1. Turn the winds of remembrance of fevered zeal, turn
And describe for us the day, the freshness of its verdant slopes
١. أَدِر لَنا راحَ تِذكارِ الحِمى أَدِر
وَصفَ لَنا اليَومَ مَحلى سَفحِهِ النَضِرِ
2. And glance at its youth and look to its heavens
You will see its pearls adorned with treasures
٢. وَاِرمُق سَناوَتُهُ وَاِنظُر سَماوَتُهُ
تَرى دَرارِيِّها تَزدانُ بِالدُرَرِ
3. You see the domes of excellence rising on the horizon
On pillars of diffusing the light of honor
٣. تَرى قِبابَ السَنا في الأُفُقِ صاعِدَةً
عَلى أَساطينِ نورِ ناثِرِ الأَكرِ
4. It gifted Lebanon a night, wandered therein
And slept wrapped in a garment of ink
٤. أَنعَمَ بِها لَيلَةَ لُبنانَ تاهَ بِها
وَباتَ يَرفُلُ في ثَوبٍ مِنَ الحِبرِ
5. Time has been generous with its people with its rise
After an era of neglect in days gone by
٥. جادَ الزَمانُ بِأَهليهِ بِطَلعَتِها
مِن بَعدِ ظَنٍّ بِها في سالِفِ العَصرِ
6. As if it had carried it since the beginning
Until it gave birth to it, this day out of honor
٦. كَأَنَّما كانَ مُنذُ البَدءِ حامِلُها
حَتّى تَمَخَّضَها ذا اليَومَ عَن كِبرِ
7. Its dome is adorned by light and its courtyard
Is light, so it blooms amidst flowers and flowers
٧. يَزينُ قِبَّتُها نورٌ وَساحَتُها
نَورٌ فَتَزهَرُ بَينَ الزَهرِ وَالزَهرِ
8. Until its glow seems to extend, connected
To its day, as if the land did not know
٨. حَتّى كَأَنَّ ضِياها اِمتَدَّ مُتَّصِلاً
بِيَومِها وَكَأَنَّ الأَرضَ لَم تَدرِ
9. Its sights, completed the lights of its adornment
Organized therein and scattered about
٩. مَشاهِدَ كَمُلَت أَنوارَ زينَتَها
ما بَينَ مُنتَظِمٌ مِنها وَمُنتَثِرِ
10. Lebanon nearly trembles from joy
And flashes with it, containing its flashes
١٠. يَكادُ لُبنانَ أَن يَهتَزَّ مِن طَرَبٍ
وَأَن يَمينسَ بِها يَحويهِ مِن مَدَرِ
11. Its supreme joy has permeated
All its inhabitants, both far and near
١١. عِمتَ بِذي البَهجةِ العُليا مَسَرَّتُهُ
جَميعَ أَهليهِ مِن بادٍ وَمُحتَضَرِ
12. It exudes from our guardian minister
Its spaces with a wandering, fragrant scent
١٢. تَأَرَّجَت مِن ثَنا المَولى الوَزيرِ لَنا
أَرجاؤُهُ بِأَريجٍ ضائِعٍ عَطِرِ
13. He is the minister, whatever ministry you wish for
You will find in his time a thousand ministries
١٣. هُوَ الوَزيرُ الَّذي ما شِئتَ مِن وَزرِ
مِنهُ عَلى دَهرِنا أَلفَيتَ مِن وَزرِ
14. I swear for as long as good emanates from him
To the people, time has lost its bitterness
١٤. أَقسَمَت مادامَ مِنهُ الخَيرُ مُنصَرِفاً
إِلى العِبادِ فَما زِندَ الزَمانِ وَري
15. We used to be wary of time before his resolve
And now we and those remaining are without caution
١٥. كُنّا نُحاذِرُ دَهراً قَبلَ هِمَّتُهُ
فَالآنَ نَحنُ وَما نَبقى عَلى حَذَرِ
16. Dazzled, he who seeks his glory turns back broken
An eye averted from the sun remains unbroken
١٦. يَرتَدُّ عَن مَجدِهِ الوَضّاحُ مُنكَسِراً
طَرفٌ عَنِ الشَمسِ أَضحى غَيرَ مُنكَسِرِ
17. A moon that illuminates the lands entirely
An ocean, while all people are like treason
١٧. بَدرٌ يُنيرُ عَلى الأَقطارِ قاطِبَةً
بَحرٌ سِواهُ جَميعُ الناسِ كَالغَدرِ
18. Refined, thinkers stand dumbfounded by his wisdom
Seeing and blazing a trail, remembering strongly
١٨. مُهَذَّبٌ تَبخَعُ الجَلى لِحِكمَتِهِ
يَرى وَيَمضي مَضاءَ الصارِمِ الذَكَرِ
19. Supporter of the path of justice which has been ennobled
And bearer of the banner of guidance among mankind
١٩. مُؤَيَّدَ سَنَةِ العَدلِ الَّتي شَرَفَت
وَرافِعَ رايَةِ الإِرشادِ في البِشرِ
20. Hopes have circled his holy site and prayed
And nothing but fresh dates from stones
٢٠. طافَت بِكَعبَتِهِ الآمالَ وَاِعتَمَرَت
وَلَيسَ إِلّا البَنانَ الرَطبَ مِن حِجرِ
21. To his noble qualities people now flock
Crowding, yet he comes without chest-beating
٢١. إِلى مَكارِمِهِ الآنامَ وارِدَةٌ
تَترى وَلَكِنَّهُ وَرَدَ بِلا صَدرِ
22. They remain discussing the meaning of his generosity
And the justice of his noble rulings across ages
٢٢. باتَت تَحدُثُ عَن مَعنى سَماحَتِهِ
وَعَدلٌُ أَحكامِهِ الغَرّاءِ عَن عُمرِ
23. He initiated and supported our hands
With generosity, just as hardship and destitution were relieved
٢٣. أَبدى فَأَيَّدَ أَيدي المَكرُماتِ بِنا
جوداً كَما كَفَّ كَفَّ الرَزءُ وَالغَيرِ
24. Where is hardship to sweep people away, for he has
Cast it between the hearing of the earth and the seeing
٢٤. أَينَ الرُزيئَةَ تَجتاحُ العِبادَ فَقَد
رَمى بَها بَينَ سَمعِ الأَرضِ وَالبَصَرِ
25. In every place, he has every glorious deed
Known for its burdens and its treasures
٢٥. لَهُ بِكُلِّ مَكانٍ كُلَّ مَأثَرَةٍ
غَراءَ مَعلومَةِ الأَحجالِ وَالغُرَرِ
26. When he bestows on the needy his gifts
I see a pouring rain from the cloudburst
٢٦. إِذا أَفاضَ عَلى العافي مَواهِبُهُ
أزرى بِغَيثٍ مِنَ الوَطفاءَ مُنهَمِرُ
27. And if his hands extend with plentiful provision
The miserable are satiated and the destitute recover
٢٧. وَإِن سَطا بِطِعانِ مِلءٍ مِن يَدِهِ
قَرى الوَشيجُ وَغَربَ الصَيلَمِ البَترِ
28. Oh you whose support of the authorities and power
Have the people pray in the night and at dawn
٢٨. يا مَن لِتَأييدِ عَلياهُ وَسُلطَتُهُ
تَدعو الرَعِيَّةَ في الآصالِ وَالبِكرِ
29. Through you the sorrows of the days have vanished
And their turns in time turn fresh and flourishing
٢٩. بِكَ اِنقَضَت غُصَّةَ الأَيّامِ وَاِنكَشَفَت
صُروفُها بِالزَمانِ الأَخضَرِ النَضِرِ
30. For you hands over Lebanon extend
Clouds with a fragrance, some familiar, some novel
٣٠. لَكَ الأَيادي عَلى لُبنانَ تُرسِلُها
سُحُباً عَلى رائِحٍ فيها وَمُبتَكَرِ
31. For you I have seen it cracked and how much disheveled
I have touched there and how much ruggedness from baldness
٣١. لَكُم رَأَيتُ لَهُ صَدعاً وَكَم شَعثٍ
لَمَمَت فيهِ وَكَم قومَت مِن صَعرِ
32. The rain has watered it with luxury and tranquility
Just as it waters the barren earth with rain
٣٢. سَقَيتُهُ الغَيثُ مِن رَغَدٍ وَمِن دِعَةٍ
كَذاكَ يَسقي جَديبَ الأَرضِ بِالمَطَرِ
33. So after decline its livelihood turned verdant
And aged after the clarity of white in the hair
٣٣. فَعادَ بَعدَ ذَوِيٍّ عَيشُهُ نَضراً
وَشَبَّ بَعدَ وُضوحِ الشَيبِ في الشِعرِ
34. You do not see a branch touch the people anywhere
Except Lebanon is best at recovery
٣٤. ما إِن تَرى ماسَ بَينَ الناسِ غُصنٌ هُنا
إِلّا وَلُبنانَ أَمسى خَيرَ مُهتَصِرِ
35. Why should I recount the blessings I noted
Upon your protectorate and the monuments built
٣٥. مالي أَعدُد ما واصَيتُ مِن نِعَمٍ
عَلى حِماكَ وَما شُيِّدَت مِن أَثَرِ
36. For the like of your favor is an ocean that
A tongue like mine cannot quantify in this limitation
٣٦. فَمِثلُ فَضلِكَ بَحراً لَيسَ يَحصُرُهُ
لِسانٌ مِثلي في ذا العَيِّ وَالحَصَرِ
37. So congratulations on the good fortune that
Will always accompany honor and bounty all your life
٣٧. فَاِهنَأ بِسَعدِ هَداءٍ لا تَزالُ بِهِ
مُقارِنُ العِزَّ وَالنُعمى مَدى العُمرِ
38. It sparkles for us today in its date
So say the sun and moon have come together
٣٨. تَزهو لَنا اليَومَ في تاريخِهِ جُمَلٌ
فَقُل تَجَلّى قَرانَ الشَمسِ وَالقَمَرِ