
O Hanafi, whom if I were to write of with the blackness of my eyes, it would not suffice,

يا أيها الحنفي الذي لو أنني

1. O Hanafi, whom if I were to write of with the blackness of my eyes, it would not suffice,
Alas, I cannot fulfill the duty of praising you, O Sultan of the loyal.

١. يا أَيُّها الحَنَفِيُّ الَّذي لَو أَنَّني
كاتَبتُهُ بِسَوادِ عَيني ما كَفى

2. I have wandered the lands while your affection remained fluttering in the heart of a brother over me.
You brought me the good tidings of Muhammad's wedding,

٢. هَيهاتَ أَقدِرُ أَن أوفي واجِباً
لِثَناكَ يا سُلطانَ أَربابِ الوَفا

3. That joyous news was so sweet and gentle.
It brought more happiness than the night when that wedding took place,

٣. ما زِلتُ أَضرِبُ في البِلادِ وَلَم يَزَل
بِحَشاكَ قَلبُ أَخٍ عَلَيَّ مُرَفرِفا

4. Of the Chosen One, the Most Praiseworthy.
O the most precious one whom my longing for, after distance, is too great to be described.

٤. أَهدَيتَ لِيَ البُشرى بِعَقدِ مُحَمَّدٍ
تِلكَ البِشارَةُ ما أَلَذَّ وَأَلطَفا

5. Today the historian calls upon you, praising the wedding of your son with children and wealth.

٥. أَسعَدَ بِها مِن لَيلَةٍ فيها جَرى
ذاكَ الزَفافُ عَلى سَمِيِّ المُصطَفى

٦. يا أَيُّها الخِلُّ الَّذي شَوقي لَهُ
بَعدَ البِعادِ أَجَلَّ مِن أَن يوصَفا

٧. يَدعو لَكَ اليَومَ المُؤَرِّخُ شاعِراً
لِزَفافِ نَجلِكَ بِالبَنينِ وَبِالرِفا