1. And a group called on me to answer their call
Yet when they called me, they did not see me sitting
١. وَرَهطٍ دَعَوني أَن أُجيبَ نِداءَهُم
فَلَمّا دَعَوني لَم يَرَوني بِقُعدُدِ
2. My brothers who called me to answer them
You will see the shaking of the spear from me
٢. أَإِخوانَنا الداعينَ بي لِأُجيبَهُم
إِلَيكُم تَروا مِنّي اِهتِزازَ المُهَنَّدِ
3. I swore by what is between al-Hatiym and Zamzam
And I swore by the Ancient House that is built
٣. حَلَفتُ بِما بَينَالحَطيمِ وَزَمزَمَ
وَأَقسَمتُ بِالبَيتِ العَتيقِ المُشَيَّدِ
4. And by those circling around during these nights
You see them bowing and prostrating
٤. وَبِالطائِفينَ العاكِفينَ بِهَذِهِ اللَيا
لي تَراهُم مِن رُكوعٍ وَسُجَّدِ
5. They populate the dwelling of Abraham and tomb
Shining with the light of the Prophet Muhammad
٥. يَؤُمّونَ مَثوى لِلخَليلِ وَمَرقَداً
تَلَألَأَ نوراً بِالنَبِيِّ مُحَمَّدِ
6. On foot and riders over every exhausted camel
And above the iron bars that are extended
٦. مُشاةٌ وَرِكبانا عَلى كُلِّ ضامِرِ
وَمِن فَوقِ قَضبانِ الحَديدِ المُمَدَّدِ
7. So there is no gentleness in the talk of Hajj, and it is morning
Coming on the terms of al-Bukhari with support
٧. فَما في حَديثِ الحَجِّ لينٌ وَقَد غَدا
يَجيءُ عَلى شَرطِ البُخاري بِمُسنَدِ
8. By my life, the talent of the memorizer revived
The eras of songs to al-Sarijj and Maʿbad
٨. لَعَمري لَقَد أَحيَت قَريحَةُ حافِظٍ
عُهودَ أَغانٍ لِلسَريجِ وَمَعبَدِ
9. They say to me, mention it from Syria
Was he not the beloved of Syria, the most affectionate
٩. يَقولونَ لي شَيِّد عَنِ الشامِ ذِكرُهُ
أَلَم يَكُ وَلِيَّ الشامِ شَطرَ التَوَدُّدِ
10. So I said to them, I will praise him with the righteous
Sprung from the Arabs whenever he prays and is guided
١٠. فَقُلتُ لَهُم أُثني عَلَيهِ بِصالِحٍ
عَنِ العُربِ طَرّاً إِذّاكَ أَصلى وَمُحتَدي
11. No Arab elucidated its pronunciation
Not a Syrian, nor Egyptian, nor wandering
١١. وَما عُربِيٌّ بَيَّنَ الضادَ نَطَقَهُ
بِشامي وَلا مِصريٌّ وَلا مُتَبَغدِدِ
12. And before me I gave you honest witness
And the like of me follows the praise of al-Sajiyya
١٢. وَقَبلي قَد أَولاكَ سامي شَهادَةً
وَمِثلي بِمَحمودِ السَجِيَّةِ يَقتَدي
13. So you are either prose without defending
Or the prince of poetry after Ahmad
١٣. فَأَنتَ إِما النَثرَ غَيرَ مُدافِعٍ
وَأَنتَ أَميرُ الشِعرِ مِن بَعدِ أَحمَدِ