
A paradox indeed, by Allah unmatched

مفارقة والله عز نظيرها

1. A paradox indeed, by Allah unmatched
I leave tomorrow though my heart remains ensnared

١. مُفارَقَةٌ وَاللَهُ عَزَّ نَظيرُها
أَسيرُ غَداً عَنها وَقَلبي أَسيرُها

2. Willingly I gave my heart without compulsion
But the spirit of the free spreads its wings far and wide

٢. تَخَلَّيتُ عَن قَلبي لَها غَيرَ مُكرَهٍ
وَلَكِنَّ نَفسَ الحُرِّ تَغلو مُهورُها

3. My heart was held captive by its passion for some time
Yet my soul gained nothing when time passed it by

٣. رَهَنَت فُؤادي في هَواها لِمُدَّةٍ
فَلَم يُغنِ عَنهُ عِندَ نَفسي مُرورُها

4. So do not think that to passion I'm inclined
Or that my hand's not kept its promises and vows

٤. فَلَيسَت تَرى لِلعَلَقِ عِندي عَلاقَةً
وَعِندي يَدٌ لَم توفِ عَنّي نُذورُها

5. And if it grants freely then surely its gifts
Are in my view merits that increase its reward

٥. وَإِن كانَ نَفلاً ما سَمَحَت فَإِنَّها
صَنائِعٌ في رَأيي تَزادُ أُجورُها

6. For excess virtue, I've found, becomes nearly a vice
When beyond rightful due its zeal is inspired

٦. فَأَنّي رَأَيتُ الفَضلَ فَضلَ زِيادَةٍ
عَلى حَقِّهِ يُمسي خَطيراً نَزيرُها

7. Favors oft slight, though great when tallied in full
By my life, little kindness is much when required

٧. وَأَنَّ المَزايا مِن قَليلٍ وَرُبَّما
لَعَمري قَليلُ المَكرُماتِ كَثيرُها

8. If I did not for glory's sake favor myself
No remarkable feats from me will transpire

٨. فَإِن كُنتُ لَم أوثِر عَلى النَفسِ مَجدَها
فَلا أَحمَدَ الآثارَ عَنّي أَثيرُها

9. What differs a noble man from his counterpart?
If he bears no burden that brings him to harm

٩. وَما الفَرقُ ما بَينَ الكَريمِ وَضِدُّهُ
إِذا لَم يُحَمِّل نَفسَهُ ما يُضيرُها

10. No man is free who recoils from hurt come his way
When anguish by night kindles flames in his soul

١٠. وَما الحُرُّ مَن يَلوى لِضُرٍّ يَمَسُّهُ
إِذا لَفَحَتهُ في اللَيالي حُرورُها

11. But he who stands fast though dread hacks at his bones
His spirit, when stirred, is too proud for its bridle

١١. وَلَكِنَّ مَن يَقوى وَلِلرَوعِ نَصلَةٌ
يُطيرُ فُؤادَ الفَحلِ إِذا يَستَطيرُها

12. He who stoically suffers each bitter sting
Will have sorrow inflict constant grim lashes

١٢. وَلَكِنَّ مَن يَطوي عَلى المُرِّ مُرَّةً
تَظَلُّ عَلَيهِ مُستَمِرّاً مَريرُها

13. While he who sets out as resolve guides each dawn
Owns a will keen as polished and bared scimitar

١٣. وَلَكِنَّ مَن يَغدو وَتَغدو عَزيمَةً
لَهُ مِثلَ حَدِّ السَيفِ وَهوَ شَهيرُها

14. He who tears aside veils when disasters descend
With no veil strong enough to ward off their fury

١٤. وَلَكِنَّ مَن يَفري السُتورَ إِذا عُدَّت
عَلَيهِ خُطوبٌ لا تُزاحُ سُتورُها

15. He who attends gatherings with breasts all exposed
While breasts all around tightly shroud what's inside

١٥. وَلَكِنَّ مَن يَغشى صُدورَ مَجالِسٍ
وَتَغشاهُ مَن جَرَّدَ المَذاكي صُدورُها

16. A man, long enduring amid calamities,
Right in the midst of death's crushing onslaughts

١٦. وَلَكِن فَتىً عِندَ الرَزايا صَبورُها
وَفي وَسَطِ أَجوالِ المَنايا ضُبورُها

17. Indeed, on the path to glory, stoicism
Once stirred, knows no defeat in its ferocious campaign

١٧. أَلا في سَبيلِ المَجدِ أَن شَكيمَةٌ
أُجيشَ بِها لَم يَخَب يَوماً سَعيرُها

18. Half of time have I milked, as men do in their years
Were it not for my wellspring of valor's draught

١٨. وَأَنّي حَلَبتُ الدَهرَ أَشطُرُهُ وَقَد
مَضَت لي كَأَعوامِ الرِجالِ شُهورُها

19. If the water of glory was not my oasis
Or its light lead me to noble horizons

١٩. إِذا لَم يَكُن ماءَ الشَهامَةِ مَنهَلي
وَلَم يَهدِني نَحوَ الحَفيظَةِ نورُها

20. Then no congenial company would inspire a brother
Or prince fit to compose verses' empire

٢٠. فَلا وافَقَت لِلمَكرُماتِ عَقيلَةُ
أَخاها وَلا صاغَ القَوافي أَميرَها

21. Unleashing within it rivers of creativity
With no fear provisions will leave its streams dry

٢١. يُفَجِّرُ فيها لِلقَريحَةِ أَنهُراً
غِزاراً فَلا تَخشى المَغاضِ بُحورُها

22. This because it is born of exceeding merit
Whose lofty wisdom no shameful act could inspire

٢٢. وَما ذاكَ إِلّا أَنَّهُ مُتَخَرِّجٌ
عَلى ذاتِ فَضلٍ لا يَخيبُ سَميرُها

23. Its edifice is protected by wisdom sublime
With towers that the highest heavens admire

٢٣. مُمَنَّعَةٌ أَركانَها فَوقَ حِكمَةٍ
مُرَفَّعَةٍ تَعلو السِماكَ قُصورُها

24. Its breasts incline with good fortune's gestures
While wretchedness cannot touch its rooms

٢٤. تَميلُ بِأَعطافِ النَجاحِ خُصورُها
وَتَضحَكُ عَن مِثلِ الأَقاحِ ثُغورُها

25. It glows, outshining celestial bodies in darkness
When nights of ignorance reach their uttermost

٢٥. وَتَزهو وَلا زَهوَ الكَواكِبِ في الدُجى
إِذا في لَيالي الجَهلِ تَمَّ سُفورُها

26. The full moon concedes its totality to it
While each sun envies its illuminating fire

٢٦. يُقِرُّ لَها مِن كُلِّ بَدرٍ تَمامُهُ
وَيَحسُدُها مِن كُلِّ شَمسٍ ذُرورُها

27. For excellence granted me favor on favor
Each counted, for it I give thanks and admire

٢٧. فَقَد خَوَّلَتني نِعمَةٌ فَوقَ نِعمَةٍ
وَكُلٌّ إِذا عُدَّت فَإِنّي شُكورُها

28. It clothed me in bliss' robe and settled me
On joy's cushions as honored desired

٢٨. فَأَلبَسَني نَسجَ الحُبورِ حَبيرُها
وَأَوطَأَني مَهدَ السُرورِ سَريرُها

29. It adorned my forbearance, untainted by nature
Acquired virtues - none borrowed, none hired

٢٩. لَقَد رَشَّحَت حِلمي فَجاءَت خَلائِقي
مِنَ الطَبعِ أَولاها وَلا أَستَعيرُها

30. Those nights of vigil spun round us
Like bracelets, without cease, in their gyre

٣٠. لَيالي هاتيكَ المَهارِقَ حَولَنا
يَدورُ بِنا دَورَ الأَساوِرِ دورُها

31. Thus they tell, despite darkness, their dawns' motifs
Though shadows obscure their lines, these memoirs

٣١. لِذاكَ غَدَت تَحكي بَياضَ طُروسِها
وَإِن أَشبَهَتها بِالظَلامِ سُطورُها

32. Time flowed, and our pens flowed in its dimness
Whose drips humble clangs from refined sabers

٣٢. مَجَرَّ وَمَجرى سُمرِ أَقلامِنا الَّتي
يَهينُ صَليلُ المَشرِفي صَريرُها

33. Oh, to have those nights back, deceitful as they were
Unbeknownst to all the deception their guise bore

٣٣. أَلا حَبَّذا تِلكَ اللَيالي فَإِنَّها
هِيَ الغُرُّ لَكِن لَيسَ يَدري غُرورُها

34. I found in them joy as though I'd never attained
And drank from cups whose wine was not barred

٣٤. قَضَيتُ بِها أُنساً كَأَن لَم أَفُز بِهِ
وَرَشفُ كُؤوسٍ لَم تَحرِم خُمورُها

35. No joy like the gardens where streams wandered about
And gave me to drink from bliss' rivers procured

٣٥. فَما أَنسَ لا أَنسَ الرِياضَ الَّتي جَرى
وَأَورَدَني ماءَ النَعيمِ غَديرُها

36. No joy like moments with a kindred soul shared
Or company whose nobility was assured

٣٦. وَلا أَنسَ أَوقاتاً قَضَيتُ بِرَبعِها
وَلا صُحبَةً مِنّي كَريمٌ عَشيرُها

37. If decreed we must part, that's excuse for us both
And for me, from it, no rancor endured

٣٧. فَإِن يَقضِ بِالبُعدِ القَضاءُ فَإِنَّهُ
عَذيري مِنها وَهوَ مِنّي عَذيرُها

38. It left, and left my love smoldering, as though
It were the beloved whose loss I bemoaned

٣٨. مَضَت فَأَمَضَّت مُهجَتي وَكَأَنَّها
نَضيرُ كَرى عَينَيَّ كانَ كُرورُها

39. So do not deny what I have witnessed
As one whose spirit has climbed to heights still not breathed

٣٩. فَلا تُنكِرَن مِنّي الَّذي قَد شَهِدتُهُ
وُجوماً بِنَفسٍ قَد تَسامى زَفيرُها

40. For my heart bore a longing - had I heaved it atop mountains
It would have shaken their rocks right down to the core

٤٠. فَبي مِن جَوى الأَحشاءِ ما لَو جَعَلتُهُ
عَلى قَنَنِ الأَجبالِ دَكَّت صُخورُها

41. It wrenched from me a sigh that unsettled me
As I struggled desperately to hold it in

٤١. تَصَعَّدَ مِنّي زَفرَةً فَتُثيرُني
وَأَجهَدَ في أَرجاعِها فَأَثيرُها

42. If indifference you detected, know that many eyes
Conceal fires their composure obscures

٤٢. فَإِن كُنتَ أَظهَرتَ الفُتورَ بِلَوعَتي
فَرُبَّ عُيونٍ شَبَّ ناراً فُتورُها

43. I stored away a yearning whose stretch filled my prime
And contented a soul like the sun in its sphere

٤٣. أَودَعَ مَغنى قَد قَضَيتُ بِهِ الصَبا
وَأَرضَيتُ نَفساً كَالنَهارِ ضَميرُها

44. I undertook milestones and studied the eminent
And conversed with beacons complete in their orbits

٤٤. وَمارَستُ أَعلاماً وَدارَستُ عِليَةً
وَآنَستُ أَنواراً تَماماً بِدورِها

45. To them I owe so much - when counted, each parcel
And what splendid youth spent in their shadow

٤٥. عَلَيَّ لَهُم فَضلٌ بِجيدي دَرُّهُ
وَكَم فِتيَةٌ مِنهُم تَحَلَّت نُحورُها

46. I've distanced myself from violating their bond
For the Nizaris' carpenter could only warn me

٤٦. تَحاشَيتُ نَفسي مِن سُلوِ عُهودِهِم
فَإِنَّ نَجارى المُنذِرِيَّ نَذيرُها

47. Never did they fall short; only achievements arose
Whose excellence, by my life, failures do not mar

٤٧. فَما قَصُرَت إِلّا وَقامَت مَآثِرُ
مِنَ الأَصلِ لا يُدري لَعَمري قُصورُها

48. To recall them is to recall Kharanah's realm
Even if the centuries have obscured its sphere

٤٨. فَذِكرُها عَهدُ الخَوَرنَقِ شَأنُها
وَإِن سَدَرَت ما غابَ عَنها سَديرُها

49. The great deeds of ancestors - enduring their pride
Though ages have passed since their time drew near

٤٩. مَآثَرَ أَجدادٍ جَديدِ فِخارِها
يُذَرّى وَإِن طالَت خُلُوّاً عُصورُها

50. Still, no feat was complete until the first of them
United their people, down to the last pioneer

٥٠. عَلى أَنَّهُ ما تَمَّ فَضلٌ لِأَوَّلِ
بِعُصبَتِهِم حَتّى أَجادَ أَخيرُها