1. Come now, you who are the chosen essence,
Remaining patient in the face of fate's deadly cup,
١. هَلّا وَأَنتَ الجَوهَرُ المُختارُ
عَن نَيلِ مِهلِكَ تَصبِرُ الأَقدارُ
2. Though you may lag behind from the abode on high,
Racing to the heights has long been your motto.
٢. وَتَكونَ عَن دارِ العُلى مُتَأَخِّراً
وَإِلى العَلاءِ لَكَ السِباقُ شِعارُ
3. You were first to the afterlife before this life,
Just as annihilation comes before perpetuity.
٣. سابَقتَ في الدُنيا إِلى ما بَعدِها
وَكَذا الفَناءُ إِلى البَقا مِضمارُ
4. You left behind the jewels of great deeds as ruins;
Today they shine as beacons with your repose.
٤. أَبَقيتُ مِن غُرَرِ الفِعالِ مَآثِراً
اليَومَ هُنَّ بِراحَتَيكَ مَنارُ
5. You left behind nights of life's darkness
That now seem like dawn with your Lord.
٥. وَتَرَكتَ مِن ظُلمِ الحَياةِ لَيالِياً
هِيَ عِندَ رَبِّكَ كُلِّها أَسحارُ
6. Unless that life was overly long,
A single day for you would equal a year.
٦. إِلّا تَكُن تِلكَ الحَياةُ طَويلَةٌ
فَلَقَد يُساوي العامَ مِنكَ نَهارُ
7. Or you bid farewell to loved ones too soon
In the morn, so your life alone held lifetimes.
٧. أَو كُنتَ وَدَّعتَ الأَحِبَّةَ عَبطَةً
بَكراً فَعَمرُكَ وَحدَهُ أَعمارُ
8. How much in your exuberant youth seemed old age,
And on it, without graying, was dignity.
٨. كَم في الشَبابِ الغَضِّ مِنكَ كُهولَةً
وَعَلَيهِ مِن دونِ المَشيبِ وَقارُ
9. You chose departure when your homelands
Most needed you, in all their regions.
٩. سُرعانَ ما اِختَرتَ الرَحيلَ أَشَدَّ ما
اِحتاجَت لَكَ الأَوطانُ وَالأَوطارُ
10. Had we not known your loyalty, we would have said
"Indifference" and "estrangement," but this was fate.
١٠. لَو لَم نَكُن نَدري وَفاكَ وَإِنَّهُ
أَجَلٌ لَقُلنا جَفوَةً وَنِفارُ
11. You sped to a house of angels, calling,
And your way is swift in matters, even there.
١١. لِبَيتٍ مِن مَلَأ المَلائِكِ داعِيا
فَوراً وَشَأنَكَ في الأُمورِ بِدارُ
12. They found you more deserving of Heaven, though it pained them
The day you became their neighbor; what a fine neighbor!
١٢. وَجَدوكَ أَجدَرَ بِالجَنانِ وَشاقَهُم
يَومَ تُجاوِرُهُم وَنِعمَ الجارُ
13. The heavens envied the earth for your sake
And some of its brides wept for you.
١٣. غارَت مِنَ الأَرضِ السَماءِ نَفاسَةً
بِكَ وَالضَرائِرَ بَعضَهُنَّ يَغارُ
14. The verdure won you from our dusty grayness
That cries your loss, its tears rivers.
١٤. فازَت بِكَ الخَضرا لِذاغَبراؤُنا
تَبكي نَواكَ وَدَمعَها أَنهارُ
15. No wonder we grieve your noble loss,
For death takes all glory as booty.
١٥. لا غَروَ أَن نَرزا بِفَقدِكَ ماجِداً
فَبِكُلِّ مَجدٍ لِلمَنِيِّةِ ثارُ
16. Or that you fell to the arrows of fate,
Since the targets of great men are great.
١٦. أَو أَن تَكونَ لِسَهمِ دَهرِكَ مُعرِضاً
هَدَفاً فَأَغراضُ الكِبارِ كِبارُ
17. Your plight was no personal loss, but rather
A group that scatters and a side that crumbles.
١٧. ما كانَ خَطبُكَ سَيِّداً قَد غابَ بَل
جَمعاً يَضيعُ وَجانِباً يَنهارُ
18. You were a beacon for your folk; a group
Guided by your guidance, if they went or stayed.
١٨. قَد كُنتَ في الأَوطانِ قِبلَةً مَعشَرٌ
يَهدونَ هَديَكَ إِن سَروا أَو ساروا
19. Whenever they saw you before them,
They followed the right path, and if misguided, sought your path.
١٩. كانوا إِذا ما أَبصَروكَ أَمامَهُم
رَشَدوا وَإِن ضَلّوا سَبيلكَ حاروا
20. They recalled your father's place in his day
As a monument among monuments.
٢٠. ذَكَروا مَكانَ أَبيكَ في أَيّامِهِ
عِلماً إِلَيهِ بِالبَنانِ يُشارُ
21. But you surpassed your father - sons are their fathers' secrets -
Not content that word of your glory was enough,
٢١. فَحَذَوتُ حَذوَ أَبيكَ بَل جاوَزتَهُ
إِنَّ البَنينَ لِأَهلِهِم أَسرارُ
22. That when men pass on, their legends pass too;
So you rose to the sublime through your spirit,
٢٢. لَم تَجتَزِئ بِتَليدِ مَجدِكَ عالَماً
أَنَّ الرِجالَ إِذا مَضَت أَخبارُ
23. Since excellence cannot be diminished.
You became a beacon for the noble Arabs
٢٣. فَنَهَضتُ لِلعَليا بِنَفسِكَ طالِعاً
أَنجادِها وَالفَضلُ لَيسَ يُعارُ
24. Lit by your glow, whether settlers or nomads.
With resolute, deep-rooted gallantry
٢٤. أَمسَيتَ في العُربِ الكِرامِ مَنارَةً
تَعشو لِضَوئِكَ يَعرُبَ وَنِزارُ
25. Beside which the gallantry of the noble pales.
Your traits among the people were singular -
٢٥. بِعَزائِمَ مَشبوبَةً وَمَكارِمٌ
عَنهُنَّ بيعانِ الكِرامِ قِصارُ
26. Poetry itself stands in awe.
Eulogists could not do you justice;
٢٦. كانَت خِلالَكَ في الأَنامِ فَريدَةً
بِنَظيرِها تَستَطرِفُ الأَشعارُ
27. Sometimes the tongue falls silent and relics speak.
Beneath it the soul cowers, crouching
٢٧. لَم يَقصِرِ المِداحَ فيكَ وَرُبَّما
سَكَتِ اللِسانَ وَقالَتِ الآثارُ
28. At a butte it sees as unassailable.
It faces tribulations with the heart of a hero;
٢٨. الهِمَّةُ القَعساءُ يَربِضُ تَحتَها
جَأشَ بِركَنٍ ذَراهُ لَيسَ يُطارُ
29. Ever deeming the greatest events as small.
It made your country forbidden to a single tyrant -
٢٩. تَلقى الخُطوبُ بِقَلبِ شَهمٍ عِندَهُ
أَبدا كِبارَ الحادِثاتِ صِغارُ
30. In truth, a belligerent, fierce transgressor.
I imagine the horizons without you now empty,
٣٠. حَرَمَت بِلادَكَ في مَصابِكَ واحِداً
هُوَ في الحَقيقَةِ جَحفَلٌ جَرّارُ
31. As if those plains have become deserts.
No coast is a coast when you left its sands
٣١. أَتَخَيَّلُ الأَرجاءَ بَدَكَ قَد خَلَت
فَكَأَنَّما تِلكَ الرُبوعُ قِفارُ
32. Captive to the tomb - no home still home.
Dear uncle Amin, it pains me that
٣٢. لا الثَغرُ ثَغرٌ إِذ غَدَوتَ بِرَملِهِ
رَهنَ الضَريحِ وَلا الدِيارُ دِيارُ
33. My hopes of your proximity are gone, vanished.
I had hoped to see you, but instead,
٣٣. أَعزِز عَلَيَّ أَبا أَمينٍ أَنَّهُ
أَمَلي بِقُربِكَ عادَ وَهوَ بَوارُ
34. No evening remains after your loss.
Throughout your long absence you were the focus
٣٤. قَد كُنتُ أَرجو اَن أَراكَ وَإِذ بِهِ
ما بَعدَ ذِياكَ العَشى عَرارُ
35. Of my sight though not seen, the heart's sight.
Forever I conversed with your spirit as if
٣٥. قَد كُنتَ طولَ البُعدِ نَصبَ نَواظِري
وَيَرى الفُؤادَ وَلا تَرى الأَبصارُ
36. We scorned the passage of all time.
No thought of Beirut crossed the mind
٣٦. أَبدا أُطارِحَكَ النَجي كَأَنَّنا
رُغمَ المَساوِفِ كُلِّها سَمّارُ
37. Without your image arising in memory.
Could it be otherwise when you were its pillar
٣٧. ما مَرَّ عَن بَيروتَ سانِحٌ خاطِرٌ
إِلّا وَمَثَّلَ شَخصَكَ التَذكارُ
38. And the world turns upon its poles?
Dear uncle Amin, I grieve you in verse
٣٨. أَولا تَكونَ كَذا وَأَنتَ بِأَرضِها
قُطبَ الرَحى وَعَلى القُطوبِ يُدارُ
39. While my tears flow freely like pearls tossed.
Weeping has blinded me, so my eyes
٣٩. أَعزِز عَلَيَّ أَبا أَمينٍ أَنَّني
أَرثيكَ نَظماً وَالدُموعُ نِثارُ
40. Pour copious, streaming tears.
Dear uncle, it pains me that you passed
٤٠. سَدَّكَ البُكاءُ بِمُقلَتَيَّ فَأَدمُعي
بِهِما غِزارٌ وَالرُقادُ غِرارُ
41. While Phoenicia and its maidens still gleam.
And the people curse intermittent flashes
٤١. أَعزِز عَلَيَّ بِأَن مَضَيتَ وَلَم تَزَل
تِلكَ المُنى وَفَنيقِهِنَّ حُوارُ
42. That glow and fade while hearts burn.
They recall you at each and every ordeal -
٤٢. وَالناسُ شائِمَةٌ بِوارِقٍ لَمَّعاً
تَخبو وَتومِضُ وَالقُلوبَ حِرارُ
43. At my side history sings like planets.
For your view in tribulations was a piercing sword,
٤٣. يَتَذَكَّرونَكَ كُلَّ حَزَّةٍ مَأزِقٌ
وَلَدَيَّ الحَنادِسَ تُنشِدُ الأَقمارُ
44. And the dew of your hand a flowing stream.
You were the refuge and fortress of hearts,
٤٤. إِذ سَيفٌ رَأيُكَ في الحَوادِثِ فَيصَلُ
وَنَدى يَمينُكَ ديمَةً مِدرارُ
45. The blade and edge of minds.
Your pact with your comrades was to recall
٤٥. وَمِنَ القُلوبِ مَعاصِمٌ وَمَعاقِلُ
وَمِنَ العُقولِ أَسِنَّةٍ وَشِفارُ
46. The nation's right and that you are all free.
The nation's right is to fully possess
٤٦. قَد كانَ عَهدُكَ لِلرِفاقِ تَذكاروا
حَقَّ البِلادِ وَأَنَّكُم أَحرارُ
47. Its land, overtly, without obscurity.
Either our soil is purely our own
٤٧. حَقُّ البِلادِ بِأَن تَكونَ لِأَهلِها
مَلِكاً صَريحاً ما عَلَيهِ غُبارُ
48. Since we are its birds and this is our nest.
Depart not, Ahmad, for if you are gone
٤٨. أَو طانُنا في الأَرضِ خالِصَةً لَنا
نَحنُ الطُيورُ وَهَذِهِ الأَوكارُ
49. Beneath the earth, Ahmad still has partisans.
Gleams of salvation loom - dawn breaks
٤٩. لا تَبعِدَن فَإِن تَغِب يا أَحمَدَ
تَحتَ الثَرى فَلِأَحمَدٍ أَنصارُ
50. After the darkness - and the dawn comes fast.
The misguided deemed our country as plunder;
٥٠. لاحَت تَباشيرُ الخَلاصِ وَإِنَّما
يَبدو الصَباحُ وَقَبلَهُ الإِسفارُ
51. Those infernos kindle Hell's blaze.
Those with sights on the Euphrates and Tigris -
٥١. ضَلَّ الأَلىى حَسِبوا البِلادَ غَنائِماً
تِلكَ الجِنانِ جِنانُ جَلَّقُ نارُ
52. The course of the great rivers is torrential.
Those peddling Jerusalem are money-changers -
٥٢. وَالطامِحونَ إِلى الفُراتِ وَدِجلَةَ
مَجرى الفُراتِ وَدِجلَةَ تَيّارُ
53. In our realm, money-changers have no dinars.
Their forefathers made our forefathers' lands
٥٣. وَالبائِعونَ القُدسَ رَهطُ صَيارِفٍ
ما لِلصَيارِفِ عِندَنا دينارُ
54. Nations, so their winds met hurricanes.
If they recalled past events,
٥٤. قَد كانَ أُمَّ بِلادِنا أَباؤُهُم
أُمَماً فَلاقى ريحُهُم إِعصارُ
55. They would not scorn our abode.
But they deemed time to be secure, as if
٥٥. لَو يَذكُرونَ مِنَ الحَوادِثِ ماضِياً
ما غَرَّهُم لِمَقامِنا اِستِحقارُ
56. Between them and time were barriers.
And imagined those eras were gone, never to return -
٥٦. لَكِنَّهُم أَمِنوا الزَمانَ كَأَنَّما
بَينَ الزَمانِ وَبَينَهُم آصارُ
57. No repetition, no echo.
Nay, by your Lord, their reckoning went astray!
٥٧. وَتَوَهَّموا تِلكَ العُصورُ وَقَد خَلَت
لَيسَت تُعادُ وَما لَها تِكرارُ
58. For each people there is rise and fall.
Time is ever-turning, ever the same,
٥٨. كَلّا وَرَبُّكَ ما أَصابَ حِسابَهُم
وَلِكُلِّ قَومٍ نَهضَةً وَعِثارُ
59. As long as only the One Firm lasts.
٥٩. إِنَّ الزَمانَ هُوَ الزَمانُ تَقَلُّباً
ما دامَ إِلّا الواحِدُ القَهّارُ