
If the liking of merit had inspired a poet's mind like yours

لو هاج مثل الفضل خاطر شاعر

1. If the liking of merit had inspired a poet's mind like yours
I would have cast my first works before you

١. لَو هاجَ مِثلُ الفَضلِ خاطِرَ شاعِرٍ
أَلقَيتَ بَينَ يَدَي سِواكَ بَواكِري

2. Or if I had found with merit like yours a critic
Perfection would have been mine if I asked your pardon

٢. أَو لَو وَجَدَت بِمِثلِ فَضلِكَ عاذِلاً
كانَ الكَمالُ إِذا سَلَوتُكَ عاذِري

3. But I gained mastery over poetry in its entirety
And became the sweetest spring for the mind

٣. لَكِن سَطَوتُ عَلى القَريضِ بِأَسرِهِ
وَغَدَوتُ أَعذَبَ مَنهَلٍ لِلخاطِرِ

4. So I triumphed among positions and sights
And soared between visions and insights

٤. فَزَهَوتُ بَينَ مَدارِكٍ وَمَشاهِدٍ
وَسَمَوتُ بَينَ بَصائِرٍ وَبَواصِرِ

5. Or how could I not soar when one like you contained
The noblest soul of all existent beings

٥. أَو كَيفَ لا تَسمو وَمِثلُكَ مَن حَوى
بِأَعَزِّ نَفسٍ كُلِّ خَلقٍ باهِرِ

6. A flag above a deed above a pen that marched
In speeches mocking the piercing sword

٦. عَلَمٌ عَلى عَمَلٍ عَلى قَلَمٍ غَدا
في الخَطبِ يَهزَأُ بِالحُسامِ الباتِرِ

7. And virtues that make all mouths speak
Of all humanity with fragrant praise

٧. وَفَضائِلٌ تَستَنطِقُ الأَفواهُ مِن
كُلِّ البَرِيَّةِ بِالثَناءِ العاطِرِ

8. The sign of scholars and the sea that
Does not end like seas to the last

٨. عَلامَةَ العُلَماءِ وَالبَحرِ الَّذي
لا يَنتَهي مِثلَ البِحارِ لِآخِرِ

9. O knowledge whose descriptions
Have become gardens of intuitions and consciences

٩. يا أَيُّها العِلمُ الَّذي أَوصافُهُ
أَضحَت رِياضَ قَرائِحٍ وَضَمائِرِ

10. Time has testified for us that you are its unique one
From every wind among people of past and present

١٠. شَهِدَ الزَمانُ لَنا بِأَنَّكَ فَردُهُ
مِن كُلِّ بادٍ في الأَنامِ وَحاضِرِ

11. O unique one of the age for whom the best
Of successors competed in superior merit

١١. يا أَوحَدَ العَصرِ الَّذي عَقَدَت عَلى
تَقديمِهِ في الفَضلِ خَيرُ خَناصِرِ

12. No wonder I dedicate to you my gentle poems
While I am gentle in merits and glories

١٢. لا غَروَ أَن أُهدي إِلَيكَ رَقائِقي
وَأَنا رَقيقُ فَضائِلٍ وَمَآثِرِ

13. Poetry is but the feeling of a moved mind
With which one's gaze finds comfort

١٣. لَيسَ القَريضُ سِوى تَأَثُّرُ خاطِرٍ
مِمّا بِهِ لِلمَرءِ قُرَّةُ ناظِرِ

14. Beauties, while arousing in it, are reasons
For poetry between causer and effector

١٤. تُمسي المَحاسِنُ وَهيَ فيهِ بِواعِثٌ
لِلشِعرِ بَينَ مُسَبِّبٍ وَمُباشِرِ

15. Rarities across days without which
The faces of time would not shine but glower

١٥. غُرَرٌ عَلى الأَيّامِ لَولاها لَما
لاحَت وُجوهُ الدَهرِ غَيرَ بَواسِرِ

16. Poets have not ceased victims of rapture
By its nectar from ancient to recent

١٦. لَم تُبرِحِ الشُعَراءُ صَرعى نَشوَةٍ
بِرَحيقِها مِن سالِفٍ وَمَحاصِرِ

17. So if it coalesces in one like you once
I would match every utterance with gratitude

١٧. فَإِذا اِنجَلَت في مِثلِ ذاتِكَ مَرَّةً
كُنتُ أُلاحِقُ بِكُلِّ مَقولٍ شاكِرِ

18. O you who with customs and knowledge
Laughs at the nonsense of the teeming riffraff

١٨. يا مَن غَدا بِعَوارِفٍ وَمَعارِفٍ
يُزري عَلى لَجَجِ العُبابِ الزاخِرِ

19. I gift you some of my heart's coral
O sea, but I do not say my jewels

١٩. أُهديكَ بَعضاً مِن عَقيقِ قَريحَتي
يا بَحرُ لَكِن لا أَقولُ جَواهِري

20. Verses of devotion not all of which
Are filled with beauties from each verse

٢٠. أَبياتُ إِحسانٍ وَلَيسَ جَميعُها
مِن كُلِّ بَيتٍ بِالمَحاسِنِ عامِرِ

21. He flowed them towards youth, and by disseminating them
Youth slept from every customary bond

٢١. قَد جادَها صَوبَ الصِبا وَبِنَشرِها
نَمَّ الصِبا عَن كُلِّ عُرفٍ زافِرِ

22. I went through stages of an intimate life
That knew no day or night of wakefulness

٢٢. دَرَجَت مَعي أَطوارُ عُمرٍ واصِلٍ
ما جاشَ مِن يَومٍ بِلَيلٍ ساهِرِ

23. It surprised me before the truthful dawn
Since I was ten years old

٢٣. قَد باكَرَتني قَبلَ صادِقِ فَجرِهِ
مُذكُنتُ مِن أَعوامِهِ في العاشِرِ

24. Or until passion crept into my heart when
The branch of youth bends not towards a plucker

٢٤. أَو حَت إِلى قَلبي الهَوى فَشَعَرتُ إِذ
غُصنَ الصَبابَةِ لا يَميلُ لِهاصِرِ

25. So I went on between perfections and glories
And walked between beauties and flowers

٢٥. فَمَضَيتُ بَينَ كَمائِلٍ وَمَفاخِرٍ
وَمَشَيتُ بَينَ خَمائِلٍ وَأَزاهِرِ

26. I spoke this neither boasting nor marveling and there is not
Among its composers one boastful or proud

٢٦. ما قُلتُ ذا فَخراً وَلا عَجَباً وَما
مِن مُعجِبٍ في نَظمِها أَو فاخِرِ

27. But so it may treat gently one not commanded by it
For you it marched a stretch to gain the present

٢٧. لَكِن لَتَرفَقَ غَيرَ مَأَمورٍ بِها
فَلَكُم خَطَت طَوراً لِنَيلِ الحاضِرِ

28. I enabled it after strife, and how often it described
The shaking of lances that appeared in my hands dexterous

٢٨. مَكَنتُها بَعدَ النِزاعِ وَكَم حَكَت
قَلَقَ القِداحِ بَدَت بِكَفَّي ياسِرِ

29. Until after my cultivation of it, it came to have
Enough for me that it did not fill my grasp

٢٩. حَتّى أَتَت مِن بَعدِ تَربِيَتي لَها
حَسبي وَأَن لَم تَغدُ مِلءَ مَحاجِري

30. I compensated what beauty I lost with what
Was raised to you, so I was no loser

٣٠. عَوَّضتُ ما خَسِرتُهُ مِن حُسنٍ بِما
رُفِعَت إِلَيكَ فَلَم أَكُن بِالخاسِرِ

31. So be the guardian over the orphans of a composer
And daughters of thought in your embrace still young

٣١. فَكُنِ الوَصِيَّ عَلى يَتامى ناظِمٍ
وَبَناتِ فِكرٍ في ثَناكَ قَواصِرِ

32. I gifted them not so they may suit, and often
The great accepts a gift from the small

٣٢. أَهدَيتُها لا كَي تَليقُ وَطالَما
قَبلُ الكَبيرُ هَدِيَّةً مِن صاغِرِ

33. They are beneath what is gifted you, but one like me
Is not able beyond the superior

٣٣. هِيَ دونَ ما يُهدي إِلَيكَ وَإِنَّما
مِثلي عَلى ما فاقَ لَيسَ بِقادِرِ