
I do not lie to you, I am but a man,

ليلة معها

1. I do not lie to you, I am but a man,
Whose sins are many, evil is my clan,

١. لا أكذبَنّكِ إنّني بَشَرٌ
جَمُّ المساوي آثِمٌ أشِرُ

2. Love is not thirst that gets satisfied,
It is my soulmate, not just a friend.

٢. لا الحبُّ ظمآناً يُطامِنُ مِنْ
نفسي وليس رفيقيَ النظَر

3. And yet I have seen what I'm most vexed by,
I wish that I were blind and could not spy,

٣. ولكم بَصُرْتُ بما أضيقُ به
فودِدْتُ أنّي ليس لي بصر

4. Or that I were a stone, for rocks are calmer,
Than I, though man is higher than a stone.

٤. أو أنني حجر وربتَّمَا
قد بات أرْوَحَ منّيَ الحَجَر

5. Nothing pleases him, he is ever glum,
Once gone from him, all becomes tiresome.

٥. لا الشيءُ يُعْجِبُهُ فَيَمْنَعُهُ
فإذا عداه فكلّهُ ضَجر

6. And yet I've gained what I did spy upon,
So I'm thankful for the vision I have won.

٦. ولكم ظَفِرتُ بما بصرتُ به
فحَمِدْت مرأى بعدَهُ ظفَر

7. My lips are sealed, my lady, but my eyes
And brow do speak of mysteries inside.

٧. شفتاي مُطْبْقَتَانِ سيدتي
والخُبْرُ في العينينِ والخَبَر

8. So witness my fierce, red, merciless stares,
That leave nothing behind and nothing spares.

٨. فاستشهِدِي النظراتِ جاحِمَةً
حمراءَ لا تُبْقي ولا تَذر

9. We both know what clothes and belts may hide,
Like embers we glow with passion inside.

٩. ولرغبة في النفس حائرة
مكبوتة يتطايرُ الشرر

10. Why pretend, why force yourself in vain,
To hide what you know you can't contain?

١٠. إنا كلينا عارفان بما
حَوَتِ الثّيابُ وضَمَّتِ الأزُر

11. The hypocrite lies, but I've no patience,
For such a waist as yours in constrictions.

١١. وبنا سواءً لا حياءَ بنا
الجذوةُ الخرساءُ تستعر

12. And foolish is he who is satisfied,
By your honeyed words and dark eyelids.

١٢. فعلى مَ تَجتهدين مُرْغَمَةً
أن تَسْتري ما ليس يَنْسَتِر

13. Your youth melts all his piousness away,
Leaving lust and nothing grave or staid.

١٣. كذب المنافقُ . لا اصطبارَ على
قدٍّ كَقَدِّكِ حينَ يُهتَصَر

14. The spirit rises when you bless its hour,
Though all the world is weak and overpowered.

١٤. ومُغَفَّلٌ من راح يُقنِعُه
منك الحديثُ الحلوُ والسمر

15. How precious your embrace which I have won,
While events make others come undone.

١٥. يُوهي الحجى ويُذيبُ كلَّ تُقىً
من مُدّعيهِ شبابُك النَّضِر

16. A dream of pleasures that I miss throughout,
And without which I'm destitute and downed.

١٦. ويَرُدُّ حلمَ الحالمين على
أعقابِهِ التفتيرُ والخَفَر

17. In you is magic which I can't define,
Or safely hope for or securely pine.

١٧. النَّفْسُ شامخةٌ إذا سعُدَتْ
بك ساعةً والكونُ مُحْتَقَر

18. Your hand holds my forelock, mine your waist,
Victorious or routed in this haste.

١٨. وفداء " محتضن " سمحتِ به
ما تفجع الاحداثُ والغير

19. If I should win, the cushions and rug fine
Are best for bards stretched out in recline.

١٩. حلم أخو اللذاتِ مفتقد
امثالُهُ وإليه مفتقِر

20. If I am beaten, my victor is an angel,
I'll pardon him, though he leave me mangled.

٢٠. وسويعة لا أستطيعُ لها
وصفاً فلا أمْنٌ ولا حَذَر

21. I grabbed her "breast" fearing it would shake free,
Like a great orb slipping down from a tree.

٢١. يدها بناصيتي ومحْزَمُها
بيدي . فمنتَصِرٌ ومندَحِر

22. In private, images of bliss I sustain,
As moans escape her, ecstasies we gain.

٢٢. فلئن غَلَبْتٌ فَخَيْرُ متَّسَدٍ
للشاعرِ الأعكانُ والسُرَر

23. She says, though I command her as I please,
And she complies, fulfilling all with ease:

٢٣. ولئن غُلِبْتُ فغالبي مَلَك
زاهٍ . بهِ صافحٌ عني ومغتفر

24. "You've tried to craft verses as you desire,
Choosing what you fancy, like plucking a lyre."

٢٤. أمسكتُ " نهديها " وأحسَبُني
أشْفَقْتُ أن تتدحرجَ الأُكَر

25. "My 'basin' came to you filled up with 'wine',
Whose fragrance perfumed like jasmines fine."

٢٥. عندي من استمتاعةٍ صُوَرٌ
ومِنَ التَّغنُّجِ عندَها صُوَر

26. "And I came to you with no thirst at all,
For that rose and heart alike were full."

٢٦. قالت وقد باتَتْ تطاوعُني
فيما أُكَلِّفُها وتأتَمِر

27. "And if I speak the truth, then it's a body
Where all the sweetest pleasures can be discovered."

٢٧. أمعانياً حاولتَ تَنْظِمُها
تختارُ ما تَهْوى وتَبْتَكِر

28. "O flower plucked in full bloom like the tender,
Fragmenting blossoms and aromatic splendor."

٢٨. إني وردتُ " الحوضَ "ممتلئاً
" شَهْداً " يفوحُ أريجُهُ العَطِر

29. "Excellent is the fate that brought us together,
And sublime is the judgment of fate in this endeavor."

٢٩. ولقد صدرتُ وليس بي ظَمَأٌ
للهِ ذاكَ الوِردُ والصَّدَر

30. "No part of you I'd single out or favor,
For you are desire incarnate, nothing could savor."

٣٠. وإذا صدقتْ فانه بدَنٌ
لأطايب اللذاتِ مُخْتَبَر

31. "You preach philosophy's lessons too long,
Though with you, wisdom is brief and strong."

٣١. يا زهرةً في ريعها قُطِفَتْ
كأرقِّ ما يتفَتَّقُ الزَّهَر

32. "Your ways haven't reached people far and wide,
Nor blazed a trail others have espied."

٣٢. نِعْمَ القضاءُ قضى بمرتشَفٍ
لي من " لماك " وحبّذا القَدَر

33. "It pains me that your cheek should suffer
The scrape of a cheek that's rough with fur."

٣٣. ما إنْ أخَصِّصُ منكِ جارحةً
كلَّ الجوارحِ منكِ لي وطر

34. "That your fine brow, joyfulness emitting,
Should be touched by one, gloom transmitting."

٣٤. يُزرْي بفلسفةٍ مطّولةٍ
والعلمُ شيءٌ فيك " مُخْتَصَر"

35. "This soft silk pricked by coarse wool,
Is such hurtful injustice, cruel."

٣٥. " ومعبد " لم يبل منهجه
بالسالكيه . ولم يَلُحْ أثَر

36. "My eyes sacrifice for your feet, my lady,
While your eyes are worn by many a sleepless night."

٣٦. إني لآسَفُ أنْ يجورَ على
خدّيكِ خدٌّ كلُّهُ شَعَر

37. "I cannot just take the spirit, no excuse,
To you, how can I apologise or recuse?"

٣٧. وعلى إهابٍ منكِ ممتلئٍ
مَرحَا إهابٌ مِلؤُهُ كَدَر

38. "A heart where sorrows collected and cached,
I unburdened, and it was replenished."

٣٨. هذا الحريرُ الغَضُّ مَلْمِسُهُ
حَيْفٌ يُخَدِّشُ جَنْبهُ الوبر

39. "Strait is the way, no room for delight,
While this day spreads its wings in flight."

٣٩. عيني فِدى قَدَمَيَكِ سيّدتي
عيناكِ قد أضناهُما السَّهَر

40. "Had you not blessed it with the breadth
Of your chest, it would have cracked at length."

٤٠. لا أكتفي بالروحِ أُزْهِقُها
عُذرا اليكِ فكيف أعتذر

41. "My time is sorcery, for with you each night,
Becomes charm, and darkness becomes light."

٤١. قلبٌ تجمَّعَتِ الهُمُومُ به
نَفَّسْتُ عنه فهو مزدهِر

42. "I see the long nights, and find in their hours,
Resemblance, for like palaces they tower."

٤٢. ضنكُ المنافذِ لا مكانَ به
لمَسَرَةٍ واليومَ ينتشر

٤٣. لَوْ لَمْ تُحلِّيه على سعةٍ
من رُحْبِ صدركِ كانِ يَنْفَجِر

٤٤. سَحَرٌ زماني كلُّهُ لِهَوَى
ليلٍ بقربِك كلُّه سَحَر

٤٥. وأرى لياليَّ الطِوالَ بها
شَبَهٌ ففي ساعاتِها قِصَر