
I say to my speech today, if you have brought me good fortune,

أقول لنطقي اليوم إن كنت مسعدي

1. I say to my speech today, if you have brought me good fortune,
Then ascend to the highest reaches of the sky by stairs,

١. أَقولُ لِنُطقي اليَومَ إِن كُنتَ مَسعَدي
إِذاً أَرقَ أَسبابَ السَماءِ بِمَصعَدِ

2. And compose from the finest words leading poems,
That bring down my poetry to the horizon in the poetry of one who chants.

٢. وَاِنظُم مِنَ القَولِ النَفيسِ فَرائِداً
تُنزِل شِعري الأُفقَ في شِعرِ مُنشِدِ

3. If I have not fulfilled virtues their due,
Of gratitude in the path of polished verse,

٣. إِذا أَنا لَم أوفِ المَكارِمَ حَقَّها
مِنَ الشُكرِ في سَلكِ القَريضِ المَنضَدِ

4. Then no zeal for virtues has stirred my heart,
Nor has the glory of my forebears been sweet, or my boast seemly,

٤. فَلا شَغَفَت لي بِالمَكارِمِ مُهجَةً
وَلا عَزَّ آبائي وَلا طابَ مُحتَدي

5. Nor have I attained through any rank of status,
The honor of meeting the esteemed Muhammad.

٥. وَلا بَلَغَت بي رُتبَةً مِن مَكانَةٍ
أَنالَ بِها لُقيا العَزيزِ مُحَمَّدِ

6. And remembering Ali, and mentioning Muhammad,
Is the sweetest speech spoken after prayers.

٦. وَأَذكُرُ عَلياهُ وَذِكرُ مُحَمَّدٍ
أَلَذَّ كَلامٍ قيلَ بَعدَ التَشَهُّدِ

7. A dear one whom I praised fate for upon meeting,
And one who attains guidance to walk the path, praises.

٧. عَزيزٌ حَمَدتُ الدَهرَ عِندَ لِقائِهِ
وَمَن لَقى التَوفيقَ لِلسِيَرِ يَحمَدِ

8. And it is no wonder that for kissing his hand,
A soul far away reached for a star with its hand.

٨. وَلا غَروَ أَن حَنَّت لِتَقبيلِ كَفِّهِ
عَلى البُعدِ نَفسَ تَلمَسَ النَجمَ بِاليَدِ

9. And for him the Lord of wisps created a rising,
By your life, yearning burns in the heart of a rock.

٩. وَشاقَت لَهُ رَبَّ الرَقائِقِ طَلعَةً
لَعَمرَكَ تَذكى الشَوقُ في قَلبِ جَلمَدِ

10. So away with you, O jewel of the kingdom, gently,
You touch like a bough of acacia bending with love.

١٠. فَدونَكَها يا غُرَّةَ المُلكِ غادَةً
تَميسُ كَغُصنِ البانَةِ المُتَأَوِّدِ

11. And when I present the esteemed one with my praises,
I acknowledge the truth of my words, undeceiving,

١١. وَإِنّي إِذا أُهدي العَزيزَ مَدائِحي
أَبوءُ بِصِدقِ القَولِ غَيرَ مُفَنَّدِ

12. And one who seeks to attain the essence of your truth,
Will find the goal which draws near to connect pushes away.

١٢. وَمَن رامَ مِن إِدراكِ كَنهِكَ غايَةً
يَجِدُ غايَةَ ما تُدنِ لِلوَصلِ تُبعِدِ

13. Otherwise I have not attempted to attain a goal,
With my poetry, nor did my aim compose poems.

١٣. وَإِلّا فَما حاوَلتُ إِدراكَ غايَةً
بِشِعري وَلا نَظَّمَ القَصائِدَ مَقصَدي