1. Oh say to those awake in the dark night
Seekers of high aspirations, enduring pain
١. أَلا قُل لِمَن في الدُجى لَم يَنَم
طِلابَ المَعالي سَميرَ الأَلَم
2. And those kept awake by passions of love
Below those kept awake by wisdom
٢. وَمَن أَرَقتَهُ دَواعي الهَوى
فَدونَ الَّذي أَرَقتَهُ الحَكَم
3. So many youths hide in corners
Wandering, estranged from books and pens
٣. فَكَم في الزَوايا تَخبا فَتى
طَريدَ الكِتابِ شِريدِ القَلَم
4. Seeing the world as narrow as a tear in a cloak
And desiring nonexistence over existence
٤. يَرى الأَرضَ ضيقاً كَشَقِّ اليَراعِ
وَيَهوي عَلى ذا الوُجودِ العَدَم
5. And so many on two bridges in one night
Like embers on glowing coal in the hearth
٥. وَكَم ذا بِجَسرَينِ مِن لَيلَةٍ
عَلى مِثلِ جَمرِ الغَضا في الضَرَم
6. The writer wishes for a hut there
And sheep he would herd and milk
٦. تَمَنّى الأَديبُ بِها نَدحَةً
وَلوباتٍ يَرعى هُناكَ الغَنَم
7. So many cypresses under the wings of darkness
Broke the writers heart as they swayed
٧. وَكَم سَرَوةَ تَحتَ جُنحِ الظَلامِ
كَسَرَ بِصَدرِ الأَديبِ اِنكَتَم
8. He fears the movements of their branches
And is wary of the breeze if it blows
٨. يَخافُ بِها حَرَكاتُ الغُصونِ
وَيَخشى النَسيمُ إِذا ما نَسَم
9. And if their leaves rustle in a thicket
Disturbing him with their sound and melody
٩. وَإِن تَشدُ وَرقاءَ في أَيكَةٍ
تُؤَرِّقهُ في صَوتِها وَالنَغَم
10. And so many spent the night herding stars
When the horizon filled with stars
١٠. وَكَم باتَ لِلنَجمِ يَرعى إِذا
أُديمَ السَما بِالنُجومِ اِتَّسَم
11. And the night stretched on until dawn broke
And he thought the pillar of daylight had crumbled
١١. وَطالَ بِهِ اللَيلُ حَتّى غَدا
يَظُنُّ عَمودَ الصَباحِ اِنحَطَم
12. In his anxiety he imagined the stars
Were guiding down toward his musk scent
١٢. وَمِن ذُعرِهِ خالَ إِنَّ النُجومَ
لَتَهدي إِلى مِسكِهِ عَن أُمَم
13. Whenever Gemini rose threatening
He imagined it was attacking him
١٣. إِذا ما السِماكُ بَدا رامِحاً
تَوَهَّمَهُ نَحوَهُ قَد هَجَم
14. And without the dark, no salvation comes
When darkness made it possible, not light
١٤. وَلَولا الدُجى لَم يَتِمَّ النَجا
وَقَد أَمكَنَ الظُلمُ لَولا الظُلَم
15. By God’s grace the villages hid him
For nothing easily hides from knowledge
١٥. وَلِلَهِ دَرُّ القَرى إِذ خَفَتهُ
فَما بِالسُهولَةِ يَخفى العَلَم
16. So two crude bridges and Ashar
Are places where he sheltered and took refuge
١٦. فَجِسرَينِ زَبدينَ وَالأَشعَري
دِيارٌ بِها قَد أَوى وَاِعتَصَم
17. And he headed towards Malihah
So many accused in Malihah
١٧. وَنَحوَ المَليحَةِ رامَ الخَفا
وَكَم بِالمَليحَةِ مِن مُتَّهَم
18. The home of his father whose people betrayed him
And who were given refuge and generosity
١٨. دِيارَ أَبي أَهلَها غَدرَهُ
وَآواهُ مِنها الوَفا وَالكَرَم
19. No doubt they pitied his state
An outcast suffering illness and pain
١٩. وَلا شَكَّ رَقوا لِأَحوالِهِ
طَريداً يُعاني الجَوى وَالسَقَم
20. The December nights in their forties
And the cold nights more precious than coal
٢٠. لَيالي كانونَ في الأَربَعينَ
وَبَردُ العَشِيّاتِ أَغلى الفَحَم
21. On land whose soil was sky and water
With canals above me and the river below
٢١. بِأَرضِ ثَراها سَماءَ وَماءِ
فَفَوقي السَواقي وَتَحتَ الدِيَم
22. He wanders having become like a specter
Thin, that if he appeared, none would collide
٢٢. يَجولُ وَقَد صارَ مِثلَ الخَيالِ
وَدَقَّ فَلَو لاحَ لَم يَقتَحِم
23. With ruddy cheeks like citrus color
And dark skin like grapes
٢٣. وَفَوقَ الخُدودِ كَلَونِ البِهارِ
وَتَحتَ المَآقي كَلَونِ العَنَم
24. And everyday in their search and quest
He turns away and where does he flee
٢٤. وَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ في كَبسِهِم وَبَحثِ
وَإِنّى تَوَلّى وَأَينَ اِنهَزَم
25. And their search brought them to his home
In Jilq gossip spread far and wide
٢٥. وَقَد كانَ في كَبسِهِم بَيتِهِ
بِجَلقٍ قالٌ وَقيلٌ عَمَم
26. And so they raided his books
Like raids of Arabs at dawn on livestock
٢٦. فَكانَت عَلى كُتبِهِ غارَةً
كَغاراتِ عُربِ الصَفا بِالنِعَم
27. And they said he will flee to Rhodes
And said he will pay for his crimes
٢٧. وَقالوا سَيَنفي إِلى رَودَسِ
وَقالوا سَيَجزي بِما قَد جَرَم
28. And said Adham will take him
On his ship where feet find no rest
٢٨. وَقالوا سَيَحمِلُهُ أَدَهَمَ
بِمَرقاهُ لا تَستَريحُ القَدَم
29. And some ruled prison for him
While others verdicted flogging for him
٢٩. وَبَعضٌ بِسِجنٍ عَلَيهِ قَضى
وَبَعضٌ بِضَربٍ عَلَيهِ حَكَم
30. And the Kurd Ali Daw became a lesson
So assist him from whom hope has fled
٣٠. وَكُردُ عَلِيٍّد غَداً عَبرَةً
فَغايَ وَمِنهُ الرَجاءُ اِنصَرَم
31. Oh Kurds, do not let misfortunes grieve you
For worries match the pride of men
٣١. فيا كُردُ لا تُحزِنَنكَ الخُطوبُ
فَإِنَّ الهُمومَ بِقَدرِ الهِمَم
32. And he who dares gain glory
Should expect to be tested with vengeance
٣٢. وَمَن رامَ إِن يَتَعاطى البَيا
نَ تَوَقَّعَ إِن يُبتَلى بِالنَقَم
33. The craft of words is a perilous one
And how many wise ones have I known
٣٣. فَذي حَرفَةِ القَولِ حَريفَةً
وَكَم أَدرَكتُ مِن لَبيبٍ وَكَم
34. And how many writers met calamity
And how many words split open hearts
٣٤. وَكَم كَتبَةً أَعقَبَت نَكبَةً
وَكَم مِن كَلامٍ لِقَلبٍ كَلَم
35. And he who expressed passion through writing
Then misery for him is inevitable
٣٥. وَمَن بِالكِتابَةِ أَبدى هَوىً
فَإِنَّ الكَآبَةَ مِنهُ القَسَم
36. So, Kurd, patience in suffering
For so many misfortunes turn hair gray
٣٦. فَيا كُردُ صَبراً عَلى مِحنَةٍ
فَكَم مِحنَةٍ شيبَت مِن لِمَم
37. And patience over papers
Whose eyes of meaning weep blood
٣٧. وَصَبراً عَلى وَرَقاتٍ لَها
عُيونَ المَعاني يُبكينَ دَم
38. Alas for flowers that bloomed at dawn
And are collected by a Gatherer ancient of days
٣٨. وَواهاً لِباقاتٍ زَهَرَ غَدَوتَ
لَها جامِعاً يا أَخي مِن قَدَم
39. Flowers that stay up through the night gathering
No wonder their fragrance wafts and sleeps
٣٩. أَزاهِرَ تُسهِرُ في جَمعِها
فَلا غَروَ أَن فاحَ عُرفٌ فَنَم
40. Nothing smells finer than fresh balsam
Finer than sweet smelling pale myrtle
٤٠. وَما نَمَّ الأَبَنشَرُ ذَكي
وَطيبَ يَفوقُ عَرارَ الأَكَم
41. Say to the fault finders against Kurd Ali
I praised him when I tried to blame him
٤١. فَقولوا لِواشٍ بِكُردِ عَلِيٍّ
نَشَرتُ الثَنا حينَ حاوَلتُ ذَم
42. For Kurd was nothing but truthful
To his nation whom he long served
٤٢. فَما كانَ كُردُ سِوى صادِقٍ
لِدَولَتِهِ طالَما قَد خَدَم
43. And if they found any doubt in him
It would not reach even petty faults
٤٣. وضما وَجَدوا عِندَهُ ريبَةً
تَعدُ وَلَو في صِغارِ اللِمَم
44. Can they extinguish with their mouths
Light that nations have seen
٤٤. فَهَل يُطفِئونَ بِأَفواهِهِم
مِنَ النورِ ما قَد رَآهُ الأُمَم
45. As long as there is a poet in our Syria
We will not be wronged or destroyed
٤٥. وَما دامَ ناظِمٌ في شامِنا
فَما نُستَضامُ وَلا نَهتَضِم
46. And if not for the care of a poet
We would have no established order
٤٦. وَلَولا العِنايَةَ مِن ناظِمٍ
لَما كانَ شَملٌ لَنا مُنتَظَم
47. He defended us from the guile of slanderers
Repelled the attacks of fault finders and cleared the clouds
٤٧. وَقانا دَسائِسَ أَهلَ النِفا
قِ وَردُ الوُشاةِ وَجَلى الغِمَم
48. And Syria in his time
Became straightened by blessings
٤٨. وَقَد أَضحَتِ الشامُ في عَهدِهِ
يُصَوِّبُ عَلَيها عِهادُ النِعَم
49. And was safe from falsehood
As sanctity spread through the Sacred House
٤٩. وَباتَت مِنَ الزورِ في مَأمَنٍ
وَحَقَّ الأَمانِ بِبابِ الحَرَم