقينا ؟ أنُبدي مِسْخَ خِلقته
أم سوف يُلْعَنُ فيه الخَلْقُ والخُلُق ؟
45. From gloaters who adopted the shame of the innovator
And angry, alive the innovator's shadow
٤٥. من شامتينَ تبنَّوا خِزْيَ مُخْتَلِق
وغاضبينَ، وحيّاً ظلّ مُخْتَلِق
46. Or will it be erased from history, he who falsified it
What he wanted, and tomorrow a forehead he sweated on
٤٦. أم سوف يندى من التاريخ زَوَّرَهُ
ما شاء وغدٌ جبينٌ بَلَّهُ العرَق
47. No wolf remains in the forest that a dog remains in its fangs
Except from our blood is on its teeth, gluttonous
٤٧. لم يبقَ في الغاب من ذئبٍ به كَلَبٌ
إلا ومن دَمِنا في نابه لُعَق
48. Take courage, how much truth from lowness
They walked on and how many were trampled and crushed
٤٨. تشجّعي كم أدالَ الحقُّ من سَفَلٍ
داسوا عليه وكم دِيسوا وكم سُحِقوا
49. We are not the first to be stained with blood wasted
Nor the last to follow and join
٤٩. لسنا بأولِ مخضوبٍ دماً هَدَراً
ولا بآخِرِ من يقفو ويلتحق
50. Indeed, arrows that no game dodged
And no target or shooter was equaled with it
٥٠. إن السهام التي ما راشها صَيَدٌ
ولا تَكافَى بها مَرْمَىً ومُرْتَشَق
51. Out of arrogance we withstood them, so they made us lose face
As the leaves fall around the lonely palm tree
٥١. كِبْراً صَمَدنا لها فَاسّاقطتْ كِسَراً
كما تساقطَ حول الأيكةِ الوَرَق
52. We do not lie about pride, in our depths are knots
From what boils, and in our nature ropes cling
٥٢. لا نكذبُ الفخرَ، في أعماقنا عُقَدٌ
ممّا يَمُجّ وفي أطباعنا عُلَق
53. My beloved, and sins in existence are ancestry
And for sinners, for what they harbored, separations
٥٣. حبيبتي والخطايا في الورى نِسَبٌ
وللخُطاة، على ما أضمروا، فِرَقُ
54. The crime remains, punishment intensifies upon it
Until it sucks the dripping blood of the criminal
٥٤. تبقى الجريمةُ يشتطُّ العقابُ بها
حتى يمصَّ دماءَ المجرمِ العَلَق
55. And for consciences there are horizons that reciprocate
If one horizon darkens, it brightens a horizon for it
٥٥. وللضمائر آفاقٌ مُجاوِبَةٌ
إذا دجا أُفُقٌ جلّى له أفق
56. And a conscience that failed its hopes may return
And the spring even from petrification gushes
٥٦. وقد يثوبُ ضميرٌ خاب آمِلُهُ
والنبعُ حتى من الجُلْمود ينبثق
57. No good announces it, for good invades it
And no darkness straightens unless the star shines
٥٧. ما نبّ شرٌّ فإنّ الخير يَقْحَمُهُ
وما استقام الدّجى فالنجْمُ يأتلق
58. My beloved, what really tempted the wicked about us
Is that we were created of clay other than what they were created from
٥٨. حبيبتي إنما أغرَى اللئامَ بنا
أنّا جُبِلنا بطينٍ غيرِ ما خُلقوا
59. Over them are skins, with us diseased
From its stench, and its shedding is aromatic on them
٥٩. خِيطَتء عليهِمْ جُلودٌ عندنا قَرَفٌ
من ريحها، وعليهم نثرُها عبِق
60. How much our hardship pleased us, lofty instead
Of their luxury, ridden by humiliation and submission
٦٠. كم سرَّنا عُسْرُنا مستعلياً بدلاً
عن يُسرِهم يمتطيهِ الذُّلُّ والملَق
61. Our souls are like clothes, over them new
And our clothes like their souls, with them worn out
٦١. نفوسُنا كثيابٍ فوقَهم جُدُدٌ
وثوبُنا كنُفوسٍ عندهمْ خَلَق
62. My beloved, and something illuminated will remain from you
Its margins obscure to me, and clasped
٦٢. حبيبتي وسيبقى منكِ مُصْطَبَحٌ
تندَى عليَّ حواشيه ومُغتَبَق
63. And it will be picked from the buddings of its bliss
Bitterness clinging to the fold of the heart
٦٣. وسوف تُستلُّ من رَيْعان نَشوته
مرارة بشَغاف القلب تعتلق
64. I rubbed your flower in my thorns, dragging it
So all its petals are stripped, torn
٦٤. مرّغْتُ زَهْرَكِ في شوكي أجرّره
فكلُّ أوراقِهِ منزوعةٌ، مِزَق
65. And you have endured for me the burden of a warrior
Rough shouldered, from its carrying fatigued
٦٥. وقد تحمّلتِ عنّي وِزرَ محتَرِبٍ
فجٍّ بعاتقهِ من حَملِهِ رهَقُ
66. Ulcered over what serenity accepts
And careless with what the greedy do not hope for
٦٦. محلَّماً فوقَ ما ترضى الحُلُومُ به
ومُستَخَفّاً بما لا يَطمعُ النّزِق
67. And holding his opinion while the soul disputes
And holding its dispute while the opinion sets forth
٦٧. وحابسٍ رأيَهُ والنفسُ نازعةٌ
وحابسٍ نَزْعَها والرأيُ منطلق
68. It overwhelms difficulties without discerning its lands
And the sword is examined for its sharpness and unsheathed
٦٨. يغشَى المكارِهَ لم يفحَصْ مضاربَه
والسّيفُ يُفُحَصُ حدّاه ويُمْتَشَق
69. Indeed the forehead whose sides its braiding of your hair straightened
Creases marched over it
٦٩. إن الجبينَ الذي ضوَّى جوانبَهُ
من جَعْدِ شَعرِكِ ما قد زرّد الحَلَق
70. At dawn shining through the clouds, scattered
How many hands of yours in which you protected a foot for me
٧٠. مشتْ عليه تجاعيد يُضارِبُها
عَبْرَ الغيوم صباحٌ مُشْرِقٌ ألِق
71. Nearly slipped on the paved floor
On those who fascinate the infatuated, grieving them
٧١. كم من يدٍ لكِ فيها صُنْتِ لي قَدَماً
كادت على النُّمرقِ المفروشِ تَنْزَلِق
72. With genius, elevating it, so it crumbles
They tore through storms flapping sails
٧٢. على التي تسحَرُ " الغاوين " تَفْجَعُهُمْ
بالعبقريات تُرْقيها فتنمحق
73. And took rest in the sleeping breeze, but did not flutter
My eye and yours, I do not wish for a lamp
٧٣. شقّوا الأعاصيرَ خفّاقين أشرعةً
واستروحوا النَّسَمَ الغافي فما خَفَقوا
74. Except you are for me the dawn and the cleft
Yesterday you asked me in a private whisper that shakes
٧٤. إنّى وعينيكِ لا أُمْنَى بداجيةٍ
إلا وأنتِ ليَ الإصباحُ والفلق
75. The fear of endings, those who raved, and those who loved
Why in its time of neglect
٧٥. سألتِني أمسِ في نجوَى يَهُزُّ بها
خوفَ النهاياتِ مَنْ هاموا، ومن عَشِقوا
76. A group, and when awareness intensifies, disperses?
My beloved, the secret still remains in blindness
٧٦. علامَ يُجمعُ في إبّانِ غَفْلتِهِ
شَمْلٌ وإذ يزدهيهِ الوعيُ يفترق
77. On prisoners with the fangs of doom, stuck
They ventured into a world whose destinies gloomed
٧٧. حبيبتي ما يزالُ السرُّ في عَمَهٍ
على أسارَى بأنيابِ الرّدَى عَلِقوا
78. As if they were stolen from a destiny other than it
They cannot unlock from its orbit
٧٨. تقحّموا عالَماً غُمّتْ مصايرُهُ
كأنّهم من مَصيرٍ غيرِه سُرِقوا
79. Unless the petrification of the frozen unlocks
Every oblivious person, his intention was outlined for him
٧٩. لا يستطيعون فكّا منْ محاورِهِ
إلا إذا اسطاعَ فكَّ المَحْجِر الحَدَق
80. On it the night his mother's period came
And if you wonder, so from "scrap" it climbed
٨٠. من كلِّ مستَغْفَلٍ خُطَّتْ منيّتُهُ
عليه ليلةَ وافى أمَّهُ الطَّلَق
81. Shepherding "chaff", and a respite is left for it
Two generations in the butcher's fist, not trusting
٨١. وإن عجبتِ فمن " معلوفةٍ " درجَتْ
ترعى " الهشيم " ويُستَبْقَى لها رَمَق
82. On life, and their necks were not struck
Contradictions the liberated mind carouses with
٨٢. جيلين في قبضة الجزّارِ لا أمِنَتْ
على الحياةِ، ولم تُضْرَبْ لها عُنُق
83. Even if people philosophize, even if they are shrewd
So why are spirits assigned to death howling at us
٨٣. نقائضٌ يرسُفُ العقلُ الطليقُ بها
وإن تفلسف أقوامٌ، وإن حَذَقوا
84. And neither thundering nor lightning against us?
And why the youth's pride and tenderness, crushing it
٨٤. أَوْلاَن ففيمَ عفاريتٌ موكّلة
بالموتِ ما رَعَدوا فينا وما بَرَقوا
85. And love, and good is languishing, dripping
Ignorance diminished until its examination knocked
٨٥. وفيمَ زهوُ الصِّبا واللطفُ يسحقه
والحبّ، والخيرُ عاتٍ سادرٌ نَزِق
86. And knowledge was poisoned until it almost ruptured
And thought ascended until the universe was stunned
٨٦. تقلَّص الجهلُ حتى دقَّ مَفْحَصُه
وسُمِّنَ العلمُ حتى كاد ينفلق
87. By it, and the fabric of the universe torn
And harm still persists, and misery is mortgaged
٨٧. واصّاعد الفِكرُ حتى الكونُ في رَهَجٍ
به، وحتى نسيجُ الكونِ منخرقُ
88. And hatred, and cunning, and deceit, and anxiety
And civilizations still glare
٨٨. وما يزالُ الأذى، والبؤسُ مرتهنا
والحقدُ والخبثُ والإدقاعُ والقلقُ
89. In the grasp of the nucleus, a beast when it breaks free
٨٩. وما تزال حضاراتٌ مشعشِعَةٌ
في قبضة الذرّ وحشاً يوم ينطلقُ