1. Stand between the intertwined branches and the sweet
In the land of Jeron, with its gentle chains,
١. قِف بَينَ مُشتَبِكِ الأَغصانِ وَالعَذبِ
بِأَرضِ جَيرونَ ذاتَ السَلسَلِ العَذبِ
2. In a garden where a spring flowed
Where partridges chirp and game is plenty
٢. بِرَبوَةٍ في حَفافيها المُعينِ جَرى
بِجُؤجُؤِ البازِ حَيثُ الصَيدُ عَن كَثَبِ
3. And call upon its inhabitants to sway enchanted
For the generous one is disturbed by enchantment
٣. وَاِهتَفَ بِساكِنها أَن يَنثَنوا طَرَباً
إِنَّ الكَريمَ عَلَيهِ هَزَّةَ الطَرَبِ
4. In Al-Aqsa Mosque's courtyard they are told
Welcome, at the Arab Prophet's threshold
٤. في ساحَةِ المَسجِدِ الأَقصى يُقالُ لَهُم
أَهلاً وَفي عَتَباتِ المُصطَفى العَرَبي
5. If the Levant's countries were fair to them
It would applaud from Egypt to Aleppo
٥. لَو أَنصَفَتهُم دِيارُ الشامِ قاطِبَةً
صفَقنَ بِالكَفِّ مِن مِصرَ إِلى حَلَبِ
6. I love you with the love of one who strives for his mare
In obeying the mind, not in obeying rage
٦. أَحَبَّكُم حَبَّ مَن يَسعى لِطَيَّتِهِ
في طاعَةِ العَقلِ لا في طاعَةِ الغَضَبِ
7. I love you with the love of one who knows your positions
In serving the religion and Islam over eras
٧. أَحَبَّكُم حُبَّ مَن يَدري مَواقِفَكُم
في خِدمَةِ الدينِ وَالإِسلامِ مِن حِقَبِ
8. Since you took over the Caliphate
You have sheltered all expatriates
٨. وَمُذ تَقَلَّدتُمو أَمرَ الخِلافَةِ قَد
آوَيتُمو مِن بَينِها كُلَّ مُغتَرِبِ
9. You have struck, by my life, in its enclosure
With every formidable, polished sword
٩. لَقَد ضَرَبتُم لَعَمري في حَياطَتِها
بِكُلِّ سَيفٍ رَهيبِ الحَدِّ ذي شَطبِ
10. So every stranger who contends with your virtues
Does not know the rotten from the fresh fruit
١٠. فَكُلُّ غَرٍّ يُماري في فَضائِلُكُم
لا يَعرِفُ الحَشفَ البالي مِنَ الرَطبِ
11. No matter what weaknesses of a house there may be
We have with you a covenant never to be broken
١١. مَهما يَكُن مِن هَناتِ بَيتاً فَلَنا
مَعَكُم عَلى الدَهرِ عَهدٌ غَيرَ مُنقَضِبِ
12. Kinship between us is enough as testimony
If our gathering does not unite lineage
١٢. كَفى الشَهادَةَ فيما بَينَنا نَسَباً
إِن لَم تَكُن جَمَعَتنا وَحدَةً النِسَبِ
13. My glory in Othman, protector of my faith, and I
Have not forgotten my Qahtan ancestor among men and forefathers
١٣. مَجدي بِعُثمانَ حامي مِلَّتي وَأَنا
لَم أَنسَ قَحطانَ أَصلي في الوَرى وَأَبي