1. Two years have not yet passed, and she had
Years of self-confidence
١. لم يَعْدُ عامَيْنِ وكانتْ له
من ثقةٍ بالنفس أعوامُ
2. The toddler walks examining visions
As the artist entered the studio
٢. يمشِي الهُوَينى يستشفُّ الرؤى
كما أَتَى المرسَمَ رسّام
3. On the "sidewalk" his walk did not fail
No one behind, no one pushed him forward
٣. على " الرصيفِ " لم يَعُقْ سيرَه
خَلْفٌ، ولم يزْحَمْه قُدّام
4. While his mother supervised him constantly
And he tomorrow will be supervisor and supporter
٤. وأمُّه ترعاهُ قَوّامةً
وهو غداً راعٍ وقوّام
5. While the sixty year old in his opinion
Had inspiration coming to him from genius
٥. بينا ابنُ ستينَ وفي زَعْمِه
من عبقرٍ يأتيهِ إلهام
6. He intermingles in the "street" around him
Dangers amass in heaps
٦. يَختَبِطُ " الشارع " مِنْ حولِه
تنهالُ للأخطارِ أكوام
7. I greeted him, so a mouth replied to me
Like the mouth of a warbling nightingale
٧. حَيَّيْتُهُ فردَّها لي فمٌ
مثلُ فَمِ البُلْبلِ تَمْتام
8. And a face smiled that had no clouds
Illuminating the full moon and covering it
٨. وافترَّ وَجْهٌ ما به غَيْمةٌ
ويشجُبُ البَدْرَ ويَغْتام
9. Two years have not passed, yet in his eyes
A million years have passed collecting years
٩. لم يعدُ عامَيْنِ، وفي عَينِه
مَلْيونُ عامٍ لمَّها عام
10. O son of civilizations fathered from father
Surrounded by uncles and paternal uncles
١٠. يابنَ الحَضاراتِ أباً عن أبٍ
شَدَّتْكَ أخوالٌ وأعمام
11. Remaining gentle from its gentleness
And a mark, and in the loins a seal
١١. باقٍ على الأنطافِ من لُطْفِها
وَشْمٌ، وفي الأصلابِ أختام
12. In every field of its fields
A scent spreads from talkative history
١٢. في كل حَقْل من مَيادينها
عِطْرٌ من التاريخ نَمّام
13. A mother fed you her breast milk a blessing
And her lessons understanding and explanation
١٣. غَذَتْكَ أمٌّ ثَدْيُها نِعمةٌ
ودَرُّه فَهْمٌٌ وإفهام
14. Her breaths caressed your face
Making it like a branch full of flowers
١٤. حَنَتْ على وجهِك أنفاسُها
فهو كلَوْحِ الزَهْر بَسّام
15. The breezes of youth hovered over it
And its melodies touched your soul
١٥. وراوَحَتْه بَسَماتُ الصِبا
وداعَبَتْ روحَك أنسام
16. And it sang love and its tunes
So it made your hearing tunes more keen
١٦. وغَنَّتِ الحُبَّ وأنغامَه
فأرهفَتْ سَمْعَك أنغام
17. O son of civilizations, and how many injustices
Stingy, and how many unjust dividers
١٧. يابنَ الحضاراتِ: وكم قِسمةٍ
ضِيزَى، وكَمْ أجْحَفَ قَسّام
18. Are they whims? Or wisdom?
Or are they goblets and blamers?
١٨. أوَسْوَساتٌ هنَّ ؟ أم حكمة ؟
أم هُنَّ أقداحٌ، وأزلامُ ؟
19. How many good brothers you have in this lowly life
Who would be subjugated in the market of humiliation
١٩. كم لكَ في هذي الدنى من أخٍ
حُلْوٍ بسُوقِ الذُّل يُستام
20. And aspirations like yours great
That bow down if they are safe from harm
٢٠. وهامَةٍ مثلِك جَبّارةٍ
تُحنى لها لو سَلِمَت هام
21. Ingenious that were created and from their makeup
"Ingenious" and most learned came about
٢١. خَلاّقةٍ كانتْ ومن خَلْقِها
قد كانَ " خَلاّقٌ " وعَلاّم
22. Who stopped because they did not have
A people like your people, and groups
٢٢. أقعدَه أَنْ لم يكنْ عندَه
أهلٌ كأهليكَ، وأقوام
23. Shaking them in the cradle a hand shook from
Hunger, and humiliation, and illnesses
٢٣. هزَّتْه في المهد يَدٌ هَزَّها
جُوعٌ، وإذلالٌ، وأسقام
24. Their songs confused them and they slept
Black shadows and dreams
٢٤. دِيفَتْ أغانيها بها وارْتَمَتْ
سوداءَ أطيافٌ وأحلام
25. And they sucked poisoned milk that made their flesh rot
And made pains seep into their blood
٢٥. وامتصّ ضَرْعاً سَمَّمت لحمَه
وأدْغَلَتْ في الدَّمِ آلام
26. They shepherded an infertile ocean so they huddled
As sheep huddled in the desert
٢٦. رَعَى مُحيطاً مُجدِباً فانضَوَى
كما انْضَوَتْ في القَفْرِ أغنام
27. O son of civilizations: And myths
Are ideal examples, and fantasies
٢٧. يابنَ الحضارات: وأُسطورةٌ
المثلُ العليا، وأوهام
28. That sedate the hungry, and visions
Are black, and the glimpse of light an illusion
٢٨. يُخدِّرُ الجَوْعَى بها، والرُؤَى
سُودٌ، ولَمْحُ النورِ إيهام
29. And ignorance is ungrateful for what is in existence
Of splendor...and nonexistence is termination
٢٩. والجَهْلُ كُفْرانٌ بما في الوَرَى
من رَوْعةٍ .. والعُدْمُ إعدامُ
30. O son of civilizations: Have constitutions and laws
Been substituted with misery and tents?
٣٠. يابنَ الحضاراتِ: وهل بُدِّلَت
بُؤْساً، دَساتيرٌ وأحكام
31. The deception of faces and inside them
The worst that abdomens contained
٣١. خَدّاعةُ الوجْهِ وفي جَوْفِها
أسوأُ ما ضَمَّتْه أرحام
32. It makes you laugh, the lamented, you do not see
How praise and blame are weighed
٣٢. يُضحِكُكَ المُبكِي بها لا تَرَى
كيفَ يُمازُ الحَمْدُ والذّام
33. Stars have been trampled...except one star
That a leader has not discovered yet
٣٣. كواكِبٌ دِيسَتْ .. سِوَى كوكبٍ
لم يكتَشِفْهُ بَعدُ مِقدام
34. In it are wonders, and from its soil
Were created Amalekites and dwarves
٣٤. فيه أعاجيبٌ، ومن تُرْبِه
صِيغت عَماليقٌ .. وأقزام
35. Some crushing others boldly eating their flesh
While feet are not asked!
٣٥. يسحَقُ بَعْضاً هارِساً لحمَه
بعضٌ .. ولا تُسْأَلُ أَقدام !
36. And people are stolen...and their homelands
By a thief, whose thumb is not cut off
٣٦. ويَسرِق الناسَ .. وأوطانَهم
لِصٌّ، ولا يُقطَع إبهام
37. And a law of slaughtering your neighbor
And that slaughter be made mandatory
٣٧. وشِرْعةٌ ذَبْح الفَتَى جارَه
وأن يُجادَ الذَّبحُ إلزام
38. And customs in it are worshipped
Like rocks and idols are worshipped
٣٨. وتُعبَدُ الأعرافُ فيهِ كما
تُعْبَدُ أحجارٌ، وأصنام
39. For every custom there is its value, just as
Values and sizes are weighed
٣٩. لكلِّ عُرفٍ قدرُه، مِثْلَما
تُوزَنُ أقدارٌ، وأحجام
40. And it hobbles thought and its people
However a lamp wishes, and a bridle
٤٠. ويلكِزُ الفِكرَ وأربابَه
ما شاء سرّاجٌ، ولجّام
41. A crime the size of a palm...in a world
Whose pebbles sins have covered
٤١. جِرمٌ بحَجْمِ الكَفِّ .. في عالَمٍ
عَدَّ الحَصَى غَطَّتْه أجرام
42. Millions of wounds descended upon it
That were healing in the forest
٤٢. نَزَّتْ مَلايينُ قُروحٍ به
كانَتْ بعَهدِ الغابِ تَلتام
43. And the earth is a forest in it of its good
And evil...light and darkness
٤٣. والأرضُ غابٌ فيهِ من خَيْرِها
وشَرِّها .. نُورٌ وإظلام
44. And beasts roam it like them
Wolves, snakes, and hyenas
٤٤. ويَخلُفُ الوَحْشَ بها مِثلَه
ذئبٌ، وثُعْبانٌ، وضِرْغام
45. And from blood that was shed in it healing
The flowers' buds bloomed
٤٥. ومن دَمٍ طُلَّ بها ساربٍ
تفَتَّحتْ للزَّهْر أكمام
46. The ruled may eat from the flesh in it
And rulers may be eaten
٤٦. قد يأكُلُ المحكومُ من لَحْمِه
فيه، وقد تُؤْكَل حُكّام
47. Will Mars be inhabited with an ambition
That mines be planted in the land?
٤٧. أَيَعْمَرُ المِرِّيخُ من هِمّةٍ
في الأرض أن تُزرَعَ ألغامُ ؟