
Do I know her between Al-Adheeb and its lightening?

أمعلمها بين العذيب وبارق

1. Do I know her between Al-Adheeb and its lightening?
I became infatuated with her from her gazelle-like eyes and truths

١. أَمَعلَمُها بَينَ العَذيبِ وَبارِقِ
تَغَزَّلتُ مِن غَزلانِهِ بِالحَقائِقِ

2. I sacrifice myself for an abode that its God has moved on
With every imam preceding in glorious deeds

٢. فَدَيتُكَ رَبعاً قَد تَرَحَّلَ آلَهُ
بِكُلِّ إِمامٍ لِلمَآثِرِ سابِقِ

3. It excused and its dwellings became vacant after they
Were decorations of integrity and logic

٣. عَفا وَخَلَت مِنهُ المَنازِلُ بَعدَ ما
لَقَد كانَ زَيناً لِلنُهى وَالمَناطِقِ

4. And the strongest and strongest of what it contained of fortresses
Wild cows mooing anchored upon it

٤. وَأَقوى وَأَقوى ما حَوى مِن مَعاقِلٍ
أَناخَت عَلَيهِ عادِياتُ البَوائِقِ

5. And it became barren after being fertile when it was flowering
With every consistent and useful book

٥. وَأَجدَبَ بَعدَ الخَصبِ إِذ كانَ زاهِراً
بِكُلِّ كِتابٍ لِلفَوائِدِ واسِقِ

6. Peace be upon those meadows, for they are
Gardens of sublime meanings and subtle significances

٦. سَلامٌ عَلى تِلكَ الرُبوعِ فَإِنَّها
رِياضُ المَعالي وَالمَعاني الدَقائِقِ

7. For you, those tents contained families
Whose radiance shines through the curtains

٧. لَكُم قَد حَوَت تِلكَ الخِيامُ عَقائِلاً
يُضيءُ سَناها مِن خِلالِ السِرادِقِ

8. My heart's yearning from the hardness of their eyelids
Isn't it that the Creator has blessed those yearnings?

٨. رَواشِقُ قَلبي عَن قِسِيِّ جُفونِها
أَلا بِارَكَ الباري بِتِلكَ الرَواشِقِ

9. Their glances permit for us wherever they chime
With sincere, truthful magic every truthful one

٩. تُبيحُ لَنا أَلحاظُها حَيثُما رَنَت
بِسِحرِ بَيانٍ صادِقٍ كُلَّ صادِقِ

10. And if intoxication crossed my mind, it is from every gentle
Of diction, meaning and everything provocative

١٠. وَإِن خَطَرَت سَكرى فَمِن كُلِّ رائِقٍ
مِنَ اللَفظِ وَالمَعنى وَمِن كُلِّ شائِقِ

11. Their branches certainly emerged from beneath a night
Crescent of their smiles with the rising of the east

١١. لَقَد أَطَلَعَت مِن تَحتِ لَيلٍ فُروعُها
هِلالَ مُحَيّاها بِأَسنى المَشارِقِ

12. So for them night and full moon are nothing but
Ink blackness in the whiteness of oriental brilliance

١٢. فَلَيلٌ وَبَدرٌ عِندَها ما هُما سِوى
سَوادِ مِدادٍ في بَياضِ مَهارِقِ

13. By my soul, those curves, for they have blossomed
In the gardens of virtue, blossoming of anemones

١٣. بِروحي هاتيكَ الثَنايا فَإِنَّها
زَهَت في رِياضِ الفَضلِ زَهوَ الشَقائِقِ

14. Do you force me, O people, while you are not
Barriers for love over me?

١٤. أَتَلحونَني يا أَيُّها الناسُ وَيَحكُمُ
عَلى الحُبِّ ما أَنتُم لَهُ بِالعَوائِقِ