1. Do I complain of the turns of fortune or blame my luck?
Yet who is not, at all times, a sufferer?
١. مِنَ الدَهرِ تَشكو أَم عَلى الدَهرِ تَعتَب
وَما صِاحِبُ الأَيّامِ إِلّا مُعَذَّبُ
2. I am one wronged, without a judge; afflicted, without a sympathizer;
When he spends the night in his humble dwelling, he blames his luck, he blames his luck;
٢. شَكِيٌّ بِلا قاضٍ شَجِيٌّ بِلا أَسىً
إِذا باتَ في دُنياهُ يَعتَبُ يَعتَبُ
3. He meets sorrow in his heart at every course;
When it grows too narrow for him in the wide world.
٣. يُلاقي الأَسى في صَدرِهِ كُلَّ مَذهَبٍ
مَتى ضاقَ عَنهُ في البَسيطَةِ مَذهَبُ
4. Man is a creature of circumstance, Tossed about by the turning days,
Suffering the death pangs while time plays.
٤. هُوَ المَرءُ في كَفِّ الزَمانِ مُقَلَّبٌ
يُقاسي عَذابَ المَوتِ وَالدَهرُ يَلعَبُ
5. He was born into this world a partner of misery;
Neither his greed nor caution have saved him.
٥. تَوَلَّدَ في الدُنيا حَليفَ مَصائِبٍ
فَلَم يُغنِ عَنهُ حِرصُهُ وَالتَجَنُّبُ
6. He keeps company with misfortune though she is his enemy.
What a pity that you befriend who brings you woe.
٦. يُصاحِبُها وَهيَ العِداةُ وَأَنَّهُ
لِخَسفِ بِأَن تَشنا الَّذي أَنتَ تَصحَبُ
7. When the star of a man of honor is in decline,
His share of misfortune is not to be overcome.
٧. إِذا نَقَصَت مشن كُلِّ عِزٍّ حُظوظُهُ
فَأَسهُمُهُ مِن نَكبَةٍ لَيسَ تَغلِبُ
8. He's a fugitive spending the night in the grip of a pursuer,
The quarry of time, to time who hunts him down.
٨. طَريدُ لَيالٍ باتَ في كَفِّ طارِدِ
وَمَطلوبُ دَهرٍ عِندَ مَن هُوَ يَطلُبُ
9. While evil assails him from every side,
Lo! He's buried in a grave and hidden from view.
٩. فَبَينا يُسامُ الخَسفُ مِن كُلِّ وَجهَةٍ
إِذا هُوَ في بَطنِ الضَريحِ مُغَيَّبُ
10. Oh life, how bitter are your days, Oh world,
The separation causes the crow of parting to caw in lament.
١٠. فَلِلَهِ يا دُنيا حَياتِكَ كَربَةٌ
وَفيكَ غُرابُ البَينِ ما زالَ يَنعَبُ
11. I've seen you to be pure deceit entirely,
In you no monks, and in you no sheltering places.
١١. رَأَيتُكَ مَحضُ الغِشِّ في مَحضِ قُدرَةٍ
فَلا مِنكَ رُهبانٌ وَلا فيكَ أَرحَبُ
12. And even when the courses before me are straitened,
Still my breast for your deceits is more spacious.
١٢. وَإِنّي وَإِن ضاقَت عَلَيَّ مَذاهِبي
لَدَيكَ فَصَدري مِن فَنائِكَ أَرحَبُ
13. Before me, from my torments and my patience both, wonders I see.
Most wondrous of all is my state and your states in relation.
١٣. اَرى بِكَ مِن نَكَدي وَصَبري عَجائِباً
وَاِعجَب مِن حالي وَحالِكَ أَعجَبُ
14. Is there in you aught like separation from those loved
When that matter for which I sigh is past and done?
١٤. فَهَل فيكَ ضَيمٌ مِثلُ بَعدَ أَحِبَّتي
مَضى ذَلِكَ الأَمرُ الَّذي أَتَهَيَّبُ
15. I've wept for them until I thought my weeping had been noticed
But when I wept and wailed none came or cared.
١٥. بَكَيتُ عَلَيهِ وَاِنتَحَبتُ لَيالِياً
فَلَم يَجِدني ما كُنتُ أَبكي وَاِنحَبُ
16. So many a night I have spent wakeful there,
The stars in heaven rising and then setting.
١٦. فَكَم لَيلَةٍ مِنها قَضَيتُ مُسامِراً
نُجومَ السَما طَوراً تُضيءُ وَتَغرُبُ
17. By the edge of the abandoned encampment lamenting in the darkness,
My companions the remains of dwellings; together we complain and lament.
١٧. إِلى جانِبِ الوَرقاءِ تَندُبُ في الدُجى
شَجبَينِ طولُ اللَيلِ نَشكو وَنَندُبُ
18. Sparks of passion kindled by my recollection,
And quenched by the water of my tears mixed in.
١٨. تَشِبُّ شَراراتِ الأَسى بِتَرائي
وَيُطفِئُها مِن ماءِ عَيني صَيِّبُ
19. I am determined not to wish for the death of my fervor,
To forbid my eyes to dry and my tears to run out.
١٩. وَقَد عَنَت لا أَبغي خُمودَ صَبابَتي
وَاِزجُر طَرفي إِذ يَجِفُّ وَيَنضُبُ
20. For in my breast the heat of passion feels good,
And to me the shedding of tears is sweet and pleasant.
٢٠. بِصَدري حُرُّ الشَوقِ بَردٌ يَلِذُّ لي
وَعِندي وَردُ الدَمعِ وَاللَهُ طَيَّبُ
21. God has refused that I should incline to joy or,
Other than the voice of my weeping, chime or warble.
٢١. أَبى اللَهُ أَن أَهوى السُرورَ وَأَنَّني
عَلى غَيرِ صَوتِ النَوحِ أَشجي وَأُطرَبُ
22. If the torment has tortured me before this passion,
After passion will there be no more torment?
٢٢. لَئِن عَذَّبَ التَعذيبُ لي قَبلَ ذا النَوى
بِوَجدي فَهَل بَعدَ النَوى لَيسَ يُعَذَّبُ
23. Would that I knew! Will I see time unbend toward me,
Once, heedless of my sorrows, turn about?
٢٣. فَيا لَيتَ شِعري هَل أَرى الدَهرَ مَرَّةً
لَدى غَفلَةٍ عَن نَكبَتي يَتَنَكَّبُ
24. Does it not have a day when its mysteries are clear,
Wherein tastes will be sweet and waters pleasant?
٢٤. أَلَيسَ لِتَصفو مِنهُ يَوماً سَرائِرُ
فَيَحلُوَ لي طَعمٌ وَيَنساغُ مَشرَبُ
25. Or are the days quite done with me in enmity
And angered at me just as I am angered?
٢٥. أَما فَفَظ الأَيّامَ مِنّي وَقيعَةُ
وَتَغضَبُ مِنّي مِثلَما أَنا أَغضَبُ
26. Long have I described its misfortunes without lying.
Oh would that it would strive toward me and I could accuse it falsely!
٢٦. فَقَد طالَ وَصفي نَكدَها غَيرَ كاذِبُ
أَلا لَيتَها تَسعى بِرَدٍّ وَأَكذَبُ
27. A curse upon it for the piercing arrows of its mischief,
And man derives no benefit from bewaring them.
٢٧. فَتَبّاً لَها مِن مَصمِياتِ سِهامِها
وَلا يَنفَعُ الإِنسانُ مِنها التَأَتُّبُ
28. Though lightning flashes, the calamity of its storms is certain
As for the lightning from it, that is deceptive and unsure.
٢٨. هِيَ الدُجُنَّ أَما صاعِقاتُ خُطوبِها
فَصِدقٌ وَأَمّا البَرقُ مِنها فَخَلَّبُ
29. The Iraqi poet Ahmad went before his time,
Reproaching it in his verse and chiding it.
٢٩. قَضى قَبلَنا الكِندِيُّ أَحمَدَ حِقبَةً
يَعنَفها في شِعرِهِ وَيُؤَنَّبُ
30. But as for it being the dunya, if you wished to describe it
And I did not desire to write you could speak at length.
٣٠. عَلى أَنَّها الدُنيا إِذا شِئتَ وَصفَها
وَإِن لَم أَشا تَملي عَلَيَّ وَاِكتُبُ
31. And if you provided me nothing but misfortunes,
How many claws has it rent me with until this day?
٣١. وَإِنّي وَإِن لَم تَحيني غَيرَ صَبوَةٍ
فَكَم ناشِني مِنها إِلى اليَومِ مَخلَبُ
32. Mimicking the sea where a carcass floats up,
While precious pearls at the bottom sink down.
٣٢. سَأَشكُرُها إِذ أَنَّها مُذ حَداثَتي
لَقَد عَوَّدَتني الصَبرَ وَهوَ مُحَبَّبُ
33. Missing therein are the fortunes of him who deserves them,
While the earnings are forbidden to him who toils.
٣٣. وَقَد نَجَّذَتني الحادِثاتِ وَأَدبَت
وَلَيسَ كَمِثلِ الحادِثاتِ مُؤَدَبُّ
34. And those who do not intend it gain its bounty,
While those who aim elsewhere are pierced by its arrows.
٣٤. وَلَكِنَّها مِنّي تُمارِسَ شِدَّةً
وَقَد عَجَمتُ عودي فَعودي أَصلَبُ
35. If what is right does not attend all equally,
Then the free man has in the wilderness no cause to celebrate.
٣٥. وَما عَدِمتُ مِن شِدَّةٍ وَبَراعَةٍ
وَلَكِن مَلا لاقَت أَشَدُّ وَأَنجَبُ
36. And if what is clearly right lacks a helper,
Then the noble man is loathe to live, by your life.
٣٦. وَلَكِنَّهُ لا نَفعَ فيها لِصابِرٍ
إِذا لَم يَكُن مِنها لَعَمرُكَ مَهرَبُ
37. If among us there is no party on the side of good,
Then it's miserable how you form parties around other things.
٣٧. مُحاكِيَةً لِلبَحرِ تَعلوهُ جيفَةً
وَفيهِ نَفيسَ الدُرِّ في القَعرِ يَرسُبُ
38. It will not avail the generous man for it to be spacious
If right within it is like money to be looted.
٣٨. فَيَعدِمُ فيها الحَظُّ مَن يَستَحِقُّهُ
وَيَحرِمُ فيها الكَسبَ مَن يَتَكَسَّبُ
39. I almost broke down my lofty aspirations to establish it
And make it known in some matter though it remain veiled.
٣٩. وَيَحظى بِها بِالجِدِّ مَن لا يَرومُهُ
وَيَشوي بِها بِالسَهمِ مَن لا يُصَوِّبُ
40. So it has remained from sight as if behind veils,
Hidden from view like a genie unseen.
٤٠. إِذا الحَقُّ لَم يُصبِح عَلى الكُلِّ سائِداً
فَلَيسَ لَحَرٍّ في البَرِيَّةِ مَأرِبُ
41. I am among the people who, when their star fades,
Another star rises in brightness.
٤١. وَإِن عَدِمَ الحَقَّ المُبينَ نَصيرُهُ
فَما يَرتَضي بِالعَيشِ حُرُّ مَهذَبُ
42. The elite, their ancestors nobilities have mixed,
Above insult from those from whom the generous sheikh descends.
٤٢. وَإِن لَم تَكُن فينا عَلى الخَيرِ عُصبَةً
فَفيما سِواهُ ساءَ ما تَتَعَصَّبُ
43. They have lineage whose honor goes back to ancient roots
For them a station above the high heavens.
٤٣. فَلَيسَ بِمَغنٍ لِلكَريمِ اِتِّساعَها
إِذا كانَ فيها الحَقُّ كَالمالِ يَنهَبُ
44. Their company graced by eloquence and protection,
A lavishing of enjoyments, a refined and cultured people.
٤٤. لَكُم بِتُّ أَنضى هِمَّتي لِأُقيمُهُ
وَأَظهَرُهُ في بَعضِ أَمرٍ وَيَحجِبُ
45. Clothed when thoughts are covered in eggs,
As lions when thoughts are draped in white.
٤٥. فَما زالَ لِلأَبصارِ تَحتَ سَتائِرٍ
إِذا زالَ عَنهُ غَيهَبَ جِنٍّ غَيهَبُ
46. So he brings truth through eloquence and at other times,
The deaf fool's circle brought around.
٤٦. وَأَنّي مِنَ القَومِ الَّذينَ هُمُ هُمُ
إِذا غابَ مِنهُم كَوكَبٌ لاح كَوكَبُ
47. Theirs is lineage that rivals suns in its brilliance,
Vying with the sun's shoulder, shoulder to shoulder.
٤٧. عِتاقَ المَعالي قَد تَسامَت جُدودُهُم
عَلى الشَتمِ مِمَّن أَنسَلَ الشَيخُ يَعرُبُ
48. Then if you trace back to them, these things are attributed
And ascend through them, the honorable virtues.
٤٨. لَهُم نِسبَةٌ في اِقعَسِ المَجدِ عَرقَها
لَه مَنزِلٌ فَوقَ السِماكِ مُطنِبُ
49. Without tracing a man back to glory and ascension,
By your life, mother and father avail him not.
٤٩. وَأُصاحِبُهُم فيها الفَصاحَةَ وَالحِجي
وَبَذلُ اللُهى وَالمُشَرِّفِيُّ المَدَرَّبُ
50. As long as you live in the times, you are obligated
To rights among which are the most incumbent.
٥٠. بِدورٍ إِذا الهاماتُ بِالبيضِ عَمَّمَت
لُيوثَ إِذا الهاماتُ بِالبيضِ تَضرِبُ
51. I care for great and lofty things, though beneath them,
Is keeping company with the slender necked westerner.
٥١. فَياصِلُ حَقٍّ بِالبَيانِ وَتارَةً
فَياصِلٌ إِذ دارَ الأَصَمُّ المُكَعَّبُ
52. I see openings draw near whenever I am still,
And distance themselves whenever I draw near.
٥٢. لَهُم حَسبٌ يَحكي الشُموسَ وُضوحَهُ
يُزاحِمُ مَنهُ مَنكِبَ الشَمسِ مَنكِبُ
53. I left my heart distraught by passing misfortunes,
The heart most overturned by those occurrences.
٥٣. فَإشن كُنتَ مَنسوباً إِلَيهِم فَإِنَّها
إِلَيهِم لِتَعزى المَكرُماتِ وَتُنسَبُ
54. Event after event has flowed through and they all
Leave an impression in the gentle heart.
٥٤. فَدونَ اِنتِسابِ المَرءِ لِلمَجدِ وَالعُلى
لَعَمرُكَ لا يَغنيهِ أُمٌّ وَلا أَبُ
55. But it avails not the patient man whenever
There is no refuge to be found from it in your life.
٥٥. فَما دُمتَ حَيّاً في الزَمانِ فَلَم تَزَل
عَلى حُقوقٍ لَيسَ مِنهُنَّ أَوجَبُ
56. Mimicking the sea where scum rises to the top,
While the finest pearls at the bottom settle.
٥٦. أَهُمُّ بِأَشياءٍ كِبارٍ وَدونَها
مِنَ البُعدِ في ذي الحالِ عَنقاءَ مَغرِبُ
57. This then is the world, if you wish to describe it,
And if I do not desire to, then write on my behalf.
٥٧. أَرى الفَتحَ يَدنو كُلَّما أَنا ساكِنٌ
وَيَبعُدُ عَنّي كُلَّما أَنا أَقرَبُ
58. Even if you brought me nothing but unhappiness,
How many claws has it torn me with until this day?
٥٨. وَقَد غادَرتُ قَلبي العَوارِضَ حائِراً
هُوَ القَلبُ مِن تِلكَ الحَوادِثِ قَلَّبُ
59. I will thank it since when I was young,
It accustomed me to patience that became dear to me.
٥٩. تَوارَدَ أَنواعاً كِثاراً وَكُلَّها
تُؤثِرُ في القَلبِ اللَطيفِ وَتَنشُبُ