1. My mother's sons hurried to search for their cooking pots
Yet nothing moved the pain except their stillness
١. سِراعاً بَني أُمّي بِحَثِّ ظُعونِها
فَما حَرَّكَ الآلامَ غَيرَ سُكونِها
2. The cavalry of misfortune still lies under their saddlebags
While the chests of the riders are over their mounts
٢. وَما زالَ فَريُ الخَطبِ تَحتَ خِفافِها
وَشَرحُ صُدورِ الرَكبِ فَوقَ مُتونِها
3. By the glory of great deeds, they did not attack our homes
Nor were they fought but by the length of their lances
٣. لَعَمرُ المَعالي ما عَدونَ دِيارَنا
وَلا حُرِبَت إِلّا بِطولِ هُدونِها
4. Nor was what I chose of their weakness
Except the origin in what it endured of discord
٤. وَلا كانَ ما قَد آثَرتُ مِن فُتورِها
سِوى الأَصلُ فيما كابَدَت مِن فُتونِها
5. They blame the difficult access to supremacy
And no glory except by climbing its sorrows
٥. يُعافونَ مَورودَ الصِعابِ إِلى العُلا
وَلا مَجدَ إِلّا بِاِرتِقاءِ حُزونِها
6. So whoever wants the days white, let him not be
Grieved by the nights rolling with their sorrow
٦. فَمَن يَرِدُ الأَيّامَ بيضاً فَلا يَكُن
جَزوعاً لِكَرّاتِ اللَيالي بِجَونِها
7. We rode the backs of swift she-camels that
Our knights who are in their bellies have loaded
٧. رَكِبنا ظُهورَ الصافِناتِ وَقَد ثَوَت
بِأصلابِنا فُرسانَ ما في بُطونِها
8. And we said to our guide through the desert that we
Have returned to our fathers and their affairs
٨. وَقُلنا لَهادينا الفَلاةَ فَإِنَّنا
رَجِعنا إِلى آبائِنا وَشُئونِها
9. They crossed the clefts of the white desert east and west
Was there not from the water of the first and its clay?
٩. طَووا شِقَقَ البَيداءِ شَرقاً وَمَغرِباً
أَلَم يَكُ مِن ماءِ الأَوالي وَطينَها
10. What business with fretting is the ship
Mooring on the coast of the desert extending its rope
١٠. وَما إِن شَأيٍ بِالكَهرَباءَةِ مَركَبِ
بِشاحِطَةِ الصَحراءِ مَدَّ هَجينَها
11. If the people cross the seas, we have
What they do not find for them with its ships
١١. فَإِن يَقطَعُ القَومَ البِحارَ فَعِندَنا
مَهامِهُ لا تَلقى لَهُم بِسَفينِها
12. With nothing but that we are a band
Wrathful to us are the Muslims and their religion
١٢. عَلى غَيرِ شَيءٍ غَيرَ أَنّا عِصابَةً
غِضابٌ لَدَينا المُسلِمينَ وَدينَها
13. They exceeded the limits of patience unjustly with a nation
They have become flexible in the decision to cut its vines
١٣. تَعدوا حُدودَ الصَبرِ حيفاً بِأُمَّةً
غَدوا لَبِداً في عَزمِ قَطعِ وَتينِها
14. And we have long deluded ourselves
Seeking remedies that untie their knots
١٤. وَقَد طالَما بِتنا نُغالِطُ أَنفُساً
وَنَبغي مِنَ الأَعلاجِ سَلَّ ضُغونَها
15. Until determination was revealed, no barriers below it
And the clear text fell short with its excuses
١٥. إِلى أَن تَجلى العَزمَ لا حَجبَ دونَهُ
وَقَصُرَ بِالأَعذارِ نَصٌّ مُبينَها
16. And none of the foreigners remained in their desire
With a nation that truthfully persisted in its stillness
١٦. وَلَم يَبقَ مِن مُستَعجِمٍ في مُرادِهِم
بِأُمَّةٍ صِدقَ أَمعَنَت في رُكونِها
17. So we said, with the swords upon you, they are
More eloquent than our pens with their clanging
١٧. فَقُلنا عَلَيكُم بِالسُيوفِ فإِنَّها
لِأَفصَحُ مِن أَقلامِنا بِرَنينِها
18. If the violations of our covenants make the enemies yield
Then with the reins of the white horses, their aggression is curbed
١٨. فَإِن يَخفِرِ الأَعداءَ عُهودَنا
فَعِندَ ذِمامِ البيضِ رَدعُ خُؤونِها
19. Oh how much they belittled our stand
And how they attacked us during their times
١٩. أَلا شَدَّ ما قَد أَصغَرَت مِن مَقامِنا
وَما اِقتَحَمَتنا في الغُزاةِ لِحينِها
20. She quickly forgot what passed from our afflictions
And that we transcended towering generations
٢٠. تَناسَت سَريعاً ما مَضى مِن بَلائِنا
وَأَنّا عَلَونا عالِياتٍ قُرونَها
21. The thrones of the East thought they would not
As if there was nothing between As-Safa and Al-Marwah
٢١. وَظَنَّت عُروشُ الشَرقِ ما لَت وَأَصبَحَت
كَأَن لَم يَكُن بَينَ الصَفا وَحُجونِها
22. And that the time of revenge arrived, so they were shaken
Alas, that which they presented from assumptions is lost
٢٢. وَأَنَّ زَمانَ الثَأرِ وافى فَأَوجَفَت
أَلا خابَ ما قَد قَدُمَت مِن ظُنونِها
23. So Islam did not cease to be vigorous with its people
And its fires were not extinguished with their embers
٢٣. فَلَم يَزَلِ الإِسلامُ غَضاً بِأَهلِهِ
وَنيرانِهِ لَم تَنطَفِئ بِكُمونِها
24. And the Quran did not stop refreshing their nature
So it is far-fetched to fear the drying up of its spring
٢٤. وَما رَقرَقَ القُرآنُ ماءَ طِباعِها
فَهَيهاتَ يَخشى مِن نُضوبِ مُعينِها
25. So a people must not be deceived by our soft outward appearance
The brown sword is not mild with its softness
٢٥. فَلا يَغتَرِر قَومٌ بِظاهِرٍ لينَنا
فَما الصَعدَةَ السَمراءَ هَوناً بِلينِها
26. For us are all the Ghadanfar from the sons of Othman
For which their heroes bow to its sharpness
٢٦. لَنا مِن بَني عُثمانَ كُلَّ غَضَنفَرٍ
تَخِرُّ لَهُ أَبطالُهُم لِذُقونِها
27. So we do not boast that we defeated its bold
And previously we felled its lion in its den
٢٧. فَلَسنا نُباهي أَن نَحَرنا سِخالَها
وَقبلاً صَرَعنا أَسَدَها في عَرينِها
28. The hands of its soldiers have not taken up the sword
Even if skilled in sharpening, the hands of its spears
٢٨. فَما اِضطَلَعَت بِالسَيفِ أَيدي جُنودِها
وَإِن مَهَرَت في الشَحذِ أَيدي قُيونِها
29. Battalions in the sword of the sea frighten it
Out of fear, fluttering in their corners
٢٩. جَحافِلَ في سَيفِ البِحارِ تَخالُها
مِنَ الذُعرِ وَرقاً عُكَّفاً في وَكونِها
30. And were it not for the safe harbors sustaining it
It would have sunk into the depths of its waves
٣٠. وَلَولاَ الجَواري المُنشَآتِ تَمُدُّها
مِنَ اللُجِّ زَجَت في مَغاغِرِ نونِها
31. If Rome besieged it to attack our siege
It would have placed them with us in its prisons
٣١. لَئِن جَرَدَتها رَومَةٌ لِحِصارِنا
لَقَد أَودَعَتها عِندَنا بِسُجونِها
32. And in every day there is an incident for its armies
Its plain becomes too narrow for them with its ships
٣٢. وَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ وَقعَةٍ لِجُيوشِها
تَضيقُ بِها بِطَحاؤِها بِدَفينِها
33. It has tasted some of the inferiority a weakling harvested
Mixing therein its cowardice and madness
٣٣. لَقَد طَعَمَت مِمّا جَنَتهُ وَضيعَةٌ
تُخالِطُ فيها جَبنَها بِجُنونِها
34. War has ignited its doubts
When the Arabs reach it with the snow of their certainty
٣٤. قَد اِستَوقَدَتها الحَربُ نارَ شُكوكِها
إِذا العَرَبُ وافَتها بِثَلجِ يَقينِها
35. So protect, O you Arabs, the carriers
An ancestry, so be resolute to its own
٣٥. فَدونَكُمو يا أَيُّها العُربُ حَملَةً
نِزارِيَّةً فَاِستَبسَلوا لِزَبونِها
36. And guard the reins of the kingdom strongly, so it does not
Carry but soft and weak his saddles
٣٦. وَصونوا ذِمارَ المُلكِ شَداً فَلَم يُملِ
سُروجَ المَطايا غَيرَ رَخوِ وَضينِها
37. And these ripe fruits incline to you
The falling of the fruits from the branches of their trees
٣٧. وَهَذي طَلى الطَليانِ تَهفو إِلَيكُمو
سُقوطَ ثِمارِ الدَوحِ مِن عَن غُصونِها
38. Tripoli will know that we are its people
And Barqa, we do not accept less than it
٣٨. سَتَعلَمُ أَطرابِلسَ أَنّا صِحابَها
وَبُرقَةً لا نَرضى لَعَمري بِدونِها
39. And every handful of soil for us from it
Is like the one the friend holds to its intimacy
٣٩. وَكُلُّ ذِراعٍ عِندَنا مِن تُرابِها
كَخالِصَةِ الأَعلاقِ عِندَ ضَنينِها
40. You have given victory to the Commander of the Faithful for a nation
Muhammad, the light of its eyes for the length of time
٤٠. سَلِمتَ أَميرَ المُؤمِنينَ لِأُمَّةٍ
مُحمَّدَ طولَ الدَهرِ نورُ عُيونِها
41. It establishes the rule of its Commander in truth for it
And it observes its solemn covenant with kindness
٤١. تُقيمُ بِها في الحَقِّ حُكمَ أَميرِها
وَتَرعى لَها بِالرِفقِ عَهدَ أَمينِها
42. And from the lords of the East around you are allies
Who carry your dais and guard its castles
٤٢. وَمِن أُمراءِ الشَرقِ حَولَكَ عُصبَةً
سُطاكَ كَرسيها وَشَمُّ حُصونِها
43. O interceding sword of victory do its works
And it always remains in its right hand
٤٣. وَيا سَيفَ نَصرٍ عامِلاً في عِداتِها
وَقائِمَهُ لَمّا يَزَل في يَمينِها
44. If it feels fear in its dignity from Muhammad
It finds guidance through you to its supporter
٤٤. إِذا اِعتَصَمَت في رَوعِها مِن مُحَمَّدٍ
بِصاحِبِها مِنكَ اِهتَدَت لِمُعينِها
45. And if afflictions befall it, may
The light on its forehead through Abbas never cease
٤٥. وَإِن جَهَمَتها الحادِثاتُ فَلَم يَزَل
بِعَبّاسِها بَسّامُ نُورٍ جَبينِها
46. When the world of Islam expresses gratitude to you
What significance remains for a fly with its buzzing?
٤٦. إِذا عالَمُ الإِسلامِ أَولاكَ شُكرَهُ
فَما لِذُبابِ بِلُغَةٍ بِطَنينِها
47. An emigrant missing you longs
That distance tears apart, overflowing with its longing
٤٧. تَحِنُّ إِلى ناديكَ مُهجَةُ غائِبٍ
يُطَعُها في البُعدِ فَرطَ حَنينِها
48. If you are unable to help its tribe
Then who would accept the abstention of its support?
٤٨. فَإِن تَكُ آلَت نَجدَةً لِقَبيلِها
فَمِثلُكَ مَن يَرضى بِبِرِّ يَمينِها
49. If not for the obligatory rights, nothing would grow
Established in its homes without its stability
٤٩. وَلَولا الحُقوقُ الواجِباتُ لَما نَبَت
أَماكِنَ مِن أَوطانِها بِمَكينِها
50. Aspersions in nobleness are many
And not every complainer joins with his equal
٥٠. تَظَلُّ الدَعاوي في المَعالي كَثيرَةٌ
وَما كُلُّ باغٍ وَصلَها بِقَرينِها
51. Until the meeting point of both armies, and the Sword decides
There, its bran is known from its flour
٥١. إِلى مُلتَقى الجَمعَينِ وَالسَيفُ فاصِلٌ
هُنالِكَ يَدري غَثَّها مِن سَمينِها
52. There for us on the side of the West are brothers
Whose misery has known them with its afflictions
٥٢. هُناكَ لَنا في جانِبِ الغَربِ إِخوَةٌ
تَسومُهُم البُؤسى العِدى بِفُنونِها
53. We wept for them, we the nearest, what they have grown accustomed to
Their tears shedding in adversity the concealment of their agonies
٥٣. بَكَينا لَها نَحنُ الأُلى ما تَعَوَّدَت
مَدامِعُهُم في الخَطبِ بَذلُ مُصونِها
54. For if we complain of the injustice upon our people
Then remoteness from honor after its humiliation is inconceivable
٥٤. فَإشن نَحنُ قارَرنا عَلى ضَيمِ أَهلِنا
فَهَيهاتَ نَرجو العِزَّ مِن بَعدِ هَونِها
55. You see the soul a debt standing in its ranks
Fulfilling for the wombs a portion of its debts
٥٥. تَرى النَفسَ دَيناً وَقفَةً في صُفوفِها
قَضاءٌ عَنِ الأَرحامِ بَعضَ دُيونِها
56. For the Levant, the Nile and Happy Tigris are not
The same during its joys and sorrows
٥٦. فَما الشامُ وَالنيلُ السَعيدُ وَدِجلَةً
سِواها لَدى أَفراحِها وَشُجونِها
57. By God, I will not give the Mecca heights to an unjust one
And never do I want the soul to desire its cup
٥٧. وَوَاللَهِ لا أُعطيه المَقادِ لِظالِمٍ
وَلَمّا أُرِد بِالنَفسِ حَوضَ مُنونِها
58. When my sisters spend the night in Barqa in yearning
How can the eye sleep with its eyelids full?
٥٨. إِذا باتَ أَخواتي بِبُرقَةٍ سُهَّداً
فَكَيفَ تَنامُ العَينُ مِلءَ جُفونِها