
In such great tragedies

إلى مثل هذا في الخطوب العظائم

1. In such great tragedies
I see the utmost might of merciless nights.

١. إِلى مِثلِ هَذا في الخُطوبِ العَظائِمِ
أَرى مُنتَهى بَطشِ اللَيالي الغَواشِمِ

2. And is there after this tragedy another we may enumerate
Afflicted with knowledge or an affliction with a sage?

٢. وَهَل بَعدَ هَذا الخَطبُ خَطبٌ نُعِدُّهُ
مُصاباً بِعِلمٍ أَو بَلاءً بِعالَمِ

3. Afflicted for what was decreed has passed, forgotten, expired,
With it the sorrows of gloomy calamities ended.

٣. مُصابٌ لِما قضد فاتَ أَنسى وَمَأتَمٌ
بِهِ خَتَمتَ آلامَ سودِ المَآتِمِ

4. No anger in it grieving, spreading its sadness,
For the death of men of knowledge is the death of sages.

٤. وَلا غضروَ فيهِ فاجِعاً عَمَّ رَزؤُهُ
فَمَوتُ رِجالِ العِلمِ مَوتُ العَوالِمِ

5. Lamps in the world, when extinguished,
Are darkness for the people in a night of deep ignorance.

٥. مَصابيحٌ في الدُنيا إِذا هِيَ أُطفِئَت
دُجى الناسِ في لَيلٍ مِنَ الجَهلِ قاتِمِ

6. And signs of guidance in the wilderness by which
Every wanderer in the wilds confused is guided.

٦. وَأَعلامُ رُشدٍ في البَرِيَّةِ يَهتَدي
بِها كُلُّ سارٍ في المَجاهِلِ هائِمِ

7. But this world, by my life, is inclined
To defeat the noble since time immemorial.

٧. وَلَكِنَّها الدُنيا لَعَمري أولِعتُ
بِنَكبِ العُلى مِن عَهدِها المُتَقادِمِ

8. One who hopes for fire to be lit with water has no hope there,
Not every rational person hopes for its purity.

٨. يُرَجّي التِهابَ النارِ بِالماءِ عِندَها
وَلَيسَ يَرجى صَفوُها كُلَّ حازِمِ

9. Indeed, O servants of God, the light of nobility has waned today
And the glory of all that is noble has crumbled.

٩. أَحَقّاً عِبادَ اللَهِ ذا اليَومَ قَد خَبا
شِهابُ العُلى وَاِندَكَّ طَودُ المَكارِمِ

10. And I have been stricken by eloquence and the drawing of swords that rend,
With a tragedy for the affairs of knowledge flowing down gardens of merit.

١٠. وَأَنَّ المَعالي وَالمَعاني فَجِعتُ
بِخَطبٍ لِسُمرِ الخَطِّ وَالبيضِ ثالِمِ

11. Lighting has struck the gardens where they were blossoming
And this obituary has left them blossomless.

١١. وَما لِشُئونِ العِلمِ سالَت شُئونُها
عَلى جَنّاتِ الفَضلِ سَحَّ الغَمائِمِ

12. Its impact has filled the ears, awakening
Every slumbering soul from heedlessness.

١٢. أَجَل ماتَ مَن قَد كانَ لِلفَضلِ سَيِّداً
بِفاجِئٍ خَطَبَ داهِمِ أَيُّ داهِمِ

13. Thus let the stars sink into the earth,
Thus let the seas, turbulent, surge and boil.

١٣. قَضى اليَومَ عَبدُ اللَهِ فِكري الَّذي سَعى
لِنَيلِ المَعالي مُنذُ نوطَ التَمائِمِ

14. Tidings of glory made me swoon when I heard them,
Silencing all people, making every standing one sit.

١٤. وَخَلَفَتِ الأَقلامَ وَالصُحُفَ بَعدَهُ
بِحُزنِ إِلَيَّ يَومَ القِيامَةِ دائِمِ

15. We have lost a prince who was the pride of our time,
And the stratagem of the noble and protected.

١٥. وَأَضحى بِهِ أَضحى وَقَد كانَ يَومَهُ
وَلَذّاتِهِ قَد نَغَّصَت بِالعَلاقِمِ

16. We have lost the prince of prose and verse, sublime,
Soaring higher than any fancy has flown.

١٦. وَباتَت ثُغورٌ كُنَّ فيهِ بَواسِماً
وَغادَرَها ذا النَعيُ غَيرَ بَواسِمِ

17. Alas for the words he lent such charm
With his subtlety soft as the gently blowing breeze.

١٧. نَعِيٌّ سَرى مِلءَ المَسامِعِ وَقعُهُ
إِذاً لَصَحا مِن غَفلَةِ كُلِّ نائِمِ

18. And the delicacy of flawless Arabic speech
He adorned by embroidering the craft of the non-Arabs.

١٨. كَذا فَليَكُن غَورُ الكَواكِبِ في الثَرى
كَذا فَليَكُن غيضَ البِحارِ الخَضارِمِ

19. A consistent system puts the garden to shame with delight,
And subtle ideas roam with the gazelles at rest.

١٩. مُصيبَةُ مَجدٍ أَسكَرَت بِسَماعِها
نُهى الناسِ حَتّى أَقعَدَت كُلَّ قائِمِ

20. The virtues of a soul that sought in its time
Nothing but good and kindness, ever, for mankind,

٢٠. فَقَدنا أَميراً كانَ غُرَّةَ عَصرِنا
وَحيلَةُ أَجيادِ العُلا وَالمَعاصِمِ

21. And trod no path but that of valor,
Nor knew any approach but that of probity.

٢١. فَقَدنا أَميرَ النَظمِ وَالنَثرِ راقِيا
مِنَ الأَمرِ أَعلا ما اِرتَجَت نَفسُ رائِمِ

22. The nature of meadows blossoming, aromatic,
From which wafts the fragrance of flowers in bud.

٢٢. فَواهاً بلِأَقوالٍ لَهُ قَد أَعارَها
سَلاسَتُهُ وَاللُطفُ مَرُّ النَسائِمِ

23. And he was wiser than the flint's spark, its lord,
And firmer in judgement than the edge of thin swords.

٢٣. وَرِقَّةَ أَلفاظِ صِحاحٍ أَعارِبَ
كَساها بِتَفويفِ طِرازِ الأَعاجِمِ

24. So when he passed away under dust, humbled,
With his death the banners of knowledge fell limp.

٢٤. نِظامٌ مُبانٍ يَخجَلُ الرَوضَ بَهجَةً
وَصَيدُ مَعانٍ في شُرودِ النَعائِمِ

25. The eyes of the noble wept for him and demonstrated
Their bereavement, like doves moaning grievously.

٢٥. مَحاسِنُ روحٍ ما اِبتَغَت في زَمانِها
سِوى الخَيرَ وَالمَعروفُ يَوماً لِآدَمي

26. I have never seen a tragedy that weakened resolve
As this has done, undoing determined decisions.

٢٦. وَلا وَرَدَت غَيرَ الشَهامَةِ مَورِداً
وَلا عَرَفت مِن أَينَ بابُ المَآثِمِ

27. I will mourn him, not boastful, shedding copious tears,
Nor hearing in grief the blame of any critic.

٢٧. خَلائِقُ أَمثالِ الرِياضِ نواضُرُ
تَضوعُ مِنها عُرفُ زَهرِ الكَمائِمِ

28. And I have no dearer jewels from his words
Than necklaces more precious than rare gems.

٢٨. وَقَد كانَ أَذكى مِن سَنا النارِ رَبِّها
وَأَقطَعُ رَأياً مِن شِفارِ الصَوامِ

29. And I had wearied of poetry until I hated it
And it was forbidden to me, among unlawful things,

٢٩. فَلَمّا ثَوى تَحتَ الرِغامِ وَذَلَّلَت
بِمَصرَعِهِ لِلعِلمِ شَمَّ المَراغِمِ

30. Until describing him inspired threnodies,
So poetry has become incumbent on me today.

٣٠. بَكَتهُ عُيونُ المَكرُماتِ وَأَعلَمَت
عَلَيهِ المَعالي كَيفَ نَوحُ الحَمائِمِ

31. Though I was no versifier before,
His description has prepared my diction to versify.

٣١. وَلَم أَرَ خَطباً مِثلَهُ أَوهَنَ القُوى
بِهِ وَقَد اِنحَلَّت عُقودُ العَزائِمِ

32. So from praising and eulogizing him freely flow
Abundant tears and drafts of outpoured laments.

٣٢. سَأَندِبُهُ لا زاخِراً دَرَّ مَدمَعُ
وَلا سامِعاً في الحُزنِ لَومَةً لائِمِ

33. O you who travel from us to the King
Who summoned you to eternal blissful life!

٣٣. وَلا أَنسَ عِندي مِن نَفائِسِ لَفظِهِ
قَلائِدَ أَغلى مِن لَآلي العَيالِمِ

34. By your life, this is the goal of all creation,
Even if the lifespan of creatures reached that of statues.

٣٤. وَكُنتُ مَلَلتُ الشِعرَ حَتّى كَرِهتُهُ
وَأَصبَحَ عِندي في عِدادِ المَحارِمِ

35. May your God greet you with every comfort
And solace, and may the soil of your grave be shaded with mercy.

٣٥. إِلى أَن قَضَت أَوصافُهُ بِرِثائِهِ
فَأَصبَحَ عِندي اليَومَ ضَربَةَ لازَمِ

36. And we have solace in your son today,
A consolation that comforts the grieving heart.

٣٦. عَلى أَنَّني إِن لَم أَكُن قَبلَ ناظِماً
أَعَدَّ وَلِنُطقي فيهِ مُهجَةَ ناظِمِ

37. May noble support that brings success endure for us,
And we ask the Lord of Majesty for good outcomes.

٣٧. فَمِن وَصفِهِ دَرَّ المَحامِدِ وَالثَنا
وَمِن نَوحُهُ دَرُّ الدموعِ السَواجِمِ