
Descend, O my tears, in sorrow

تحدري يا دموعي بالميازيب

1. Descend, O my tears, in sorrow
And, O clouds, pour in torrents upon torrents

١. تَحَدَّري يا دُموعي بِالمَيازيبِ
وَعارِضي السُحبَ أَسكوباً بإسُكوبِ

2. And find a liver which the nights have wearied
With burning embers in the heart's core concealed

٢. وََأَدرِكي كَبِداً لَجَّ الأُوارُ بِها
عَن مارِجٍ في صَميمِ القَلبِ مَشبوب

3. Alas! After tribulation, what affliction yet –
What cunning mischief still contrives against me?

٣. هَيهاتَ أَيُّ الرَزايا بَعدَ تَرمِضُني
وَأَيُّ داهِيَةٍ دَهياءَ تَلوي بي

4. What ill news have I left to hear –
That my life is over or my essence melted away?

٤. وَأَيُّ خَطبٍ مَلّى أَن أَقولَ لَهُ
يا عُمري اِنفَضَّ أَو يا مُهجَتي ذوبي

5. Gone is he in whom my hopes were centered
He for whose guidance and training I yearned

٥. مَضى الَّذي كانَ فيهِ مُنتهى أَمَلي
وَمَن نَشَدَت لِتَعليمي وَتَهذيبي

6. At meeting whom I readied my mount to ride
And for whose encounter was my preparation and desire

٦. وَمَن عَنِ الأَخذِ عَنهُ شَدُّ راحِلَتي
وَمَن لِلُقياهُ إِسآدي وَتَأويبي

7. I felt that, were he lost from life’s domain,
My exile and estrangement would not console me.

٧. شَعَرتُ إِن خِلتُ الدُنيا بِمَصرَعِهِ
لَم يَكفِني طولَ تَشريدي وَتَغريبي

8. To whom shall I voice my sorrow after this day?
Who will share my sadness and torment with me?

٨. فَمَن أَناجيهِ بَعدَ اليَومِ في حَزَني
وَمَن أَرى بَثُّهُ بَثّي وَتَعذيبي

9. Woe for the proof of Islam when it waned –
That celestial light during gloomy nights!

٩. واهاً عَلى حَجَّةِ الإِسلامِ حينَ خَبا
ذاكَ الشِهابُ بِلَيلاتٍ غَرابيبِ

10. Woe for the banner of banners when it fell,
Leaving no heart but stricken with links seared in!

١٠. واهاً عَلى عِلمِ الأَعلامِ حينَ هَوى
فَلا تُصادِف قَلباً غَيرَ مَنخوبِ

11. He fell whilst all the mountains of knowledge bowed
Before his stature, like wandering dunes beside him.

١١. هَوى وَكُلُّ جِبالِ العِلمِ دانِيَةٌ
عَن شَأوِهِ فَهيَ مِنهُ كَالأَهاضيبِ

12. Where is he whose ideas, in whatever art,
Brought us wonders and things most strange?

١٢. أَينَ الَّذي كانَ إِن أَجرى يَراعَتُهُ
في أَيِّ فَنٍ أَتانا بِالأَعاجيبِ

13. This disaster which we had feared to befall –
We now wear its skin, a nervously trembling hide.

١٣. هَذا المُصابُ الَّذي كُنّا نُحاذِرهُ
نَظَلُّ نَلبِسُ مِنهُ جِلدَ مَرعوبِ

14. Long before we had mourned it as loss without compensation
And imagined it a rift never to be mended.

١٤. مِن قَبلُ رَزناهُ فَقداً غَيرَ ذي عَوَضِ
وَكَم حَسِبناهُ صَدعاً غَيرَ مَرؤوبِ

15. Until, when it came, its bonds could not be locked
Save by a prior moment fraught with fright.

١٥. حَتّى إِذا حَلَّ لَم تَعقِد مَناحَتُهُ
إِلّا عَلى حادِثٍ مِن قَبلُ مَرهوبِ

16. The Imam passed away, whose status
Among the leaders was on glory's pinnacles.

١٦. قَضى الإِمامُ الَّذي كانَت مَكانَتُهُ
بَينَ الأَئِمَّةِ في أَعلى الشَناخَيبِ

17. Had Islam given him his proper due
On the day when he passed, long would be our mourning!

١٧. لَو كانَ أَنصَفَهُ الإِسلامُ يَومَ ثَوى
لَبّاتٌ يَرفُلُ في سودِ الجَلابيبِ

18. Foremost was he in knowledge and in deed,
Uniting the God-given gift with the acquired.

١٨. كانَ المُقَدَّمُ في عِلمٍ وَفي عَمَلِ
وَالجَمعُ ما بَينَ مَنسوبٍ وَمَكسوبِ

19. He has qualities like the light breeze blowing,
And disdains amnesty when duty is forsaking.

١٩. لَهُ شَمائِلَ أَمثالَ النَسيمِ سَرى
وَيَكرَهُ العَفوَ أَن يَأى عَنِ الحوبِ

20. Never did his inner self know rancour,
Nor was his secret aware of anything but goodness.

٢٠. لَم تَعرِفِ الحِقدَ في يَومِ سَريرَتُهُ
وَلا وَعى سِرُّهُ شَيئاً سِوى الطيبِ

21. How often he would tolerate his enemies
Though they targeted him with the tail of wrongs!

٢١. كَم قَد تَلَقّى أَعاديهِ وَقَدَ كَشَحوا
بِفَضلِ ذَيلٍ عَلى الآثامِ مَسحوبِ

22. They would burden him heavily until, having toyed
With the faith, he became like tattered shreds.

٢٢. يَلقونَهُ حَملاً حَتّى إِذا عَبَثوا
بِالدينِ أَصبَحَ كَالبَزلِ المَصاعيبِ

23. There, he knows no truce nor opponent
But he will take him through his arguments.

٢٣. هُناكَ لا هُدنَةً يَدري وَلا خَصمِ
إِلّا سَيَأخُذُ مِنهُ بِالتَلابيبِ

24. There, mightier in powerful arms, unrelenting
In the moment of meeting, his sword never blunted.

٢٤. هُناكَ أَعظِم بِفَحلٍ غَيرَ ذي نَكلِ
لَدى اللِقاءِ وَسَيفٌ غَيرَ مَقروبِ

25. He attacks fiercely in his battles,
Knowing no opponent save one subdued.

٢٥. يَصولُ صَولٌ عَلَيَّ في وَقائِعِهِ
فَلَيسَ يَعرِفُ قَرناً غَيرَ مَكبوبِ

26. Save only the genius with whom he has no connection,
Despite linkage claimed and titles given.

٢٦. عَدا عَلى عَبقَرِ مَن لَيسَ ذا صِلَةٍ
مَعَها عَلى الرُغمِ مِن نَعتٍ وَتَلقيبِ

27. For genius is an attribute of rightly-guided ar-Rida
While genius is not through false claims obtained.

٢٧. فَالعَبقَرَيَّةُ وَصفٌ في رَشيدِ رِضا
وَالعَبقَرِيَّةُ لَيسَت بِالأَكاذيبِ

28. Compare any man of merit beside ar-Riddha
As though comparing arrows with appropriate bows!

٢٨. قِس كُلَّ صاحِبٍ فَضلٌ مَعَ رَشيدٍ رِضا
قَيسَ الرُهامِ إِلى الطَيرِ المَناسِبِ

29. The pulpits are delighted at his stepping up to them,
Just as the archways of prayer niches bow down.

٢٩. تَسمو المَنابِرُ إِعجاباً بِوَطأَتِهِ
لَها وَتَخضَعُ أَقواسَ المَحاريبِ

30. Glorified is He who increased him in knowledge
And inspired him with such proofs in the most eloquent styles.

٣٠. سُبحانَ مَن زادَهُ عِلماً وَأَلهَمَهُ
تِلكَ البَراهينِ في أَحلى الأَساليبِ

31. How excellent the patron of faithfulness who blotted out his fame
Rightfully, against the example of an era known for breach of trust.

٣١. رُبَّ الوَفاءِ الَّذي اضربى بِشُهرَتِهِ
حَقّاً عَلى مِثلٍ في العَهدِ مَضروبِ

32. Never did he know tyranny against the brethren at a time
When in their gatherings the hyena's traits predominated.

٣٢. لَم يَدرِ بُغياً عَلى الإِخوانِ في زَمَنٍ
سادَت عَلى الجَمِّ فيهِ شيمَةُ الذيبِ

33. He possesses the beacon by which
The ships of the community sailed in the sea of trials.

٣٣. لَهُ المَنارَ الَّذي كانَت تُنارُ بِهِ
سَفائِنُ القَومِ في لُجِّ التَجاريبِ

34. A probe from the principles of Sacred Law it navigates,
Moving with reason, the companions rowing steadily.

٣٤. مَقَلَّةً مِن أُصولِ الشَرعِ أَشرِعَةً
تَمشي مَعَ العَقلِ تِسيارُ الأَصاحيبِ

35. The beacon was for the party of truth an extractor
Lighting their way with a ray unveiled.

٣٥. كانَ المَنارُ لِحِزبِ الحَقِّ مُعتَصِراً
يَهديهِم بِشُعاعٍ غَيرَ مَحجوبِ

36. By it the nation of Islam became argumentative,
Its reasoning illuminated in opposing camps.

٣٦. غَدَت بِهِ مِلَّةُ الإِسلامِ حَجَّتَها
شَهباءَ في حازِبٍ مِنها وَمَحزوبِ

37. All its parts conform to a coherence
Like the rise and fall of waves in succession.

٣٧. جَميعُ أَجزائِهِ تَأتي عَلى نَسقٍ
مِثلَ اِطِّرادِ العَوالي بِالأَنابيبِ

38. In it are legal rulings which please all,
Leaving no soul in the mire of Jacob's doubt.

٣٨. فيهِ الفَتاوي الَّتي يَرضى الجَميعُ بِها
فَلا تَرى حاجَةً في نَفسِ يَعقوبِ

39. They flow into the hearing of whoever listens to its reader
Like the modulation of the warbler in the hearing of them that listen.

٣٩. تَجري بِآذانٍ مَن يَصغي لِقارِئِها
لَحنَ السَريجي في سَمعِ المَطاريبِ

40. The beacon has no borrowed illumination
And no crescent within it save one finely molded.

٤٠. ما بِالمَنارِ ضِياءٌ غَيرَ مُقتَبَسِ
وَلَيسَ فيهِ هِلالٌ غَيرَ مَرقوبِ

41. How many a book by him other than the lawcodes will rise
Above the scrolls thronged and registered!

٤١. وَكَم كِتابٌ لَهُ غَيرَ النارِ غَداً
فَوقَ الكَتائِبِ في حَشدٍ وَتَكتيبِ

42. Every year, treatises flow from him
Like heavy rain sending down pour upon pour.

٤٢. في كُلِّ عامٍ تَآليفٌ يَجودُ بِها
كَالغَيثُ يُرسِلُ شُؤبوباً بِشُؤبوبِ

43. Crises the like of which none can undertake,
At which none gazes with covetous eye.

٤٣. مَواقِفٌ لَن تَرى مَن يَستَقِلُّ بِها
وَلَن تَرى طامَعاً مِنها بِتَقريبِ

44. He set forth shedding every blood-drop
Poured out on the cheek's page, imploring his Lord.

٤٤. سَر نَحوَ رَبِّكَ مُبَكِّياً بِكُلِّ دَمٍ
قانٍ عَلى صَفحَةِ الخَدَّينِ مَصبوبِ

45. Be gracious with me for the actions I forwarded
And give me my ample share of righteousness and reward.

٤٥. وَاِنعَم لَدَيهِ بِما قَدَّمتُ مِن عَمَلٍ
وَفُز بِقِسطِكَ مِن بِرٍّ وَتَثويبِ

46. Leave off praise that is like the wafted fragrance, unending,
Filling every region with diffusion and scattering.

٤٦. وَاِترُك ثَناءً كَنَفحِ الطيبِ لَيسَ يَنى
يَملَأُ البِلادَ بِتَشريقٍ وَتَغريبِ

47. Grief may overwhelm men through their patient endurance,
But next to me your grief is not to be overcome.

٤٧. قَد يَغلِبُ الحُزنَ أَقوامٌ بِصَبرِهِم
لَكِن حُزنُكَ عِندي غَيرَ مَغلوبِ

48. I shall weep for you as long as I live
And remain but a remainder of life which has no sweetness left.

٤٨. أُبكيكَ ما دُمتَ في الدُنيا وَما بَقيتُ
إِلّا بَقِيَّةَ عَيشٍ غَيرَ مَحبوبِ

49. I have with you a pact I refused to break,
Until I come to the grave and crumbling away.

٤٩. لي مَعَكَ عَهدٌ فَآبى أَن أَخيسَ بِهِ
حَتى أَصيرُ إِلى لَحدٍ وَتَتريبِ